Reviews from

in the past

A really fantastic game with an incredible multiplayer mode that unfortunately feels like it has been forgotten.

I loved this game when it came out. Although I remember it being difficult to tell friend from foe for a while. I'd like to think that's because it was the dull, neutral color palette era. I played this to death with Daniel on insane. General Ramm can take so many perfect sniper bullets to the face man. These days I'm not as much of a fan. It's ok.

Me hizo ver lo manquisimo que soy para los shooters, se supone que no deberia haber sido tan dificil, pero si me culeo en varias partes. Me enteré muy poco de la historia por lo mezclada que estaba con el mismo gameplay . Pero se notaba que estaba interesante Xd. No le entendí lo suficiente a la profundidad del sistema de coberturas, pero si se siente bastante diferente a los tipicos shooters, y las armas me encantan. Bonus para el boss final, que era tan malparidamente imposible que te mataba como en 1 minuto hasta que creas la estrategia perfecta y lo matas tu en 1 minuto a el.

It's just good. It's very fun and makes you feel like a killing machine but one complaint I have for the franchise, especially the first game is that the levels kind of blend in with each other. The colour pallet is pretty dull but they at least improved upon the variety in the sequels.

Absolute classic that has aged like fine wine

first 3 GoW games are amazing, the multiplayer was so good and the campaign was fun too. the edgy overly gorey game was fun man

Arguably the most badass gaming franchise of the 00s. Nothing is more brutal than making locust scum bite the curb as they are stomped into tomato juice. Plus, a freaking Chainsaw Gun. Anyway, this game revolutionized and refined the 3rd person shooter and made a whole wave of copycats follow suit. Epic Games did a good job. The campaign was hella fun and i've played it a multitude of times across the years. The multiplayer is some of the best I've ever come across. Nothing feels better than being the last teammate alive and executing the opposing force. This game is a masterpiece. It's a shame, Microsoft had such a strong roster with the 360. That's the only console generation wherein I'd argue they really won. Because culturally, Xbox 360 is more important than the overpriced and failure plated road of the PS3.

Great graphics but very simple gameplay and not much weapon variety. Great cutscenes

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Tuve la chance de volverlo que jugar y sigue siendo igual de bueno a como lo recordaba, es algo corto pero es muy disfrutable su campaña junto a sus personajes muy carismáticos y su gore bien manejado.
El online lo recuerdo poco pero se que no era malo pero no es el mejor de sus saga.

Unnecessarily gory, BUT it was a nice change from the regular shooter of the time. The gameplay definitely improved throughout the series but it had to start somewhere. You might need to turn up the brightness on this one. It's dark and gritty!

que recuerdos aquellos en los que mi hermano llevo un juego que le prestaron, sin saberlo, conocí una de mis sagas favoritas. Hasta la fecha se sostiene increíblemente bien, puedo volver a jugarlo sin problema, la historia es sólida y el gameplay frenético. Sin duda una manera magistral de iniciar una nueva franquicia

A definição perfeita deste aqui é de "Introdução"
Uma introdução de uma jovem Microsoft no mercado de jogos, uma introdução ao Xbox, que chegou no mercado para competir, uma introdução ao Xbox Live, com o multiplayer de gears, introdução à uma iniciante Unreal Engine, com a Epic querendo provar o valor do seu motor gráfico.

A junção de muitos elementos outrora encontrado de forma apartada em jogos, um universo expansível e promissor, ação no ponto e uma história no minimo motivadora, Gears 1 é a perfeita introdução à uma nova franquia nos anos 2006.

Tosco de cojones, pero así es como son los Gears, a ver si nos enteramos. Lo de la recarga activa es historia de los videojuegos

Мясо, кооператив, ураганный геймплей, бензопила. Что щё нужно? Проходил трижды: два раза оригинал и один раз — ремастер. При этом перепроходить игры обычно не люблю и крайне редко этим занимаюсь. Это ли не показатель исключительности игры и её крутизны?