Reviews from

in the past


I was extremely impressed by the story, the voice-acting, the graphics and the seamless gameplay-to-cutscene transitions. The gameplay was very enjoyable too. However, I feel that the combat wasn't too varied (although there's rarely anything more satisfying than the feedback of throwing your axe) and the enemies acted a bit too predictable for me. Still, the boss fights all felt epic and world-shaking!

I wanted to skip out on my High School prom just to play this game

Golden standard for how to do a legacy sequel.

A really good reboot for the God of War series.

N tem muito o que falar. Esse aqui é cinema! Outro jogaço que sempre quis jogar e finalmente consegui. Não dou 10 pq em alguns momentos senti o jogo meio monotono e repetitivio (ou talvez eu que tenha demorado naqueles enigmas da arvore dos 7 reinos sksksk). Mas n demorou muito pro jogo entrar em uma ação crescente e chegar em um ápice épico, tal qual o inico do game. A história é boa pra caralho, ela salvou bastante nesses momentos mais monotonos com as interações e diálos entre os dois protagonistas. Menção honrosa para os Irmãos anões e a Cabeça, que trouxeram um carisma muito bem vindo pro game.

baldur looks like he scrolls reddit

A melhor evolução em uma franquia de games, que mexeu com meu psicológico!
E se tornou o meu favorito!

Me gustan más los originales, pero es bonito

A historia muito boa porem não gostei da jogabilidade

Superb experience, will elaborate later.

a narrativa e combate são muito bons

Great game i loved the story and action adventrure quest that Kratos went new combat also crazy world and graphics

Benim için hayal kırıklığı. Çıtanın arşa taşınması bunda kesin etkilidir ama çok düz bir oyun

Não é um jogo pra mim. E, como nem terminei, eu não vou avaliar.

"There are consequences to saying the N-word."
"How do you know?"

im sure this is good if its the 1st video game you ever played...
i bet the music is rly good though and thats the only thing im missing not finishing this

Об этой игре было много сказано прекрасного. Я лишь напишу ещё один пятизвёздный отзыв. Но добавлю кое-что: это не по праву лучшая игра 2018-го года. Её место должна занимать Red Dead Redemption II с её глубоко проработанным открытым миром и масштабной сюжетной линией.

Гадовор вышел офигенным, но не настолько: схватки с рескинованными боссами портят впечатление, а открытого и живого мира нет. Третья по-прежнему остаётся лучшей для меня, ведь там безумное количество боссфайтов с неимоверно крутой концовкой

One of if not the only game I can personally relate to in some way.
Aside from the stellar story. I really enjoyed the gameplay though it was a bit simple.
Exploring the different realms were fun also. And it has plenty of great bosses throughout. The only big knock on the game I would have would be that some bosses were Overused.

If it wasn't for some annoying puzzles in the early game I would have given this a 10.

A historia muito boa porem não gostei da jogabilidade

Perfect beginning to a new saga in Kratos' Life. I know ill appreciate it even more if i get to play Ragnarok.

As far as reboots go this might be the best

This review contains spoilers

Best damn game Ive ever played, got me addicted to all GOW games and the lore.