Reviews from

in the past

A very interesting look back on this game since its the one that really set the trends of the 7th gen for 3rd person shooters for the most part. It feels a lot more like a 6th gen adventure game than you probably remember compared to the later installments. Way more rough around the edges than I ever realized back in the day. The framerate is awful, the visuals flicker and blur all the time thanks to unreal 3, its buggy as fuck. But the online still works in 2024 which i couldn't believe initially. Its charming in how earnest a lot of the shit in this game is. A bunch of stuff feels like it was put in there because the devs thought it was cool as hell and you know what, i agree. Gears is cool and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Sinceramente não lembrava desse jogo ser tão foda, a mais pura ação atrás de muito sangue e tiro, tá maluco.

A gameplay desse jogo é de um nível estratosférico de qualidade. É um negócio tão simples e intuitivo, mas ao mesmo tempo tão inteligente e engajante, e os caras foram os primeiros a fazer um jogo nesse estilo(cover shooter) e já chegaram com um bgl desses, sabiam demais

Poucos jogos conseguem bater de frente com o nível da atmosfera e dos visuais desse jogo, simplesmente a coisa mais simbioticamente brutal e escura que você acha por aí, e pensar que esse nem é o melhor da trilogia original

While nowadays it can seem antique and little bit rusty, it’s still a game that started a revolution in actions games, cover system, multiplayer, and brought with it and exciting story with characters with so much heart and personality that have even made us cry.

Shorter than I remember, still goated.

You don't have to loot or discover an AAAA open world just kill bugs with a rifle that has chainsaw

Classic xbox. Gears of War was so cool.

The year was 2006 and there was nothing cooler than a goatee and a bandana, and I love that for us.

Sometimes this game gets really annoying and confusing, but overall fun, especially in co-op.

Personally think Marcus and Dom should’ve kissed at the end rather than having that awful final boss.

Quando eu comecei a jogar a franquia eu comecei pelo Remake, então eu joguei esse jogo por último depois de ter experimentado todos os "sucessores", mesmo assim me impressionou como esse jogo ta 0 datado. Obvio que o Remake é melhor porque atualiza e arruma alguns problemas, mas tirando a IA dos aliados que é completamente imbecil, o jogo é jogável em 2024 sem estranhar nada, fora as mecânicas criadas aqui que são utilizadas até hoje em qualquer over the shoulder com cover.

As a teenager, I had a lot of fun playing Gears of War, especially co-op and multiplayer. And while it didn't exactly pioneer the showcased mechanics as a third-person shooter, I think it perfected them in a lot of ways. This game and Dead Rising 1 were the two big early 360 knockouts, IMO.

As I was growing up, I got a little annoyed that the gaming spheres (that was considerably hipster-ish for late 00s/early 10s standards) turned their noses at Gears of War, calling it generic, boring, and with an uninteresting visual art style. Things I couldn't disagree with more. People dog on stuff like how there's convenient covers throughout the campaign, but the game is designed around that, so I think it's fine. The snappiness of clinging between walls is also a lot of fun.

I think the game sells its intensity extremely well with all of its little touches, like how the camera bobs, the damage meter being this tamped gear in the center, and this is all especially supported by its super-gritty art style. Don't get me wrong, it's all SUPER exaggerated and considerably obnoxious (look up the lead artist, he looks JUST like the locust enemies lmfao), but I think it's great, and it all serves a purpose.

Well-paced, gritty third person action, with its intensity cranked to the max through its competitive multiplayer. But for those that don't want MP, the 1-2 player campaign is great fun with some variety to keep it interesting from beginning to end.

This game became extremely influential, and led to some of my favorite games that came out after this. And part of me likes to think --maybe at a more subconscious level-- this game was meant to be a successor to Contra. It has a lot in common with that run-n-gun series in a way nobody cares to realize.

Ahh o primeiro jogo da franquia gears, um bom jogo e bom começo porém enjoativo com o tempo, o modo campanha tende a ser repetitivo por não ter muitas mudanças na gameplay e muitas mecânicas diferentes, mas sendo esse o primeiro jogo ele criou toda a fórmula da franquia que veio a ser melhorada nos próximos

6.5/10 Vale a experiência.

Good game gun gun play gets a little boring at times.

A really fantastic game with an incredible multiplayer mode that unfortunately feels like it has been forgotten.