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in the past

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morgana turns into a car

The game was fun and there were some amazing moments that made it very enjoyable but the writing is a bit too on the nose for the majority of the game and it had a lotta moments that genuinely angered me so it feels weaker than the previous 2 games.

I played this game 4 times, 2 times on switch and 2 times on PC (playing it for 5th time on PC as of writing this). I can say for sure that this game is the best Persona game ever.

I loved everything about the game. OSTs, Story, Characters, Gameplay, Social Links and even the visuals.

[OSTs +]
I love that they made this game's theme be a Jazz, cozy/relaxing/chill and Pop themed. I have always loved these type of music / songs; it just makes my mood turn from a bad to good. I always listen to P5 and P5R's theme. My favorites and probably the most notable are: "Beneath the Mask (all versions), Ideal and Real (all versions) and Our Beginning. You can even get costume fighting music, by changing your costume too. Compared to P4, the OSTs don't get annoying, if anything I just turn off the Music most of my playthrough on P4 especially on Dungeons; It is very bad compared to P5. P3 was good unlike P4.

[Story & Characters +] (spoiler)
Some people would say that the story is just about Teens who hate adults and sending agendas to the players, for me I disagree. The story of P5 is centered on the experience these teenagers had with the adults, the protag's parents dumped him and did not believe him, now he only has Sojiro to trust and other few adults. Ryuji the experience he had with his dad and Kamoshida and other characters who had it bad.

Characters's story, backgrounds and social links were never boring to me, and it never got irritating to talk to them or hangout with anyone! compared to p4 and p3 social links were an utter garbage with all meaning (p4 had few good social links, mainly your teammates, but the rest are very bad). All of them are interesting on their own.

[Gameplay +]
It's really fun, no matter how many times I play this game. I never got tired of the gameplay. They added showtime and also made "All-Out-Attack" useful rather than it dealing low damage. Farming EXP and money is very easy if you know how to properly fight shadows on mementos faster. Also you can get the confidant rank that makes you just kill the shadows instantly without even the need of fighting, making it easier and more efficient for farming. They added "Show-Time" attack, you don't need to put both partners on the party, you just need one of them, making it easier to strategize and dealing with enemies faster.
While just wondering on Mementos you can see your party member chatting which is really nice.

[Visuals & Places+]
Nice visuals even though I sometimes get drop frames when there are lots of NPCs around in an area, but overall it's good. In rains the graphics is top tear for me, and I just love to wonder around the city with it.
Compared to P4 and P3. P5 is taken on Shibuya which has lots of life in it. in P3 areas were very soulless, but in Reload they fixed it, but it still wasn't as lively as it is in P5, P4 on the other hand takes place in the country part, so it's understandable that it's not that lively (even thought you can't even talk to any of them other than them telling you stuff". The way made all of P5 areas are very good. Palaces are very good built too.

Persona 5 Royal is the best Persona game. Yes, I said it again I know, but it's something lots of people don't realize... I see lots of people saying P3Reload is better than P5Royal for the stupidest reasons, and when it comes to comparing both as WHOLE GAME (and not just story or tiny parts ALL OF IT) P5R always win. P4G is also a very bad Persona remake/expansion... in P5R you are forced to interact with Yoshizawa! But in P4G you have to do it all by yourself. It's so damn lazy P4G's devs I don't care what anyone say.

Rant: Yosuke (p4) is always the best buddy in all of Persona games, then comes Ryuji and finally below trash comes Junpei.

All P5/P5R's OSTs are better than all of the rest games.
Social Links are better in P5R.
Story, writing and character are better in P5R.
P4 had a good story, but the filler events ruined it.
P3 had a shit story, shit characters, shit at everything.
P3's Protag is just a depressed anime femboy, I don't understand why people like him.

Favourite game ever, the balance between Turn based fighting and Daily Life with Confidants makes for such a diverse and untertaining game, amazing characters and story, some of the best music I've ever heard, beautiful game, amazing level design

this game ruined me as a person. 4/5

Persona games make me want to kill myself by momentarily letting me live the illusion of a perfect friend group

Finished this 01/01/2024, I just fkin love this game, perfect soundtrack, beautiful game and a wonderful experience

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Best Persona game in the franchise. Controls are easy to learn, social links are all interesting and the plot is brilliant. I have so many hours on this game, it’s an amazing experience every time. Some of the dating options are kinda weird but other than that this is a brilliant game mechanics and story wise.

Top tier game, good story, some weird stuff here and there, but overall the game had some really good gameplay. For someone who fals asleep to Turn based combat games, the game was engaging as hell and a very enjoyable expeirence.

It's peak, what else do you want to hear?

Only major flaw was the characters, none of them were that interesting but everything else definitely makes up for it. Easily one of my favorite games of all time

I'm going to write my review soon. 😊 9.2/10

It took me way, way too long to beat this game, but without a doubt, this title has stolen my heart and easily ranks as one of my favorite RPGs to date.

I love the phantom thieves so much and i can't believe it took me this long to get around to this game. My favorite turn-based RPG I have ever played, one of the best stories I've experienced in gaming so far.

please let me experience this again

At first I thought the game was going to be really bad, but I was very surprised. It ran pretty well on my switch and I like the games mechanics and confidant stories.

This was an attempt to broaden my horizons, It was my first ever experience with a turn based game. While I found out I do not like this gameplay style, I did not play 140 hours so I could say I played one. It was genuinely a compelling narrative with interesting themes and diving deep into Society as a whole and what is Justice and what is our Distorted Desires. The gameplay on the other hand was not my cup of tea and I found the boss fights frustrating more than anything. Lots of bs with puzzles and poorly designed pacing as well. Although I did not like the gameplay, I am thankful I saw the journey through and got what I got from this experience that’s considered peak jrpg

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phenomenal on a revisit. if royal had never happened p5 would probably be my least favourite of the big 3 persona games but GOD the third semester feels like it was specifically made for me. shuake is a permanent source of comfort in my life, and maruki is one of my favourite characters in all of fiction
i have a lot of gripes with the game's palaces, but they become a lot more enjoyable once you run the game on Yuzu and unlock the framerate. this game feels fucking horrible on 30fps, thank god the next gen versions have 60 as the default.
there's a lot more general things i could go over, like the general visual style of the game which is very appealing though it falters in comparison to P3/4 to me, or how the combat is both incredibly satisfying thanks to the overwhelming amount of systems at play as well as really unsatisfying because of lacking sound design, or just the general fact that most of the male cast except ryuji is hot as fuck, but i think what i've said covers the things i feel the most passionately about regarding P5R.

Overrated and underrated in equal parts, ATLUS, stop overexploiting this game.
Not the best story, but endearing in several parts. The gameplay and aesthetics are fire.

But I feel like the game gets too dark when Morgana turns to the screen and starts telling you to kill the president... That part was weird...

the calendar is probably at it's best in this game, i still don't like it but it's improving
the plot isn't anything remarkable but the presentation was quite good and the characters were fun to follow, november-january are probably the peak of this game
the combat is very average, it's not as absolutely barebones as p4's system instead it went on the completely opposite direction and is so fat it could pass as an elephant, it is quite fun if your brain is empty as you play the game

improves on the original P5 in almost every way, if i were to recommend a good first JRPG for someone it'd be this

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this game is really good but holy shit this game is confused. its got great graphics and music and so so so much style. and then theres the story! okay i understand that this game is going for a death note sort of "no one should have this power" angle but atlus. you cannot show me a sex offender harming a teenager, then have the protaganists bring him to justice by forcing a confession, and then at the end be like "oh actually thats bad bc you took away his free will" like??? like i get it okay we live under capitalism and if this game wanted to be super progressive and have this revolutionary theme it wouldnt be approved by the shareholders and the higher ups but holy shit it was so frustrating. i haven't finished the royal ending yet i only have the true ending and i kind of don't like these games as much as i used to so its hard to motivate myself to go back and play them again but if it resolves any of this i will come back and discuss it but if not then yeah the normal ending upset me. anyways this game is still very fun and rpg enjoyers will like it. but again atlus cut it with the anime stuff please stop sexualizing teenagers its disgusting. also also atlus please stop making gross charicatures of queer people. also also also please have dark skinned people in a main cast role and stop putting dark skinned characters on the sidelines and/or not featuring them at all. my verdict on this game is that its fun and enjoyable and has some positive messages but is too muddied in atlus's inability to get with the times and be actually progressive.

The absolute pinnacle of the Persona 3/4/5 formula - the battle system, the Persona management, social links, day-to-day life, dungeon crawling - everything is polished to its finest form. My only two minor gripes are (i) the story is not quite as strong as P3, and (ii) the game overstays its welcome a little bit, this is like a ~150 hour JRPG, and by the last bit, I did find myself rushing through just to get to the end. The actually ending is great and in my opinion, the game sticks the landing, but there is a bit of fat that could probably have been trimmed. That said, the Persona formula is all about long JRPGs, so on that front again, this game does that to a T.

Persona 5 is really great and I feel like it will be appreciated more as time goes on. I can think of like 10 other Atlus games that I like more than this game but P5 is still like a 9/10.

I think what edges this game out as the best Persona game is the combat and dungeon crawling. Combat is better than every previous Persona game, there is no comparison. Demon negotiation is much better and less confusing than P1 and P2. Obviously the dungeon crawling is at least 10x better than P3 and P4, but whether or not you like it more than P2 or even P1 is up to personal preference.

Great gameplay, great music, great dungeon-crawling, and great aesthetics. It's not a bad game like a lot of Megaten fans would suggest, but it's also not the greatest JRPG ever made like a lot of people who have only played Persona 5 would suggest.

Bro the 3rd semester elevates persona 5 so much I fucking love this game the aesthetic , the music , the characters, the combat, the level design, roaming Tokyo, and everything idgaf if I'm a persona 5 glazer this game is so good.

This game is weird. I wouldn't finish even though I was kind of done with it.

But then it finished and kinda didn't want it to be.

Also talking cat minivan.

Persona 5 Royal makes minor improvements to the vanilla versions gameplay, some boss battles are better and others are worse (FUCKING OKUMURA), and the third semester is good and helps to tidy the flow of the late game narrative (even if I think the need to max 3 specific social links to unlock it is dumb. That's probably a bit petty of me). But above all else, Royal did what I stubbornly thought was impossible: made me an Akechi stan. Akeshu shippers: I finally get it now.