Reviews from

in the past

Something as simple as a name can take a village to come up with, a lot of peeps have pondered over names for their music track or their OC's ultimate attack harder than some have regarding their third-born son, and sometimes you can get away with "Crysis" or "Fallout". I think LIMBO isn't the first name I'd think of for this game, but it fits like a glove. The game's presentation and mechanics are much like a game made on Unity before its heyday, only this was done on its own little engine. You'd be foregiven if you thought Limbo's claim to fame was to be slow as fuck 😂 our little black & white friend is NOT making waves! Playing a non-descript shadow of a boy adventuring into the unknown cuz we don't know shit, to end with fuck all information... chat wat just habbened!! That's the part where you think long and hard about what you experienced, and how the peculiar gameplay ties into the lore implications...

...this will come off as me just taking the gameplay at face value, but maybe 2010 was too early for this. INSIDE worked. But here, it's like "Oh! See that part right there? You died! Yup. You're shit out of luck, aren't you?". That is roughly what came up in interviews as well, so that raises even more questions out of me. Sorry... I did.. not.. gel... with this. One may even call the attempt lazy, but I'll spare the insult to the injury. What this little boy needs to find... is a damn school application. Unless he's dead. That is quite possible! No person alive has been in a rotating room before. Being this sluggish, or "dummy thicc" as they call it, and watching your character die from a minor slip-up as you havent accounted the neurodivergent movement... 😅 yep here we go again, pain.

Most of its simple are puzzle as a bitch, BUTT there were times of rare "le swag" and then I had to look up guide because I couldn't see an interactable... the 101 of level design mf, you be actin different but I'm not sure you should ignore primal rules like that gung ho miscreant đŸ€“â˜ïž you thought you was eating. It is met with a very simple control scheme. The game is short and you're doing different things, so there's that. Winston Churchill once said in 2024 "I like LIMBO like I like my women. I DONT" and damn was this a powerful statement at the time. What you like or don't isn't as black and white as LIMBO, so I hope the scrunkly indie with soul community has foregiven me. I don't know why lately I've not been moved by legendary indies like Undertale and Outer Wilds. But then I give Zelda II a whopping 8.5/10 rating. Nature is fickle. But maybe there's not much to think about. Unlike this game...

Lastly, while the spider was the highlight, and its encounters intuitive... that's the thing, betting on your best horse at the start is kinda like... false advertising! No cap, this be concussing me. Maybe a revisionist me will finally get it after suddenly realizing why the scrunkly searched for the wobbly. Welp. Not much else I can say without delving into the finer details of the beast. If you're looking for an unconventional game that challenges your patience and may reward you for your wits... it LIMBO tiem... if you're looking to become an influencer, chase your dreams lil bro, maybe u really will influence me more than this. I belive in gaming supremacy

being stuck in limbo and being haunted by entities seems much more fun than valorant

The cornerstone of minimalist 2D platformers. It's unsettling, bleak and quite possibly the least complex game I've ever played. I like what it's going for and I wish there was more to it but I understand the more you add, the more it would take away from its aesthetic.

Maybe he should try going to the left sometimes, but that's just me.

Great plataform puzzle game, very intense granting hours of fun. Perfectly gameplay if played with a xbox controller. Nicely historytelling without a single cutcene or text.
Awesome final!

Played it liked it. strong atmosphere. dont remeber much more.

one of the most overrated indie games of its time, probably second only to braid. just a slog to move around in with nothing puzzles. you only feel like you're doing something because it takes like 1 million hours to move a box or climb a rope. it's not cinematic it's not interesting it's just fucking dull. it looks cool sometimes but paired with the monotonous gameplay and movement the banality of it all gets to you super quick.

bien trop demandant en ressources cérébrales cette affaire

i thought we finally got a 2K-esque yearly sports series about the competitive art that is limbo...disappointed

GooeyScale: 70/100

This was like the start of my interest in a lot of indie games. Owe a lot to this one.

Wonderfully atmospheric and creepy little game. Felt like it lost a bit of its charm when it transitioned away from creepy woods to high-tech industrial environments. Some of those later puzzles were bloody difficult.

Last time I played Limbo, I was a meek teenager that managed to finish the game despite his various fears of spiders, the dark, and loud noises. Today, I came back and played it again as an adult, only retaining, uh, let's say one and a half of those fears.

Limbo is a pretty simple physics-based puzzle-platformer with a very dark atmosphere. And by "dark atmosphere", I mean the whole game is comprised of silhouettes, only properly defined by the light around them. It's never a comforting light either, moreso a thick haze. Most of the puzzles are standard fare for this type of game. Tailor-made to make you feel smart, even if there's no room to deviate outside the intended solution. If you try to do that, you'll be greeted with various forms of child dismemberment. Get used to seeing your little shadow boy get killed in horrible ways, it'll happen a lot.

Everything good about this game's presentation comes together in the secret extra level that you unlock for collecting all 10 eggs, something I never did as a teen. Nearly the whole level takes place in pitch-black darkness, meaning you have to turn your volume up and zero in on all of the distinct audio cues in order to dodge obstacles. Modern games wish that they had sound design this good.

Honestly, I think Limbo has held up over the years as an indie darling. A lot of the indie boom flew right by me (hi, Wii generation kid here), but I still heard about the biggest ones in passing. This one's good for an hour or two.

Lovely little game. Strikes the right balance of moody/atmospheric and taxing puzzles.

I preferred the vibe when it was all woodlands rather than when it became a factory/industrial type setting. The black and white visuals and minimalist audio made it really creepy, especially when dealing with the giant spider (which isn't a spoiler because it's right there on the thumbnail/box art). I feel like when you progress to the industrial part the game loses some of that creepiness. Instead the fear is in the form of some really tough puzzles instead.

I'm not sure if this was by design or not, but I found when the protagonist died to be really funny. Collision with dangerous objects results in them rag dolling to the ground or being skewered and going limp. Later on you can actually get blown to pieces. It all sounds quite graphic, which it is, but for some reason it comes across quite slapstick.

The only major complaint is I found the jump to be a bit unresponsive. I got used to it after a while but every time I came back to the game I had to remind myself that there's a delay on it.

Other than that, this is a great way to spend a few hours.

It's a good puzzle-platform game with a unique look, but I don't think this genre is my type.

Had to use my brain more than I initially expected

A beautiful, atmospheric and interesting game with creative puzzles and a dark atmosphere.

super au début pis aprÚs l'araignée baaaah je joue à géometry dash

One of those games that you hear about for years and when you finally play it you understand why

I love Playdeads game, it's so simple and vibes

Adding Limbo to my list of incredible games that need minimal to no dialogue. Just lets the environment, music, and gameplay speak for itself. Wonderful quick game and definitely will be back to play INSIDE

amazing sound design and great artstyle but that's all there really is going for this, the puzzles are kinda mid and the trial and error gameplay gets annoying. if you want a solid atmospheric puzzle platformer just play ico idk, i respect jensen's artistic vision but fumito ueda beat him to it years before and this is kinda too barebones to feel like any development of his ideas.

If I can say one thing, it's that Playdead studios have vision. Even if this game is not the most exciting puzzle platformer, or if it doesn't have the best visuals, it has direction, and vision, and it is just brimming with creative energy. I was not expecting something so dark and moody from what looked like a simple puzzle platformer, but there was so much life to everything, so much story behind this horrifying world. Through a mix of a simplistic yet clever art style, and horrifying sound design, and provactive imagery, I would say Limbo easily distinguishes itself as a horror game, and a good one at that. For being released in 2010, I believe Limbo was well ahead of its time.

Sure it has aged, but come on its Limbo.

Certainly doesn't overstay its welcome.