Reviews from

in the past

Uma obra de arte. O jogo apresenta a volta da nossa querida Chell para os experimentos da Aperture Science. O jogo ficou mais completo, trazendo novas mecânicas(Ponte de luz, Aquele levantador azul, as gosmas azuis, vermelhas, brancas, etc.) e apagando outras(como as esferas de átomos). O aumento no número de fases e a dificuldade faz com que a gameplay possa ser sensacional, inesquecível e ao mesmo tempo esquecível, pois ao ter tantas fases faz com que o fator replay do jogo melhore, já que você pode não se lembrar daquela fase. Os personagens são carismáticos no ponto certo. Agora o Coop... Não tenho nada a reclamar, as fases são legais e divertidas de se jogar com um amigo, mesmo ele sendo um burro. As fases na minha opinião são muito mais difíceis do que a do modo solo, mas isso não é um ponto ruim, já que então, precisaria de 2 mentes para passar pelo puzzle. Estou atualmente buscando a platina, falta 9 troféus e todos são do online, as conquistas são divertidas e o fato de poder escolher o capitulo facilita muito, só sinto uma pena de terem tirado os desafios, eu platinei o Portal 1 ontem e senti falta de algo que me faça passar muita raiva e que me faça comemorar ao mesmo tempo.

I can't lie, I don't finish many games. I've chalked this up to the perverse incentives created by an emphasis on play time metrics. Developers have good reasons to resist making games that can be conclusively finished because the consumer is intent on getting value for money. Why spend on a game that will only yield a few hours of game-play when I can spend that same money on a game that will entertain me for as many hours as I want to put into it?

A fair question. And one that Value answers -- concisely. This is as pure a video game as exists. Sit down, turn your phone off (and maybe your lights too), and play through Portal 2. It will convince you that it is exactly what it needs to be. No more and no less.

i fucking love glados i cant even describe it

Does everything it sets out to do perfectly, but it could have been a bit more ambitious in what it set out to do.

I don’t get to play as many puzzle games as I’d like to. I always find them to be some of the most creatives game I get to play, but very few really scratch that itch I’m looking for. Now I want to be crystal clear before moving forward, this isn’t my first time playing Portal 2, I first played it nearly 4 years ago, and absolutely adored it. Funnily enough, I had played it before the original Portal cause I didn’t own the original Portal at the time. Back then, I adored it, but it’s been as I mentioned, nearly 4 years since then, and with the numerous games I’ve played since then, I wanted to look back on Portal 2 and look at it with new eyes. And simply put, it’s still downright one of the best puzzles games I’ve played.

Yet again, the actual mechanics of the Portal Gun are still amazing. The act of being able to travel through portals is seamless, and it feels amazing. This is even more enhanced by the new puzzle mechanics introduced in Portal 2, especially the Gels. The Gels were really fun to play around with, and it was really fun to see how they interacted with certain objects. The fact that the Repulsion Gel can make enemies or cubes spontaneously bounce was really fun. I’ll definitely say that I struggled more with the puzzles here than I did with Portal 1, but I still didn’t need a guide. Honestly half of the time I just got lost, which is on me, and also it makes complete sense that a sequel would be harder than its original. But it still amazes me how Portal 2 is able to perfectly evolve the incorporate new mechanics into the game, and still feel as perfect.

And it’d be one thing for Portal 2 to just be a really good puzzle game, but it goes far beyond that because of the character writing and the general story of the game. I love how comedic Portal 2 is, from Wheatley, Cave Johnson, and of course my favorite, “The Part Where He Kills You”. Even now replaying the game, I found myself still smirking and getting a good laugh out of these moments, not only are they written well, they’re also so well delivered. But the story as well is a nice sort of book-end for the world of Portal, getting to learn more about Aperture Science, the man behind it all, and GLaDOS herself is really nice. While I would love for there to be a third Portal, I would also be as content if this is where Portal ended.

Portal 2 is still absolutely one of the best puzzle games I’ve ever played, even after all this time. Its mechanics are so fleshed out and so unique compared to other titles I’ve played, there’s really not much of a contest. With no shadow of a doubt will I likely return to this game. It feels like it has the perfect length to a puzzle game (it took me about 6 hours to beat it), and I have no doubt there’s still some stuff I haven’t discovered yet. While I would be content with Portal as a series ending, I would love for a new puzzle game of some kind to come out of Valve, one that could be as creative as Portal 2.

Valve não faz jogo ruim, baita gameplay, baita sequencia, baita puzzles, baita historia e baita coop, final surpreendente e agora mais um game pra ser viúvo do 3, obrigado valve

It's Portal 2, no other rating would be acceptable. The atmosphere of this game is incredible and I cannot believe that a game from 2011 looks so damn good. This also has a good shot at the funniest game that I've ever played as well as the best one ever. And the level design, my god the level design is just pure genius. If you have never played Portal 1 and 2 before... you better get to it because this game is just ICONIC.

Some of the puzzles made my head hurt but the dialogue was oh so worth it. And now I have a craving of chucking lemons out

I don't think any piece of media can truly be perfect, especially things with as much player interactivity and programming work as video games. That being said, Portal 2 is perfect in ways that don't even make sense. How does the game look so good??? It came out the same year as Skyrim, how can it look and age so much better?
As a puzzle game without any procedural generation, it would easily not be very replayable, right? Nope, somehow it's still loads of fun to replay. I've got over 110 hours clocked on a game with a, like, 15 hour campaign.
Obviously the puzzles and gameplay are super fun and super smooth. Everybody knows how well written the dialogue and overall story are. Even the soundtrack is good. I can't think of a single thing wrong with this game that isn't just pointless nitpicking.

The sequel to an absolute classic, becoming an even better game itself.

Easily one of the best games I have ever played. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with it. Just the right amount of challenge and some hilarious moments

Really should go back and finish this at some point. I even bought the Switch version recently... Still need to...

Eu amava portal 1 e ainda não tinha jogado esse, a experiência foi otima

there is no easter bunny
there is no tooth fairy
there is no portal 3

"oh no, he's playing classical music"

Never cared about the first one, both back when it came out and now, but this one? Perfect game. Not sure if I realized it then, though I HIGHLY enjoyed it when it came out, but I certainly do now. The experiment/test-run that was the first game (as much as I admire it's bare bones/simplicity) constructed and paced to the highest degree. Never realized how hard I associate this game with 2011/my mid-teenage years. Definitely felt my body being transported back to those horribly awkward/demented years. So glad it's over. So glad to finally revisit this and see it even more for what it truly is.

The smartest game about idiots ever made. it's perfect.

Cohesive, fantastic mechanics, funny. Did shitty speedrunning on console back in the day.

Definitely up there as a contender for the greatest second game in a series.

This game is masterful work. Maybe my favorite Valve game, unless that Half-Life 2 replay really hits. This game fails at nothing. Every level, every puzzle, every area, every character accompanied by their sharp, witty writing and iconic performances is nothing less than top-tier. THIS is how you make a single-player puzzle/platformer, ladies and gentlemen. It's crazy that this game is over 10 years old because it feels so fresh despite it all. Portal 2 in 2024 still feels as in touch and supreme in the gaming sphere as it did in 2011. I can do nothing but praise this game.

pra mim essa experiência foi fenomenal me deu vontade de viver para continuar experienciando mais experiências

One of the, if not THE best level designs I witnessed in game.

That outside the lab section drags sooooo long.

Great puzzle game with a good story. I enjoy both the co op and single player

This is one of the greatest puzzle games of all time. Super great level design with some grade A engineering made for you to figure out your path. Lots of really decent humor in this one too

I was only interested in the co-op so that’s all I played of this game but it was really fun!

A great time with a friend and had me wishing that there was more of it. Humour is brilliant, puzzles are fun, and the levels are cleverly built to drive working together (or screaming at eachother), to make this a co-op gem.

Found this game by sheer chance back in the day, never looked back. Amazing puzzles, incredible story, great easter eggs, an iconic cast of characters... and possibly one of the best mechanics a game has ever had, now turned up to 11 with all the new additions!! Fully recommended if you liked Portal 1 or even if you haven't played Portal before.

The way I was so bad at this my friend quit playing with me

I literally got this game by accident,

Best accident since my parents divorce

Masterpiece. It has an atmosphere unique to this game. The puzzles are clever without being taxing. I liked the characters, and the dialogue.
The co-op is also very well done and fun. Would recommend to anyone!