Reviews from

in the past

Awesome map, awesome exploration, lackluster bosses but I can forgive that since it was their first ever real souls game, the ending area because of rushing as I heard was screwed up but otherwise, this game is awesome

Um dos melhores jogos que já joguei, redefinindo a maneira que vejo jogos singleplayer seloco

The definig game for Fromsoft. Wish I played it before Elden Ring but it still holds up very well.

STR build goes brr.

For the first released one, is a lot of fun indeed. Fuc**ng hate bed of chaos, they really made that boss a one so much hateable. I really liked fighting against gwyn, queelag, four kings and sif (also best ost in this game).

The first half of this game is amazing. The atmosphere, level design, bosses, all a lot of fun. Then after that…how dated this game is really shows for the whole rest of the game. Everything i liked about the first half goes down the drain. As biased as I am i still cant recommend this to anybody.

finalmente todos os chefes nvl 1

This was my first "Souls Game" that I played and actually finished. Once it clicked for me it really wasn't very challenging. Only reason this isn't a 5 star game for me is that after the Ornstein and Smough fight the game drops off in quality a bit. The DLC area and bosses are very cool though and the world building really is unmatched. I love the vibe of this world and mixed with such a great soundtrack. Onto Dark Souls II: Scholar of First Sin next I suppose.

É incrivel o que este jogo pode significar, para além da mídia é um comentario da semiotica á vida da mesma forma que retrata um mundo em seu momento de transição, ainda, se tratando de temas gerais, tem-se que a historia aqui pode ser tanto fantastica como decepcionante mas isso mais pelo modo que é contada.

Sobre o que mais gosto nesse jogo:

Ambientação, momentos, alguns bosses, sistemas complexos talvez, além de que pode ser muito imersivo.

é interessante se pensar que a narrativa emergente é própria historia do chosen undead.

Despite a slow start and lack of QoL features Dark Souls 1 still holds up. The atmosphere and liminal vibes are quite unique compared to the other From games I've played so far. Due to already playing 5 of the FromSoftware games It wasn't as hard as the other games and the bosses were for the most part just okay.

Overall pretty good start to the series, looking forward to playing the last two Souls games.

MANO como não joguei antes
vlw miyazaki.
Don't you dare go hollow.

”But soon, the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain.”

What’s there to say about Dark Souls? It’s unlike anything I’ve ever played. It’s brutal, but rarely unfair. Oppressive, yet oddly encouraging. Terrifying, yet magical. Like the deceptive warmth of the First Flame and the unearthly chill of the Abyss, Dark Souls strikes a near-perfect balance of tension and reprieve.

Every death you experience feels like a proper punishment for screwing up. As soon respawn at the bonfire, the first thing on your mind is basically, “Alright, let’s do this one last time.” That’s what makes Dark Souls so addicting. The cycle of trying your best, dying, learning from your mistakes, and trying your best “one more time”. Because despite the punishment, you can tell that the game wants you to succeed, so it feels like every respawn is just another chance to get it right this time.

The combat is awesome and probably the best in any game I’ve played. It’s slow, but it’s deliberate, intuitive, and masterfully executed. There’s so much depth thanks to the different types of weapons and how they scale with your stats, allowing you to craft your fighting machine, your perfect undead warrior. Every successful encounter feels like a victory, whether it be one enemy or a room full of them.

The bosses. Oh man, the bosses. Not all of them are winners, but when they hit, they hit home fucking runs. The Asylum Demon is the perfect introductory boss. The Taurus Demon builds off of that. The Bell Gargoyles ramp up the challenge. Ornstein and Smough are the ultimate test to prove your worth as the Chosen Undead. Sif may not be difficult, but the whole fight is one hell of an emotional gut punch. The Four Kings are a mad dash to kill them before they kill you. Knight Artorias is a frantic sword duel against the greatest hero in Lordran’s history. Manus is darkness incarnate and holy shit does his fight feel like it. And Black Dragon Kalameet is the perfect optional superboss to prove that you have finally gotten gud.

The story takes the Metroid Prime route of “minimal, yet deep”. You’re basically just wandering across a kingdom killing whoever you’re told to, but the sheer level of detail present in the item descriptions, backgrounds, and NPC dialogue gradually expose the sheer tragedy of Lordran and its fallen leader, Lord Gwyn. I won’t go into details because it’s confusing as fuck, but it’s an appropriately dark and brooding tale that perfectly fits the game’s tone and leads to an inevitably bitter conclusion, regardless of what path you choose.

Oh, and the LEVEL DESIGN. The world of Dark Souls is intricately designed and takes a Metroidvania style approach by having the entire kingdom be interconnected. You gradually unlock shortcuts, keys to new areas, fast travel, and new powers to help you progress. Not to mention, there are tons of great individual areas, with Anor Londo, Sen’s Fortress, the Duke’s Archives, the Painted World of Ariamas, and basically everything in the Artorias of the Abyss DLC being some of my favorites. Hell, I even liked areas that most people hate. I thought all the ex-bosses littering the Demon Ruins were a great reminder of how far I’d come in my journey (also, the sight of an entire canyon full of Taurus Demons just standing there is incredibly funny to me). I also kinda liked the limited visibility of the Tomb of the Giants and how it forced me to manage my resources so I could keep my lantern in hand. I get why other people hate it, but I’m not other people, so I liked it.

However, Dark Souls, like any game, isn’t perfect, and it definitely suffered due to rushed development. The Crystal Cave and three of the Lord bosses feel undercooked. Lost Izalith is a boring as fuck area that I simply cannot defend. And don’t even get me fucking started on the fucking BED OF CHAOS!!!!

Nevertheless, the highs of Dark Souls are so high, so numerous, and so frequent that they completely drown out the lows. It’s just too much fun, and I’ll definitely be having even more fun playing it over and over in the future.

Dos tercios del juego son una absoluta obra maestra. Después es el meme del caballo mal dibujado al final.

goddam thoes naked worms were scary


P.s Прошёл на 100%

Level design et world building exceptionnel, bien meilleur que dans le 3 car le monde est entièrement interconnecté et non-linéaire, ce qui rend l'univers très cohérent et facilite l'immersion. Les boss sont sympas bien que très en dessous de ceux du 3 pour la plupart. A faire absolument si vous avez aimé Dark Souls 3.

Dark Souls is full of bullshit that aims to more so frustrate the player than provide them with an actual challenge. Seriously, who ok'd Blighttown?

But the gorgeous landscapes, music, combat, and most of the bosses more than make up for the occasional cramped hallway and poorly thought out game design choice in my opinion.

I wasn't interested in soulslikes for the longest time, but having played this game, I fully understand why the genre exploded in popularity. This game birthed a genre, so you should play it. Simple as.

Minha segunda experiência na franquia, não sou muito bom em comentar sobre essas coisas, mas adoro o level design e praticamente todos os bosses, a gameplay é um pouco melhor que de DS2 pra mim, mas definitivamente uma obra prima da época

Come on, it's Dark Souls 1. You know how this goes. Excellent first half, drop in quality after getting the Lordvessel, incredibly well-realised world, high quality gameplay, all that. I'm no different, I really like Dark Souls and will recommend it to anyone who gives me an ear, even in spite of Demon Ruins.

Le sacamos todos los trofeos con Sypha, buena experiencia, se viene el 2 en breves y si no se pone a llorar Sypha.

как всегда как и во всех миядзаки играх, геймплей дерьмище но кайф мир и короче все остальное. Советую посмотреть на твиче как играть а самому нахуй надо в это игрить.

Evolui algumas coisas de Demon's mas nada absurdo, e tem umas parte bem irritantes, sinceramente, Demon's sola esse joguinho.

Que jogo incrível, amei a lore e a atmosfera principalmente, tem lugares que são indescritíveis (Ash Lake, por exemplo) mas, ao mesmo tempo que gostei muito, há muitos erros que são muito chatos, ninguém merece ter que passar pela décima vez pelo mesmo lugar pra chegar no boss ou os controles horríveis (só quem teve que morrer mais de 15 vezes pra passar dos arqueiros de Anor Londo entende o quão ruim são os controles). As vezes, usei guias pra certas partes muito chatas e/ou repetitivas e acho que isso não afetou muito minha experiência. O jogo também é desnecessariamente vago pra quem é iniciante nos jogos da From Software, sei que a proposta é deixar o jogador livre pra descobrir como funcionam as mecânicas mas, também tem partes que exageram como, por exemplo, o sistema de peso ou de atributos que, mesmo com uma explicação ainda continuam muito confusos. Apesar dos erros Dark Souls continua se mantendo como um clássico e é um jogo indispensável pra todos que querem conhecer o porquê de soulslike serem tão amados.

Tardó un poco en hacer click, pero una vez que lo hizo no podía pensar en otra cosa más que jugar. Es un increíble primer juego, el diseño laberíntico de cada zona no me dejó de sorprender y entiendo cómo puede gustarle tanto este juego a la gente.

Sin duda, el peor defecto es todo el tiempo que te hace perder cada que quieres regresar a un boss. También, algunos de los bosses me parecieron más tediosos que difíciles, los cuatro reyes y bed of chaos son los primeros que se me vienen a la mente. Siento que en general, la última parte del juego, de adquirir las 4 grandes almas es la menos divertida, a pesar de su gran atmósfera e interesantes áreas.

A pesar de todo lo negativo, este juego me mantuvo picado durante la mayoría del tiempo que lo jugué y sin duda alguna hay momentos extremadamente memorables. Mis peleas favoritas fueron las Gárgolas, Smough y el otro cabrón, Gaping Dragon, y el lobo. Mis áreas favoritas fueron la primera parte del volcán, Anor Londo y la tumba de los gigantes.

Me encantaría tener más tiempo para pasármelo más veces, pero tengo muchos juegos en la fila.

first half is really good, but clunky gameplay and shitty hitboxes made me drop, might try to get back to it one day

A wonderful experience; everyone should complete this game at least once.