Reviews from

in the past

Definitely up there as a contender for the greatest second game in a series.

This game is masterful work. Maybe my favorite Valve game, unless that Half-Life 2 replay really hits. This game fails at nothing. Every level, every puzzle, every area, every character accompanied by their sharp, witty writing and iconic performances is nothing less than top-tier. THIS is how you make a single-player puzzle/platformer, ladies and gentlemen. It's crazy that this game is over 10 years old because it feels so fresh despite it all. Portal 2 in 2024 still feels as in touch and supreme in the gaming sphere as it did in 2011. I can do nothing but praise this game.

Does everything it sets out to do perfectly, but it could have been a bit more ambitious in what it set out to do.

Funny, smart, epic. Perfect ending.

genuinely i think this might be the best video game ever made. witty writing before that became grating, good puzzle design, visually fantastic. what more could you ask for really

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

Portal 2 es como Portal... Pero mejor en todo. Si ya Portal es una obra maestra, esta secuela expande y mejora absolutamente todo. La música es bastante mejor que la del primer juego y los gráficos no tienen cambio prácticamente, pero si que tiene un estilo artístico ligeramente más variado.

Portal es un juego con UNA mecánica: disparar portales. Solo tiene una, pero la pule hasta el extremo. En cambio Portal 2 da todavía más jugo a la mecánica de portales y añade alguna otra, como los líquidos esos raros de colores que poseen distintas propiedades, manteniendo un nivel de pulido en todas impecable.

Los puzles y diseño de niveles es mucho mejor que el del primero, dando situaciones mucho más variadas, teniendo que pensar mejor las acciones de cada puzle y aprovechando cada mecánica al máximo para dar los mejores puzles que he visto en videojuegos.

La historia es 1000 veces mejor que la del primero. Hay nuevos personajes que tienen muchísimo carisma, como Weastley o Cave Jhonson y cada personaje evoluciona a lo largo del juego. No quiero hacer spoilers, pero la historia es buenísima.

Portal es imprescindible, pero no sé que haces leyendo esta review sin haber jugado Portal 2. De los mejores videojuegos que he jugado en unos años.

Masterpiece. It has an atmosphere unique to this game. The puzzles are clever without being taxing. I liked the characters, and the dialogue.
The co-op is also very well done and fun. Would recommend to anyone!

Really should go back and finish this at some point. I even bought the Switch version recently... Still need to...

I wish I had friends to play the multiplayer ): I want the achievements

I literally got this game by accident,

Best accident since my parents divorce

Если вам на полном серьезе интересны пространственные головоломки как отдельный жанр - обратитесь к доктору

this game made my brain wrinkle

my beloved robot wife that wants me dead...

Eu amava portal 1 e ainda não tinha jogado esse, a experiência foi otima

i fucking love glados i cant even describe it

pra mim essa experiência foi fenomenal me deu vontade de viver para continuar experienciando mais experiências

I remember playing this in IDK 2015? The internet was off by a week so I just kept playing this game for a whole week and geez, this is masterpiece

Technically still an extremely impressive game, mixing up things well with good puzzle variety. Unfortunately, I just didn't enjoy it as much as the first Portal.

Could mainly be due to me not being the target audience for the overall tone and humor of the game. I really enjoyed the somewhat unsettling and creepy atmosphere of the first game, which seemed to be absent here.

Easily one of the best games I have ever played. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with it. Just the right amount of challenge and some hilarious moments

really cool characters and voice acting, laughed a lot

yeah, it's better than valorant

The best part of the game is when the little british ball throws you into the abyss where you and your potato girlfriend have to listen to Omni Man screaming "I HATE LEMONS!!!"

Genial perfeito impecável lindo uma das melhores experiencias de jogos já existente eu te amo valve por favor produza mais jogos
Esse jogo é simplesmente PEAK

Aí você acha que os caras não conseguem fazer um jogo melhor e eles lançam uma sequência tão f*** quanto o primeiro jogo

I dont really need to say why this is good

bom pra jogar com amigos e sozinho tbm, mas nunca joguei sozinho...

Лучший сиквел ever, развивает все черты первой части на качественно новый уровень