Reviews from

in the past

Changed my outlook on games forever and changed the industry too. Masterpiece of a game.

Dark Souls is the game my mind goes to first when I think of level design perfected. Sure, it has a dip in the 2nd half in terms of level design and boss design but it only feels that way because of how perfect the first half is. The 2nd half is still incredible all things considered. The only real issues I have with this were some of the jank that just wasn't fun (most of the jank was great tho tbh) and Bed of Chaos. Genuinely one of the worst bosses FromSoft has made to this day. The lore is extremely detailed and rewards players for reading flavour text, talking to the same NPCs during different parts of the game and exploring every nook and cranny. The game offers many fun builds and is incredibly easy to pick up and play at random times. Trying a new, deliberately weak build or challenge run just because it's that fun.

The atmosphere of this game is so wholly unique that I can't help but play more and more. It envelopes you and immerses you like no other game. Despite how hopeless everything feels, it doesn't stop the game from having tons of personality. And it covers you in a warm, familiar blanket. Making it a nightmarish dream you never want to wake up from, even with all its cruelty.


beautiful and awesome but rpgs may not be for me after all

I resisted playing this game for a very long time because I didn't care that much for Demon's Souls when I played it. Turns out what I wanted from that game was an interconnected world to explore.

One of the few modern era games that really stuck to my bones and became a game I still revisit when I long to return to a familiar world.

Kinda hard to adapt after DS2 and 3.

i owe you an apology miyazaki, i wasnt really familiar with your game

i have learned to love dark souls. the atmosphere is great, the way the world is connected is amazing, and i love the combat system. almost everything is amazing, except lost izalith which is the worst shit ever.

o&s and gwyn are awesome. pretty much every boss is. excellent game.

Got this game to see what all the fuss was about. I don't know where to begin, but luckily I wrote a rough review way back when so I wouldn't forget what it was like.

Good stuff:

Character design
•being able to create a personalized character
•creative enemy designs and some NPCS

fashion souls
•so many wearable outfits to choose from

•dark atmosphere which fits the name of the game very well

Exploration (somewhat)
•being able to either slightly branch off paths or at the very least do things in different orders

Bad stuff:

•getting through the gauntlet of enemies is more annoying and infuriating than the bosses themselves
•some mid bosses are harder than the final boss
•carnal demon is in such a small boss area
•ornstein and smough

Level design
•skeleton catacombs
•tomb of the giants
•warping isn't available until after anor londo so backtracking was the only way to move around until then

NPC 'lore'
•NPCs barely talk
•most lore is given through item descriptions so anything can be missed very easily for the more casual player

Music (lack thereof)
•no music except for bosses

•multiplayer can add to frustration in the idea of being invaded at inoppurtune times

•armor barely protects against attacks
•armor hinders roll-dodging

In conclusion, when I beat this game I didn't feel satisfied and haven't done another full run since.

The most breathtaking gaming experience of my life. This game changed the way I play games, and taught me patience. It challenged me to use my natural human ability to learn. I will hold this game inside my heart forever.
My first playthrough is highlighted by community engagement with other players, discovering new information and secrets about the game as I went. It was also full of moments of complete defeat and desperation, contrasted by the ecstacy of overcoming a challenge that truly cannot be compared. An excitement I will likely never experience again.

My favourite game of all time. Give me more retextured enemies and rushed areas FromSoft, I live for it. It's interesting to see how despite FromSoftware becoming such a prestigious and respected developer, they've yet to recapture Dark Souls 1's magic, or at least in my opinion. I don't know if it's the satisfying level design or the amount of atmosphere oozing from this masterpiece but however much the gameplay improves in their next titles doesn't replace the feeling of exploring Lordran for the first time. I think this game's greatest strength is the use of scale- it's so compact when exploring that when it opens up to a massive area or a giant boss fight is presented, you really feel the weight of their presence as opposed to the tightly knit environments. I'd obviously recommend it but I'm aware not everyone is going to enjoy its seemingly unforgiving nature.

Um dos maiores da história. :,)

This game is the souls-like we've been waiting forever for in the dark souls series

shit game, one of the worst. don't even think about playing it (BAD)

Thank god there's a Dark Souls II to improve upon this raw as fuck game...

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Esse jogo é basicamente perfeito em tudo. Worldbuilding, level desing, gameplay, etc. Mas eu não consigo mais dar nota máxima, porque Lost Izalith e a Bed of Chaos é a experiência mais frustrante que eu já tive em jogo.

it’s crazy how this game came out slightly before Skyrim and yet does so many things soooo much better. I feel like it simultaneously feels more and less dated in terms of the world and overall presentation of the game in some ways..

I’ve never really understood people who complained about blackreach, and I know for a fact that they have never been to blighttown. It really does make Skyrim look like a game that was build for babies (which it is but I guess that just makes me a baby)

It’s also INSANE…!!!!!!…!!!.!.!.!!!
that we have gotten ds2, 3, bloodborne, sekiro AND Elden Ring which are all masterpieces of games in their own right that are incredibly fleshed out and surpassingly impactful and innovative each in their own ways while we have seen NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE WHATSOEVER from the elder scrolls in this time… actually blows my mind it just isn’t close at all. From/bethesda are not even close to being on the same level , honestly just sell the elder scrolls IP to someone who actually cares, or just wait around until the Skyrim modders just make it themselves

Maybe I will give it a 10 once I finally beat it someday. This game has certainly made me understand where Skyrim falls short as a game. Dark souls maybe the most unmatched dark fantasy atmosphere of all time.

9/10 I’m gonna go play morrowind

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fuck it hard

An Iconic Masterpiece of the early 2010s. Defined the future of gaming. Difficult but fair and very satisfying to overcome challenges. Janky on PC, remaster may run better.

puede que sea mi juego favorito... pero también me parece en términos objetivos un juego bastante mediocre, la primer mitad es increíble y la segunda mitad es el peor juego jamás hecho

voy a dejar esta review y el rating a la mitad como decidió hacer fromsoft con el juego. SALUDOS