Reviews from

in the past

increíble survival horror en donde sus puzzles no nos tratan como idiotas

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Joguei até o primeiro ponto de save.
O jogo é bem bonitinho, a pixel art é bem feita. Achei o prologo muito parado, teve apenas um puzzles pra completar ali e nada demais. O jogo também não está me prendendo muito. Apesar disso, a experiência está sendo mediana.

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all that for you to kill your gf and die at the end(also the inventory space was godawful)

played for like an hour and got bored, might try again sometime

A great classic survival horror game with very unique and intreating art direction and solid gameplay. However, the story was way too ambiguous and I felt lost rather then intrigued by the end.

too much yuri communism for my liking

Un resident-evil dans l'espace qui raconte une histoire d'amour avec une ambiance très stressante et très réussie.

Un mix entre des phases de gameplay 2d et 3d, un sound design et une atmosphère visuelle et diégétique aux petits oignons. Mon seul problème avec le jeu c'est qu'il est trop cryptique.

Le storytelling dans le jeu m'a autant perdu qu'il m'a fasciné et c'etait compliqué de suivre le fil de l'histoire et encore plus de comprendre son dénouement. La fin du jeu est magnifique et particulièrement réussie ceci dit.

Eu tenho uma promessa, "Vou é te pegar/10".

this game is so good but every time i play it i just feel so depressed every time

My first very survival horror, and one that I enjoyed greatly. The art direction is insane, the game is smart in design, gameplay, and storytelling. The aesthetic is one that reminds me of nihei's ultra sci-fi apocalyptic stories. Got the Memory ending, looking into the lore. Insane game tbh

greater than the sum of its parts, a pulsing amalgam of referential dialogue with itself and its medium, one of the best narratives perfectly enforced by symbolism and esoterics