Reviews from

in the past

Upgrades behind upgrades behind upgrades. This game feels structured like a mobile game, except it just asks for you time and not your money; and since they probably wanted to make a "infinite" rogue lite, yeah sure. I just find the gamefeel just slightly not good enough for how fast the game can be. Yeah, mainly just talking about getting filtered by elysium duo boss. Whatever, its fine, but for sure least favourite Supergiant

Eu havia comprado Hades fazia um tempinho já, e mesmo jogando o jogo pra caramba (cerca de 25 horas), eu nunca havia completado se quer uma run...
Foi após comprar meu monitor novo e ver um amigo comentando sobre que deu vontade de jogar e testar a frequência de hz também, e foi aí que finalmente consegui derrotar o final boss pela primeira vez logo na primeira tentativa!
Eu fui além, e quis fazer as tão famosas 10 runs pra ver o final do jogo, a questão foi que durante esse caminho, eu me interessei em fazer todos os achievements! E acabei MERGULHANDO no jogo, jogando dia e noite.
O jogo é maravilhoso em si, um execelente roguelite, suas builds são ótimas e bastante divertidas, armas e upgrades são ótimos, e com um leque vasto de equipamentos! Os diálogos e narrativa são muito bons também, muito além do que eu imaginava e esperava, a direção de arte, efeitos e portraits de diálogos são esplêndidos! Combate é redondinho e funciona de forma precisa e bastante satisfatória, e o sistema de calor é bastante desafiador e divertido!
Recomendo Hades pra caramba, até por que não é só um simples roguelite, ele tem um background maravilhoso e bastante coisa pra se fazer, estou extremamente hypado para o segundo jogo!! :D

Demorei bastante para chegar até Hades e derrotá-lo pela primeira vez, então acho que vou dar um tempo. É um jogo maravilhoso que me apresentou a várias novas possibilidades (não tenho muita experiência com o gênero), mas não sou um jogador muito habilidoso no geral, e a repetitividade dos roguelikes tende a cansar. Vou ter que passar por isso mais... nove vezes? E não sei quanto tempo vai levar. Vamos vendo.

Zagreus WhatsApp -
Megaera: Zag i NEED pussy
Than: Zag i NEED pussy
Aphrodite: Little godling, they all NEED pussy
Dad: fucking kill yourself

When it comes to Indie Developers, Supergiant games has been a criminally overlooked team for the longest time.
Their older titles, Bastion, Transistor and Pyre, have always been rather obscure titles, despite the immense amount of love and cure for details that had.

So has a big fan of these devs, I am glad Hades received the praise it got. This game takes all of the things that made the previous titles great, and is able ot expand upon it to create a rouge-like action packed experience that is able to appeal to everyone.

The Greek Mythology inspiration also lead to a really endearing story about a broken family, that is able to adorn and amazingly accompany the various attempts to escape the Underworld.

Everybody knows Hades it's great. Some may even consider it a perfect game..... and honeslty I will not disagree on that.

"Fear is for the weak..." -Zag

₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ Hades is like that one family reunion where everyone's a god, and you're just trying to escape to your room without getting roped into another epic quest. But seriously, between dodging deadly traps and chatting up gods, it's a whirlwind of chaos and hilarity. Plus, it's the only game where dying is not just expected, but actually part of the fun! Just remember, when in doubt, blame it on the fates. They're always messing things up anyway! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧

Em nome de Hades, eu aceito a sequência!!! 🙏🙏🙏

As I'm playing this game again to work on my platinum trophy in preparation for Hades 2 I'm falling in love with it again. My introduction to the roguelike Genre and I was instantly hooked. This genre is ALL about the gameplay and Hades is one of the few that interweaves an over arching narrative into the gameplay and its done wonderfully. The voice acting is top notch the story is very basic but still fantastic to experience. One of my favourite aspects of the Roguelike Genre is how low commitment it is you can play for 40 minutes and whether or not you clear the run you're still making progress. You can quit whenever you want and pick your run back up whenever and its such a minor feature but its something I absolutely love about this Genre. Its just fun to load up a game for 20-40 minutes kill some enemies and get off the game. Perfect genre to play alongside a much longer game (like a JRPG) for a nice change of pace.

The bread and butter for this game is the combat and its one of my favourites ever. Brutally hard at first but you gradually get better at the game and the game gradually rewards you with ways for Zag to permanently get better. The whole package falls apart if the gameplay isn't great and its nearly perfect here. 6 different weapons that all feel very different from each other with upgradable aspects that also feel different from each other and Boons that can wildly change your build from run to run. This is a perfect game to me with an endgame that makes this game endlessly replayable.

Masterpiece. I love this game.

Primeiro roguelike bom, maior defeito é que eu só lembro do Lenz toda vez que vejo o portrait do Zagreus

I don't like many rogue lites but Hades is one of the only I enjoy returning back to. It has a great story and very pretty artwork. It took me awhile to beat the game but I enjoyed getting to know all the characters! ദ്ദി・ᴗ・)✧

It’s kind of like Katamari when you think about it. Our pee-wee prince and his big king-of-everything dad who hates him and all his funny-looking cousins too. It’s not the first dating sim about breaking the cycle of generational trauma, but it’s the first one where you can explode your dad with a grenade launcher while you do it.

this game is pretty. like, real pretty. it feels good, it sounds good, AND it's gay. hard to want much more than that.

ummm uhhhh all the characters are hot, their voices too.
the soundtrack is gestures cheff's kiss
hades is a really good roguelike that keeps you with its story. It's interesting to see what will happen next, what they'll say. Dying isn't a bad outcome, as you get to hang out with them more, talk with them more.
the gameplay is kickass too, with plenty of variety to go to, even if you are trying to min max it, it's interesting to try to bring the most out of specific weapons

Que jogo lindo, viciante, e extremamente gostoso de jogar. Tudo nele é magnífico, sua história, desenvolvimento dos personagens, combate, visual, tudo. Pegando tudo o que Transistor tinha de bom e melhorando, as armas e poderes dos Deuses tornam cada tentativa de escapar do Submundo únicas.

I enjoyed this one fairly enough but this is not my genre.

For people this kinda genre/game appeals to, I wager this is among their very favorites and rock on! For me? Ugh, maybe I'm just getting old but I don't have the patience for the perma-death thing and having to start over from the beginning for the next 'run'.

Awesome game with great battle mechanics plus near infinite dialogues and challenges. I LOVE Greek Mythology in the first place, so I've really enjoyed the game and I can't wait for the sequel !

This game is really really fun, it's so well designed, charming and beautiful <3

Jogo bom demais, fator replay absurdo, gameplay viciante e estética super bem explorada. Bom demais recomendo e vale cada centavo.

save got deleted due to a glitch and ive been salty ever since, amazing game though

Perfect game. Excellent fast paced action. Top tier voice acting. Couldn't get enough.

A unique blend of roleplaying, visual storytelling and roguelite elements executed to perfection, Hades will serve as a benchmark for future Indie games.

Eu real não sou fã de roguelike, posso até dizer q n gosto, mas isso, esse jogo, pqp esse jogo é bom demais cara, mesmo tu morrendo 20 vezes e tendo q recomeçar tu quer fazer isso, testar coisas novas, tentar denovo e derrotar teu pai, na esperança de toda vez q tu derrotar ela, poder ver sua mãe, CINEMA

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I want MEGAERA to STEP on me and WHIP ME like the GOOD BOY that I AM

Lmao Roguelikes peaked with this. Hades 2 gotta be the second coming of christ to top this. Art style was eye candy to a T.

My girlfriend is okay that I slept with Megaera and Thanatos but drew the line when I wanted to sleep with Dusa