Reviews from

in the past

Caramba, de verdade, que jogo bom! Nessa onda de jogos de terror, resolvi jogar um jogo que já ouvi falar muito bem e muito mal. Outlast possui um estilo de gameplay único e muito divertido, porém muitas pessoas não gostam, por você simplesmente não poder se defender de nada, apenas correr e se esconder. Eu sinceramente acho que para esse jogo esse estilo combina super bem, até para a pegada que o jogo quer passar no jogador, o terror, o medo e a curiosidade. O fato do jogo ser em primeira pessoa, não me agrada muito, mas assim como o estilo, isso também favorece demais para a funcionalidade do jogo e agrega muito bem no terror. Logo no início, fiquei meio perdido e quase tive um ataque cardíaco, com isso percebi que o jogo não é para brincadeira e que eu ia me assustar bastante ao longo da campanha. E de fato, segui tomando inúmeros sustos até o fim. Outra coisa que eu achei meio estranho é a duração do jogo, que na minha percepção era muito maior, porém acabei finalizando o jogo bem mais rápido do que eu imaginava. De qualquer forma ele entrega tudo oque um jogo de terror precisa para ser incrível, assim se tornando um dos melhores. Gostei bastante, me diverti muito e quase morri na vida real. Super recomendo!

Really scary and still holds up today!

A experiencia definitiva de terror.

I will always defend this game no matter what I've always thought it was just an amazing game its so fun and just makes my heart race every time I play it its terrifying has some great lore and just such an amazing game and as an indie game oh my god its just insane that this is an indie game.

The diminishing returns of Amnesia's hide-and-seek mechanics were bound to hit a fever pitch once they reached other, less ambitious titles among the indie scene, and not even three years after The Dark Descent launched a new subgenre and many YouTube careers, Outlast comes barreling in like an unsubtle metaphor for military and corporate greed.

Outlast is not without its moments; early jumpscares and a few tight cat-and-mouse encounters keep the blood pumping while you attempt to piece together its (derivative) narrative. (Would you believe the RESIDENTS of this asylum are EVIL?) This proves to be the only trick up Outlast's sleeve, and as the game progresses, your tolerance for the same schtick will undoubtedly wear thin.

Highlights include a rather gothic string accompaniment, the actual necessity for night vision, and the protagonist's sparse but vulgar prose. Not that all of these are good, just that they were memorable. You could do worse than Outlast when looking for first person horror. You could also do much better, so... yeah. Middle of the god-damn road.

easily top 3 funniest games of all time. if i am ever being chased down by a serial killer irl i'll just start tbagging

dropei pq eu sou cagona e não tankei👍

Eu achei bem divertido, o cenário é bem fácil de se locomover sem se perder, é bem intuitivo o jogo, praticamente uma hora disso aqui já dá um progresso absurdo. É um jogo bem fácil então foi legal pra mim que sou noob em jogos. Não dá medo, mas pqp, o que esse jogo tem de Jumpscare é brincadeira.

Great now I can’t sleep tonight

Best horror game made. When I finish outlast 2, I might change that tho.

Over a decade on, it still holds up! One of the few horror games that can still get a bit of a jump out of me. Can't say anything too specific, don't wanna stick a spoiler warning on this. Play it already!

i'd rather be stuck in an asylum than a discord server with valorant players

I love the outlast series and I own all of their games, the first one was really fun to play and had a lot of good scares and story.

I know some people don't care for the walk-run-hide loop in games like this. You don't have any ways to actively defend yourself or really interact with the world in a meaningful way. But, something about this game just grabs me. Maybe it's the eerie setting, maybe the eccentric and frightening characters, or maybe just the bizarre mystery at the heart of it all. Honestly, it's all of that. I think this game has the perfect combination of those elements that kept me wanting to creep further and further into the demented asylum, despite having to constantly flee and navigate pitchblack corridors while dodging insane people. That, coupled with the resource management of your camcorder's battery made for a tense and sometimes terrifying experience.

Um atmosfera condizente com o ambiente, e funcional nos momentos das perseguições. Acredito que uma narrativa mais direta, daria um grau melhor no jogo nesse sentido. É legal pra jogar uma vez.


The game itself isn't bad by any means, I see the appeal, but I got bored very quickly, and I don't necessarily blame the game, I just think this wasn't for me.

It felt like I was in a horror game like Resident Evil 2 or Alien Isolation but instead of playing as the protagonist I was playing as the scared npc that hides in the corner waiting to be either saved by the player or killed by the creature. Now I understand that for some people that's enjoyable, hiding, in fear, constant tension, But I personally wasn't interested in the plot and prefer to have some way to fight back, at least a little, I'm not talking about full on combat, but something like Alien Isolation, ways to deter the "antagonist" or a weapon of some sorts even if its essentially a placebo and doesn't even do anything.

Was it another game that suffered from being hyped up as the best horror game ever so much by everyone that expectations were insanely high that nothing could ever satisfy?


Um dos melhores jogos de terror já feitos, muito importante pra industria, ambientação foda, bons jumpscares, bons personagens, ótimo trabalho da Red Barrels

How tf did I play AND FINISH this at 13.

que terror boooom, zerei trocentas vezes, platinei no xbox e no pc

Harika bir korku oyunu bana kalırsa. Bilmeyen var mı ki bu oyunu zaten.

this game is really scary until the ghost shows up and it looks kinda like Green screen Terrifying Spirit

the story bangs id kms if i was either of the protags

Muy buenos recuerdos cuando este juego estaba de moda y con muy buena razón, el hecho de que el juego te deja muy en claro que la única opción es correr, dice mucho de él, te sientes indefenso y vulnerable en un lugar que definitivamente no es amigable. Probablemente lo re juegue pronto.

Cheap jumpscares but good ambience and tension at times

Después de haberlo jugado hasta casi al final hace años y de haberme visto el gameplay completo (CREO que por Vegetta) en su momento, por fin lo terminé

Tuvo piola porque como fue hace mucho tiempo y tengo la memoria de un ameba no me acordaba de casi nada.

Y de vuelta este juego no me da miedo, solo algún que otro jumpscare me asusta pero nada mas, aburre bastante eso si.

Ahora el extra "WhistleBlower" aka SoplaPito es mucho mas divertido, entretenido y tiene mejores jumpscares y todo. PUEDE que haya sido porque nunca antes lo había jugado ni visto, pero sea como sea la pasé mucho mejor en esa horita y algo que en el juego base.

En conclusión está piola que sea cortón porque no tiene mucho de que agarrarse, el lore está piola por fin entiendo algo porque antes no le daba pelota. Es medio embolante pero bueeeno que le puedo pedir al Outlast

I was just to scared to play this but I did and wow man,great experience.In the horor aspect it's definetly the best game but in everything else not so much,sometimes it was confusing how simple the objectives were but I liked the story,so worth the buy.