Reviews from

in the past

Nossa, esse jogo é surpreendente. Para ser bem sincero, eu sempre tive vontade de joga-lo, porém acho que cometi um erro, que acabou afetando um pouco minha experiência. Como ultimamente estou gostando muito de jogar jogos mais pesados ou de terror em si, recentemente criei coragem para jogar Outlast, e com muitos sustos e após sentir muito medo, consegui zera-lo, não somente o jogo, como sua DLC. Só que o problema foi que eu joguei Little Nightmares após Outlast, oque ocasionou em esse jogo não me assustar, nem me passar medo em hora nenhuma, eu simplesmente jogava e admirava, como um jogo normal, só que macabro. Isso não tornou o jogo ruim, porém poderia ser melhor, ainda assim achei o jogo bem macabro e interessante. Me diverti bastante enquanto jogava, ele também terminou mais rápido do que eu esperava. Uma coisa que eu achei muito daora foi o final, achei incrível as últimas cenas. Fizeram um ótimo jogo, se tiver a oportunidade, eu recomendo!

Really nice visuals, shallow gameplay, and obtuse story.
I still like it very much tho.

Pretty cool game about the Republican National Convention, always nice to learn about the inner workings of our great nation 👍

"oh boy what a delicious looking sausage, I hope I get to eat it"

FUCKKKK this game's camera. everything else is pretty engaging tho

i played this game on my brother's xbox when i was like 11. my fond memories of it are mostly out of nostalgia but i do still think it holds up really well. the soundtrack and visuals are seriously beautiful and the atmosphere is so gorgeous. my main nitpick is that the controls really made me mad sometimes. there was also almost this lack of depth in some scenes and i found myself accidentally falling off of staircases and beams because of it. i saw a lot of complaints about how the story was confusing or lacked clarity but it's not a big deal to me because it was clearly intentional and this is one of few cases where i'm alright with that.

A coisa que mais me deixa apaixonado por uma obra, em qualquer mídia, é quando ela consegue usar de um conjunto de conceitos e ideias de uma forma tão boa e bem executada, que ela se torna uma peça única. Little Nightmares é um desses casos. Cada cenário, personagem e detalhe desse jogo transborda originalidade. É definitivamente uma das experiências mais enxutas que já tive em um video game.

Nota: 10/10

Fun game with puzzles and unsetteling enemies, not too scary

Finalizei o jogo e entendi que não é um jogo de terror, mas sim um suspense bem trabalhado junto com angústia, além de puzzles não massivos. Recomendo por ser uma gameplay rápida e boa.

This was pretty fun and I’ll always be a sucker for this specific creepy vibe. This is the perfect length for this type of game, with some great pacing too. The cryptic story meant I didn’t really understand what was going on while playing, but after reading up on it, I really really appreciate the story it told.

Despite the wonderful spookiness and eeriness, the gameplay left a little to be desired. I feel like some more scares or complex puzzles would add a lot to the game.

My favourite horror game series for its "charming" aesthetic and perfect tone of creepiness; all done so without overstaying its welcome

cara eu gostei mt do jogo mas fiquei todo cagado de medo e dropei

I liked it fine. It definitely succeeded at scaring me (as someone who doesn't play horror games often, at least).

Found it a little slow/boring at parts, though, and while the atmosphere was fine for the most part, it didn't feel very varied and got old. Also, a little janky. I didn't really care for the final boss part, either.

All around pretty solid, though. Maybe just watch a playthrough of it, but if you want to play it then I definitely wouldn't advise against that, either.

Great horror game with a very interesting story and style (the controls were a little difficult but that got fixed later on in the second game)

Um dos melhores jogos de terror. Os gráficos e a música são ótimos. O design dos monstros faz você realmente sentir medo. A história é bem complicada mas acho que essa sensação de não saber quem você é, onde você está ou o que são essas "coisas" só adiciona à experiência.

Muy muy guay y disfrutable. Las mecánicas son divertidas y las situaciones son muy variadas e interesantes.

Jogo muito daorinha com puzzles bastante interessantes e criativos, e uma ambientação única. O foco não é ser assustador, mas perturbador, e os designs dos cenários, dos monstros e também a sonorização realçam muito isso.

Still a great game even after all this years.

The only things I've found annoying especially considering the last achievement (speedrun one) were poorly responsive controls. This doesn't happen all the time as some sections can feel really really smooth, but I feel like having character react to almost everything around them (like putting hands on the walls or tripping when mashing arrow keys) should be allowed to be disabled as they are just pain in the a when trying to beat the game quickly.
Also, the checkpoints on this game could have been more frequent and more thought off.

For the positive things we have pretty much everything else. Interesting level design and world building,
fun puzzles,
camera work (most of the times),
and of course the detailed climbing animations, which might not be a big of a deal for most people, but I've found them to be an example of devs just not being lazy and paying attention to our immersion.

I won't spoil anything, but if you don't get goosebumps during the ending you might not have a neurosystem.

To summarize: Should you play this game? Yes.
Should you 100% it? Hell no...

Little Nightmares is on my shrine of best horror video games without a doubt. It's got everything. Awesome soundtrack, aesthetic, gameplay, visuals, and just like everything. Love it.

For being constantly compared to it without fail this game is so much better than Limbo it’s not even funny.

It feels like a Limbo DLC, but this time it's based on Spirited Away (2001) from Ghibli. The immersion in this game is surreal; the sound design, atmosphere and setting are TOP notch. This contributed to me being glued to my chair, feeling a bit scared; nothing too overwhelming though. It's not a game you'll be thinking about for a long time. It's simple and short, which enhances the experience even more. It knows the right time to end the journey. A great surprise, a well-rounded game; really enjoyed it!

this game cooked man. unbelievable game

little nightmares is unsettling because of its atmosphere and deranged creatures

valorant is unsettling because you'll get unsolicited pick up lines from incels without even being in a discord voice channel

Little Nightmares has gorgeous art style, atmosphere, and concept. However, the 2.5D levels can sometimes be deceptive, and controls could be more responsive.

origin story of the kid pennywise ate

GooeyScale: 70/100

Oh look it's inside again