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Uma sequência perfeita. Tem os mesmos problemas que citei na minha análise do primeiro Hotline Miami, mas isso não tira o mérito dele. Tem uma história que abrange mais personagens e explica várias coisas. As fases e o jogo como um todo é bem maior que o primeiro, teve fase que eu demorei 20min pra completar mas não acho isso um defeito. Recomendo
Obs: zerei em 7h

game teaches you that its okay to have empathy even for mass murderes no one is born a bad guy and at the end, they all payed the price anyway

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is a step up in most ways from the first Hotline Miami.

The gameplay in Hotline Miami 2 is overwhelmingly improved from Hotline Miami 1's, and Hotline Miami 1 already had amazing gameplay. The new weapons introduced are all great, and all the new levels are the best in the series.

You get to play as way more characters, opposed to just Jacket and Biker in the first game, you probably play around 7-8 different characters, within the span of this entire game, and most of these characters are unique in how they play, that it really makes their own designated sections extremely fun.

The one issue I do have is the story, the story becomes extremely confusing and convoluted, and the first game already had a decently confusing story, this one amplifies the confusion to a new level. While I think I got what the story was, it really didn't need to be as complicated as it was.

This is an amazing game, and is an actually good sequel, that is better than the original game, which is quite rare nowadays.

Overall: 9/10

Man, this party stinks. I fcking hate these people.

It will make you mad, it will make you sad, it will make you say E gads!

i can tell they didn't even want to make this one. i'd design levels like that too if i fucking hated myself and everyone that plays video games

perturbator can go fuck himself btw

Me deu um medo o aviso no começo do jogo sobre as cutscenes com assunto pesado mas felizmente não prejudicou minha experiencia q eu imaginava que n aguentaria
Fico feliz de ver mais sobre o personagem das lojas do outro jogo agr ta explicado pq tudo aconteceu e oque caralhos foi o final desse jogo puta merda jogao mto foda odeio as porta dele

É impressionante q uma empresa fez só dois jogos e o primeiro é meu segundo favorito e o segundo é meu favorito

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The writer and beard deserved better

Mejora un montón el gameplay y la historia, aunque la música no es tan buena

This game is the perfect example of "damn, if it were 2/3's as long it'd be pretty good", first bits are pretty fun and the story is interesting but by the last 3 chapters I was extremely tired of the annoying ass gimmicks and go-fuck-yourself level design.

Fez tudo que o primeiro fez só que melhor.
Mais dificil, mais filho da puta e com level design mais desafiador e divertido. Fora a trama que puta merda é muito boa.
A estética e a trilha sonora casam muito com a trama, e o jeito de contar a historia através de vários personagens e alucinações por mais que demore pra embalar quando embala NOSSA.
O fato de serem vários personagens e alguns não terem as mascaras da uma mudada sim, e consigo ver como isso afeta a jogabilidade de quem veio do primeiro de maneira negativa. Eu enxergo isso como uma troca pela narrativa envolvente e que respeita o intelecto do player.
Muito divertido, estiloso, desafiador e feito com carinho. Bão.

Man both these games were made with the same ingredients, but for hotline two it feels like the sous chef accidentally dumped half a shaker of salt in the pot. The levels have some level of variety, yet feel more tiresome and unfair than even the most brutal from hotline 1

Ok so I know it's not as controversial an opinion anymore, but I prefer Hotline Miami 2 to the first game. It's probably my favourite game ever, honestly. I love the more sober tone compared to the first game, the extra characters makes it feel more sprawling and like this is happening in an actual world and not just some rooms floating in a neon void. The music is somehow even better this time around, and I just like a bunch of the new aesthetic flourishes, like the UI.

Level design is quite a bit different compared to the original same can be said for how the story and characters are handled, the duology definitely feels like a combined saga imo, sorta like a part 1 and a part 2 of the same film if you get what I mean.
The gameplay definitely requires a different sort of approach and some more patience planning with slower gameplay than hm1 but imo its a nice difference between, sometimes the level design is genuinely bad tho(the nightclub level in particular) but other than that, the gameplay is pretty good in general, depending on how much tolerance for this stuff, and the game is worth playing for the story too.
A interesting follow-up to the original, but its not just a sequel, but a prequel and a requel? as well. The ending twist was definitely a surprise haha. The game also has surprisingly a lot to say, and expresses its themes and messages better than the first imo, although there's a certain charm to how hm1 handles it as well.

worse than the first one.

O jogo não é ruim, mas tem uma pegada completamente diferente do primeiro porque são outras idéias e um level design diferente. Isso não anula que o level design é um pouco frustante.

Mas o Jogo não é ruim

Less fun then the first one, soundtrack is still a banger though


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It seems like you either love or hate this one. Unfortunately, I think I'm leaning more towards the negative side.

I still like the music and really like the new characters and their different playstyles; I also enjoy the gameplay here on the same level as the first one, but my problem here is that this game drags on for a little bit longer than it should. I don't know, I feel like there is only so many times I can repeat the same gameplay formula before it starts getting old.

Some levels are a bit too long, or too hard...Or both! It's not impossible or anything, but with a game that pretty much asks you to do a "perfect" run on every floor in order to beat a single level...It gets tedious.

But by far, my biggest issue with this game is that...It is just a headache. I wasn't necessarily playing the first one for the story, but it certainly helped to keep me engaged with the game...But here...?

I had no fucking clue what was even going on half of the time, so much so that I had to look for a YouTube video that explained what the full story of this game was. The problem with the story in this one, is that it isn't presented in chronological order, while at the same time, you follow the perspective of multiple characters.

So because of this, it is really hard to follow the thread of things a lot of the time, because you are constantly jumping from character to character, to different time periods and locations...It is kind of a mess. It didn't help that the final level was pretty much like an acid trip; I really had fun playing that level, but man, I was just SO confused by that point lol.

Overall, I guess I would still recommend it if you liked the first one; it's just more Hotline Miami. I don't think I am going to be revisiting this one tho.

A total misstep in all ways. Tarnishes the legacy of the first game.

Frenetic shooting action, highly recommended. A nice sequel, a bit harder than the original as well. With a psychedelic ending.

Изумительный сиквел, завершающий сюжет серии. Это и сиквел, и приквел в одном флаконе. Куда больше играбельных персонажей, динамики и музла. А засчёт мастерской засесть в игре можно на десятки часов, проходя пользовательские уровни и кампании. Я так уже 123 часа набил