Reviews from

in the past

wahoo. not as good as 1 because the levels kind of feel more like obstacles courses rather than actual planets where people live and things happen. still awesome though with pretty much everything good and amazing except again for the freaking movement. wahoo!

improved on everything from the first game

10 years and I havent beat perfect run
green stars were very interesting

This game took an already perfect game and made it... even more perfect? This game is brilliant, no other words to describe it.

I would live in either Cosmic Cove Galaxy or Slimy Spring Galaxy if I could


Slightly less peak, less Rosalina too.

One of the best Marios to ever Mario

Up there as one of the all time greats. The Iconic score, endlessly creative levels, and lively energy make this game just as enthralling as the day it released.

would be higher if it had mommy rosalina

I’m sick and tired of an AES (actually existing socialist) project as accomplished as Whomp Fortress being treated as a sick joke. Critical support to Comrade Whomp King’s challenge to Mushroom Kingdom imperialism

Outro que marcou minha infância, mas superior ao 1

I definitely think the gameplay is overall improved from the first game for sure, though I’m not a fan of it coming at the cost of an engaging story. I think what made Galaxy 1 so special was it had both wonderful gameplay and such a cinematic feel and tone, whereas the gameplay may be better here but, gameplay’s kinda all it has compared to before
Also I hate that purple fuck Lubba, taking away MY Rosalina and thinking he can get away with it

In this case, more of a wonderful thing is still a wonderful thing. While the loss of an engaging hub world and associated character is lamentable, the levels are just as fun as in the original Galaxy, and the addition of green stars was honestly an incredible way to add content and encourage exploration of the existing galaxies. The co-op experience was also much improved over the base game - P2 can't make Mario jump by accident.

genuinely cannot listen to this and galaxy 1's ost without shedding tears both fucking beautiful games dude

Yet again, a fantastic 3D Mario game.

Really underrated, but yeah I would’ve preferred a fully new game and not another galaxy. Really good though still.

Gotta love Nintendo to be like: "Yeah, we made peak, let's do it again."

A fucking masterpiece 2

I can never decide which is better they both are SO good

its on par with the first mario galaxy. theyre both genuinely so good. nintendo how did you do it.