Reviews from

in the past

Banjo Tooie is great. But not as great as the first game. And not a game you have to play today. Even with nostalgia glasses, Banjo-Tooie grates at times.

a very unfortunate sequel that completely misses the high notes that the original hit by equating scale with quality. everything is bigger but certainly not better. a slog to play through and some puzzles are just stupid, made worse by the fact that so many maps are difficult to navigate due to them having the same textures spread across miles and miles of unidentifiable land that will make you end up lost and frustrated and unhappy that this game just isn't nearly as good as banjo kazooie 1 on the n64. what a damn shame.

slow-paced but delightful. i like the interconnectivity of the levels, i like how the isle of hags feels more like a real place, i like how many characters you meet and how much more alive it feels than the first game, i like how varied and unique the levels feel

grunty's industries is the worst stage i've ever played in a video game

Well, I still enjoyed the game. I like platformers and the puzzles were still nice. I'll try to avoid comparing it to the first one since I thought that one was much better..

Anyways, the game is quite difficult to figure out at times. The mechanics aren't that hard.. but the non-linear paths make it very difficult to find out when to back track, when to not, when to go to the next level, and when to stay to get enough jiggies. It took me 30 hours to 100% the game and that's even with me googling stuff now and again. Fun to play for nostalgia, but if you just want to play and enjoy it, then follow a guide! Otherwise you run around a LOT with very little progress.

Story was a little too sassy for me. I like the humor but this game had a little too much to be "good". Everything had to be a quip instead of just normal storybuilding. Overall I'm glad I played it - but playing as an adult has certainly changed my opinion of it and made me realize how good the first Banjo Kazooie really was.