Reviews from

in the past

A fun game, but I felt like it lacked substance compared to galaxy 1. The gusty garden theme song is fire, but it was remixed into so many levels in this game that I got tired of it. Luigi is so much better at this game than Mario that he leaves behind ghosts when he visits a galaxy.

a sequel as good as the original

Una secuela al nivel del primero. La música y el gameplay siguen siendo tan satisfactorios como el primer día

that one “impossible” level is still in my head to this day. i have to play it one day.

This sequal is on par with the original but the original had this vibe that cannot be matched. Also Yoshi was a awesome addition but his levels sucked to get though sometimes. Cloud Mario rules.

not as good as one but still gaoted

Better than the original. The platforming does not stand out particularly well, but with Yoshi, it has some good moments. Overstays its welcome a ton.

Petite douceur, bonne suite au premier, bon ajout de gameplay. Bref un classique au final

no tengo idea como hice el 100% de esto con 7 años

En 2010 llegamos al peak de los plataformas y nunca jamás hemos conseguido hacer algo tan divertido

In my opinion the better Galaxy game.

The best 3d platformer I have and will ever play

Esse jogo é uma ótima continuação.

O sucessor direto de Mario Galaxy é um exemplo de uma continuação!

Super Mario Galaxy 2 é um jogo plataforma 3D que mantém muitos dos elementos presentes do antecessor, só que com mais conteúdo. (sim tem Yoshi nesse game).

A história ainda é estilo Mario Bros... Bowser captura a princesa Peach novamente... agora utilizando de uma estrela poderosa da Rosalina, separando a personagem dos seus "filhos"(as estrelinha).

Nosso objetivo é simples e claro... Coletar as estrelas espalhadas pelas galáxias e regaçar o Bowser.

Gosta de jogos de plataforma? Então parte pra cima dessa maravilha que você não vai se arrepender!


I remember I once compared the Mario Galaxy games to Guardians of the Galaxy

How well that aged

Plumbers don't wear ties...they ride space!

Mario Galaxy pra mim vai sempre ser uma das melhores e mais divertidas series do Mario!

Cada fase tem seu jeitinho especial que toca no coração. Ver Mario voando por ai nos momentos das fases é algo incrível! E o que me faz amar mais o Mario Galaxy 2 do que o antecessor é o Yoshi! Esse dinossaurinho verde fez toda a diferença e todas as fases que ele aparece se tornam as mais divertidas!
Mas nada me bateu mais no coração do que aquela "galáxia da nostalgia", vou dispensar comentários pra vocês que jogaram os jogos antigos do Mario poderem sentir o que eu também senti!

Esse é o terceiro Mario 3D, começando com Super Mario 64 (em co-op com meu querido Eddiekira) e depois, a pedido do FFz_Omega, o Super Mario Sunshine.

This review contains spoilers

this game is peak in such a different way than galaxy 1 and the green stars are cool in theory for replayability after you beat the game but oh my god there are so many, love the final challenge level though

Again, a beautiful game. Rosalina is mommy i fear

"This is brilliant."
Super Mario Galaxy

"But I like this."
Super Mario Galaxy 2

slightly superior than SMG1, making it perfect

Not quite as vibey though. Regardless, I still fantasized about living in this world as a kid

Lo completamos 100% con mi hermano a la corta edad de 12 años. We run this game like the military, se llegaba del colegio, se almorzaba y nos conectábamos. Nos intercalábamos a Mario y a Luma. OST 10/10, a veces escucho el overture y lloro. Amo este juego con mi vida. Literalmente peak Nintendo, van a pasar 100 años para que saquen un juego igual de increíble, igual que el festival de las estrellas.

Mario: Cool
Space: Cool
= Cool Mario space game

Super Mario Galaxy 2 might be a slight step up from its predecessor, but it's a step up nonetheless.

My biggest gripe with the first Galaxy game was the fixed camera's inconsistency. It's there for support, yet fails to offer any genuine help more often than it gets in the way. In Galaxy 2, this camera feels more precise in its movement in following Mario, with far less hiccups than I experienced in the first one.

I also find myself vastly preferring the linear game and map design over the "Hub' of the first Galaxy. It makes for a much smoother progression of understanding where and how to advance the easiest, fastest way possible. Although, the lack of available normal level stars from worlds 1-6 can be irritating, as being forced to collect Comet Medals and doing special levels just to beat the base game can get annoying.

I think the music in this sequel is, overall, a tad better as well. Whether it's something as simple as the save file selection screen, or a more complex instrumental like Glamdozer. Production feels more condensed and deeper in this game's whole OST. Which shouldn't discredit the first game's majestic design, since it did come before Galaxy 2. (Obviously, Syrem).

It's kind of unfortunate that the base game doesn't really utilize Yoshi all that much, despite him being on the damn cover art of the game. It feels like I used him in maybe 6 or 7 levels, and he wasn't required for half of said levels. Maybe I made a mistake and he's available more often, but I couldn't seem to find him much.

While Mario Galaxy stands as the staple of 3D platformers by general consensus, I believe its sequel succeeds in improving on the most important areas of what makes a great platformer game. 9/10.