Reviews from

in the past

This hails from a time when Nintendo was good at making remakes. It's almost exactly like Super Star up until you start unlocking additional storylines not present in the original. Play this game, even if you've played the original.

By far the best KIRBY GAME

I loved this game so much when I was a kid, and I still love the game now. All the minigames, the stories, and characters, all of it comes together in a fantastic little package. I would highly recommend playing this game, even alongside the original.

it feels like i have a curse that i always have to lose the goddamn save files with this game. vewy fwun btw!!!!!

also known as the best kirby game

they improved on the original super star in basically every way, it's arguably the best mainline kirby game and definitely a fun time

The og game but with way more content, all of which is good. I was so close to beating all of the modes till the emulator crashed right when I was about to beat true arena lol. Overall good game, and good remake.

As a child I was always so sad that I didn't have a second person to play with. It looked so fun! I still believe this.

This is the game that introduced me to Kirby. The game is really pretty and fun to play. I've never had a chance to play the original, but people seem to be saying that it's a good remake, so I'm very happy to have come across this game.

this is a perfect game for anyone. its entertaining enough to be replayed, can be played on the go and with friends, not too hard so anyone could play but not too easy too where you’ll want to go to sleep. beautiful background and art design and dope music. anyone can play and will love this game.

Takes the best Kirby game and just adds even more dope missions to it.

God eating pink blob saves the day, again

Really fun! Perhaps I need to play it again.

Super Star Ultra is one of those games I kept hearing I HAD to play. I've already completed the original Super Star on the Super Nintendo and that was not only one of my favorite Kirby games but one of my favorite games on that system. So hearing that there's that AND more on the Nintendo DS was intriguing but I was put off from a couple of things. I thought the cutscenes looked worse than the original and I wasn't really huge on the artstyle shift, and honestly I'm still not huge on it, but hey, more games, right?

Since I've already gone over my thoughts on the original games, I'm just gonna be expressing my thoughts on what's new

Revenge Of The King - Right off the bat, this is my favorite new addition to the game. Combining KDL's extra mode with Spring Breeze with some changes to the level design made the game WAY more interesting. I especially like them bringing back the blimp boss since it was absent in the original, and it does tie in with the new story pretty well. The Masked Dedede fight was pretty cool too, if still a little easy. I enjoy his new theme too, even if I would say a lot of the music in this port is downgraded from the Super Nintendo original.

Metaknightmare - You get to romp through an abridged version of the original 5 major games as Meta Knight with his special abilities. He plays like a combination of Sword Kirby & Wing Kirby, which are some of my favorite copy abilities from Super Star, so this was pretty neat to see. I was a little disappointed with the results though, honestly. The level design really was not changed to better suit Meta Knight's gameplay loop, so in a lot of levels he can just breeze through them with zero effort. I question why GCO was even included, since that game was REALLY not designed for something like this. The level design really encourages exploring around and experimenting, but when you have a static moveset with the ability to heal and summon a helper pretty easily, you breeze through the levels like they're hallways. The fight with Galacta Knight was also pretty easy also disappointingly.

The True Arena - It's just The Arena but with the new bosses & such. Already wasn't super interested in The Arena but I gave this one a shot.

Helper to Hero - This is probably the coolest concept. You actually GET to play as the helpers Kirby can summon. It's fairly short & easy but the concept alone is enough to make this worth playing.

Kirby Can Swipe - It's BASICALLY Samurai Kirby but translated into a card touching game. Pretty fun, honestly.

Kirby On The Draw - Again, it's taking the idea of samurai kirby but combing it with the shootout minigame from Adventure into a shoot out game where you shoot cardboard characters against CPUs. It's actually a pretty neat game, and it can keep you on your toes

Snack Tracks - Honestly, I didn't care for this one that much. You basically just tap away all the gross & bad stuff while not tapping the good foods. Pretty easy to win, honestly unless you get disoriented easily.

I think without a doubt this is probably THE defacto way of playing Super Star. You get the original game with all the bonus content. However, I will still probably continue playing the Super Nintendo version over this since I prefer just playing a game like that on a console compared to a handheld, but if I'm ever in the mood to play as Meta Knight or challenge myself through Dream Land 1, this is absolutely the way to go.

would i call this kino? not really. would i say this game permanently changed the course of my life? absolutely. literally my memories start with the visage of that purple fucking jester. long live kirby

There's gotta be some insane Mandela effect at play here because I do not remember the Laser Ball enemy being anywhere in this dog gone world. Now the rest, I do remember! Like the first day of school. But... less daunting! I don't know how many times they can reinvent the pink ball, but apparently enough. The wheel has stopped, we are gathered today to celebrate the creativity bankruptcy of the once goat Kirb. A great mind once said "You couldn't hit a barn-sized lightning rod, Kracko!" That burn was free of charge DAMN, and here we find Kracko again... This is far from a coincidence. Ong? Just like that? We have so many gamemodes? It plays and looks better than its prehistoric version it's building on... if you are born in the 80s you are GAY and very OLD 🤓 ahah surely none of the readers are, that would be too silly.

We are used to remakes that remove content for no convincing reason, but in Kirby we trust? Wazzat? Stylus minigames??! GYAAAAAAAT!!! The presentation also includes new FMV cutscenes, as you've probably.. noticed... if you played the game. They are decent, yeah. Lil birbs. Marx got me fuh'd up though aint gonna lie. Is it fine spoiling shit? Eh, you'll figure it out. Look at blud's name. All being said, Milky Way Wishes still remains the goat. Anything that plays like Subspace Emissary knows what it's doing. I used to play the Arena a lot with my brother... happy childhood. We never really beat the True Arena. And by "really" I mean "yeah we barely made a dent in that thing. Absolutely fucked it up. I'm so sorry". I have to say, the bosses look... interesting... openAI draw them naked

While we're on a peak spree, chatgpt cook this top review, come up with a new gamemode and come up with a Saul Goodman type scheme to settle my student debt. Just kidding, I'm french. AH! Joke's on me. Jeez Louise, you can't go wrong with a Meta Knight gamemode. Well, NiDL's take was not much for acclaim, but this one is very cool. You are a heck of an entertainer, Sir Meta 😎 his strongest soldiers would agree 💪 no moaaaar FORTNITE no moaaar 19 DOLLARS MACH TORNADO. That's about the gist of it. But sir... A second gamemode has hit the remake??! Yeah, Dedede still wants that smoke, huh. It's like the extra mode in Dream's Land, putting the epic in extra epic!

Galacta Knight AND Masked Dedede? Iconic reccuring enemies back to back! Everybody gangsta until the japanese king dons the luchador mask. The "completely new" bosses are decisively nuts when you dunno better. Nothing has changed about any of them I don't think, but they're not recent graduates so of course their life has come to a stop. Kabula notwithstanding, she deserved to be back in the spotlight ❤️ This is also the grand starring role of Bandana Waddle Dee. I beat bro's ass. Then Dedede's. Sure happened. There is kind of a nihilistic undertone to that whole ending sequence. The antagonist always loses... we will never see his likes enslave his citizens like that again 😢

Numerous other additions! World Premiere! Just a droplet in the grand scheme of Nova's great plan. New Arena just dropped, with NPCs getting their fill. Don't you think Kirby might be too violent a game, sometimes? Eheh surely not, it's not like there is a sub-game where we destroy the pla- there is a sub-game where we destroy the planet. Oh wow! Nothing new ahah. Who knows whether they updated Capsule J because my boy deserves this much or to avoid copyright infringement. A perplexing paradox... But of course, it dont mean none in the judging eyes of the uncultured. I must admit, I scarcely noticed it. And I seldom played the sub-games, so don't ask me about those! Let me be silly doin main game activity