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Fear & Hunger es un juego injusto y brutal a partes iguales. No es para todo el mundo, pero seguro que hay un nicho que va a amar este juego. Su presentación es interesante, y ciertamente es lo que hace que lo recomiende. Al menos para probarlo.

No considero que su dificultad sea causada por un mal diseño, para nada. Al contrario, creo que encierra un mensaje claro y potente. Desde el inicio sabés que este es un juego que no te lo va a hacer fácil, y te pide que abandones bastante concepciones del género RPG por turnos. Cada pequeña victoria se siente como un gran paso. Cada vez que podés guardar la partida, conseguís una efímera pero necesaria sensación de seguridad.

Este juego me recuerda al primer Dark Souls en una forma muy particular. Y es la familiaridad que adquirís con los niveles sin la necesidad de un mapa o una guia. Aprendés estos lugares porque lo vas a necesitar si querés avanzar; el propio descubrimiento de mecánicas e interacciones son gran parte del juego. Y estoy seguro de que hay muchas cosas por descubrir.

Este juego no es para mi. No tengo intención de completarlo. Pero eso no me impide apreciar lo distintivo de Fear & Hunger.

Es un juego duro, con temáticas polémicas y bastante grotesco en más de un aspecto. Si eso no te supone un problema, puede merecer la pena que le des una oportunidad.

Esse jogo tem uns pontos bem ruins quanto ao conteúdo e apresentar algumas coisas de formas muito podres ( se você conhece já sabe ao que me refiro ), tirando isso o jogo é muito bom, tem uma história legal e interessante e uma mecânicas legais nas batalhas, tem uns finais alternativos que podem te segurar mais tempo jogando e até uns mods da comunidade com mais conteúdo, recomendo jogar.
Mas se prepara pra se estressar

One of the more unique gaming experiences I've had in years. Far from perfect, but like the depressing and oppressive aesthetic of the game, it's not meant to be perfect. As an introduction, this game offers a lot of lessons to be learned to go from not knowing how to navigate the world to becoming an expert.

ta bien, berserk en rpg pero bastante normalillo aunq la atmosfera de los 1ros pisos mola una barbaridad

took me 12hrs to beat my first run and i think that's pretty good , especially without any sort of guides

i don't know man
it has a really good atmosphere and worldbuilding, but the gameplay is holding it back for me massively

Extremely deep lore, storytelling, characters. Except that the game is extremely punishing and i cba to finish it.

some of the best games ive played fully utilise the interactive medium to immerse the player into it's world, characters, and get across meaning, with fear and hunger being probably one of, if not the best example ive ever seen in a game doing this and absolutely perfecting this, the ludonarrative harmony created by the completely unfair dominating world filled with a dark and oppressive atmosphere, with every mistake you do booting you to the title screen with scarce saving, always keeping you on edge and a constant stream of anxiety for the next possible failure lying in wait, making it clear to the player that this is not a world built for them, and yet, the player has the ability and want to keep pushing further and harder, gaining more and more knowledge every attempt until finally reaching the (actual) end goal. this approach aids the developer into creating a commentary on human nature, that despite the fragility of the human body (through the mental torment endured by the player and possible lost limbs along the way) the human spirit is capable of persevering, with the player by the end of the game having felt and experienced this fact of life, a rather bright conclusion found from the desolate world of fear and hunger.

i can't even make a lame dismissive little joke about this, this is just cool. it actually uses the medium to increase the terror. the nudity and sex is all bizarre and uncanny, the violence is terrible, the story is real nasty. good shit

There's magic in these dungeons, something enthralling.

Funger's atmosphere is magnetic, it had me hooked from the very first run until the end with its cruelty, enemy design, and world. There's just something so wonderful about a game willing to kick your teeth in so thoroughly. As soon as I lost to a guard and ended up legless in a fleshpit with no idea where I was I knew it would be a special experience, which after mastering the first few floors proved to be true. What comes after those floors, while not as punishing since you're more used to the game's tricks, is still magical.

It's not flawless by any means of course, there's bugs and RPGmaker jank, but both are overshadowed by the level of love put into crafting it. If there's one main criticism I have it's that battles as the game goes on start to feel either routine(attack X part on Y turn) or lacking some complexity(spam attack torso). But battling isn't even the game's main focus so this isn't that important.

Pretty cool, conceptually, it's the violent sex-filled fantasy that parents thought their kids were playing DnD for in the 80s, though it's a bit too trial-and-error-y for me to immediately stick to rn. Cool cool I might give it a shot later cool

Incredible game, story and graphics, hard but once you learn it is amazing

esse jogo tem uma atmosfera muito boa e uma construção de mundo incrível, mas a gameplay desse jogo não me atraiu nem um pouco

jogo desgraçado do caralho

gosto muito

Il più grande pregio di questo gioco è l'aver creato una così tanta alta quantità di contenuto a livello sia di design che di scrittura da aver formulato una propria completa e coerente mitologia che è il punto fondante su cui continui a giocare fino in fondo seppur il gioco (con il sistema della monetina) sa essere ampiamente infame. A prescindere però vorrei dire di superare il timore della difficoltà, è solo per novizi, dopo un paio di ore (o magari con mezza info su qualche nemico) si capisce che per battere i nemici bisogna banalmente colpire la parte debole.

is the cure to male loneliness to become a godslayer?

Du coup on avait pas besoin de Legarde.

the atmosphere this game creates is actually so amazing, the music, setting, enemy design and lore are all incredibly well crafted. the gameplays definetly unfair, but it works to the games advantage by further increasing the feeling of hopelessness. the way the gameplay and story work together in this game is actually perfect. theres so much more i could say but i cant put it into words you just have to play it and you will know what i mean

Fear & Hunger is an incredible mixture of RPG and horror with lite roguelike elements. Your bones will be broken, limbs sawed off, spirit crushed, eyes pecked out, and life force siphoned out of you - and you will love every second of it.

This game is exceptionally punishing and unforgiving, to an almost unfair degree. Nearly every encounter can end with your untimely demise if you dare to take so much as even one wrong step, or if luck simply turns away from you. Every resource is scarce and darkness is pitch-black. But this game is not purely unfair - there is always a possibility for success, however you will need a lot of trial and error to know how to properly navigate dungeons of fear and hunger. This game is specifically designed to induce dread and suspense into the player using game mechanics, and it does not shy away from the most cruel and low ways to do it. It is designed as a macabre puzzle for you to throw yourself onto its bloodied spikes again and again, to constantly make new characters and lead them to their doom. And this is beautiful - there are very few games that can achieve THIS level of tension, even if at the expense of some convenience. Art, sound design and storytelling of the game is also very good and enhances these feelings.

There are downsides to this harshness - the game really loves to waste your time due to easy deaths and restricted saves, but I think it's forgivable, considering how strong its good qualities are.

This is a must-have for anyone interested in dark, morbid, unconventional and just weird games.