Reviews from

in the past

adoro la primicia del juego que es una formula que se repite hasta el final pero una bastante curiosa de seguir con tus nuevos seres acuaticos que desbloqueas avanzando, extraño al antiguo pop cap que tomaban ideas locas y las ejecutaban pero tampoco era necesario que en los ultimos niveles cada uno durase 15-30 min y que mi mouse tuviera que soportar alrededor de 3500 clics por fase

We hate Guppy. We're convinced our install of this game is cursed and literally every time we open it, something unfortunate happens. We hate Guppy. We think this game is part of why we developed carpal tunnel later that year. We hate Guppy. We refuse to try New Game+ until someone pays us 29.45 USD. We hate Guppy.

Yeah, it's alright, like it's fun and all but you can kinda tell why, when they tried making a sequel to this, they just kinda made PvZ instead.

I used to put on playthroughs of this every day back in 2020.