Reviews from

in the past

Cara, esse jogo é bom e divertido, mas tem seus problemas como level design esquisito de vez em quando e a escolha de fases ser meio inútil pois é quase impossível passar de certas fases se caso você não tiver passado e pego o item de outra, mas como eu tomei spoiler de monte de coisas nada me surpreendeu muito. :v

i love mega man 1 and i have played through it sooo many times. the graphics may not be as advanced as later games in the series, and it may not have as many stages as later games in the series, but i just cant help but love all that is here. the enemy and boss patterns in this game are pretty simple but that simplicity makes it actually possible for someone like me to master, unlike later mega man games which sometimes went crazy with certain boss designs (shadow man from mega man 3 and slash man from mega man 7 are some examples). 4 of the 6 robot master weapons you get in this game are pretty useful in a lot of situations, while 2 of them are much more situational. this is a good balance in my opinion. the magnet beam is one of the best movement items in a mega man game to me, up there with mega man 3 rush jet. also, i think ice man is a cutie pie :)

Played a ROM hack that adds in RushJet1’s VRC6 soundtrack and I can confirm it enhances the vibes greatly.

If you look up "needs refinement" you'll certainly find the bizarre US boxart of the original Mega Man staring at you with his cold dead eyes.
The game's controls are both too heavy and too slippery, Mega Man himself takes a moment to either go or stop, and some of the level design is actual butt cheeks. Lookin' at you, Elec Man.
But you do see the trappings of brilliance underneath the poor controls and level design. Getting new powers is fun, the sound track is solid, and the graphics are great for 1987.
Mega Man is a solid enough game, but it's not the one I'd recommend you start the series with. Especially given the lack of healing items and poor control compared to later entries.

This game is charming but kind of unpolished and bad.

Alright, I finally sat down to play Mega Man after all these years. Jeez, this game's hard! Fun, but brutal. The music is super catchy, and I like that you get the boss powers, but man, those instant-death spikes and tricky jumps really get me. It's tough but fair, I guess.

For a 1987 platforming side-scroller Mega Man hits the lofty heights of Super Mario Bros. and Castlevania. The game oozes personality with a cutesy aesthetic similar to Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy.

Mega Man also has a great level select formula with boss fights that benefit from Mega Man's ability to utilise enemy weapons upon defeat - just like a game of Scissors, Paper, Rock.

I feel the original is unfairly pitted against Mega Man 2 and 3 which yes, greatly streamline the experience and build the real gauntlet of Wily Stages as well as Robot Master Gauntlets (it exists here, but is fairly relaxed).

A proof of concept that's rough around the edges, especially where damage output/input is concerned. Better than other no-name action platformers on the NES but easily one of the weaker classic entries in the franchise.

It only gets an 2 stars because it holds the Mega Man moniker...

playing more and more old NES games, i firmly believe no kid in the 90s ever finished a game and if one did, they probably exploded out of excitement

A game changer at the time of its release, the game’s level design has been outclassed by its sequels consistently.

There's a reason this one's a classic. Extremely hard in places, but definitely one of the most worthy of revisiting NES games. I had to play with the rewind feature via the legacy collection for most of the mega mans, but I gave it the college try before so. Still, it feels great and if this is the one game I had to play, i'd play the shit out of it.

Good lord is this game frustratingly difficult. It's not unbeatable, it's just frustrating.

I don't really know how to rate games like this. It's a good product of its time, but that time was awful.

some bosses are a literal cakewalk and others make me want to put a knife into my [REDACTED]
like the music and overall aesthetic though

i was never book smart i'm money smart

Jank as all hell but laid the foundations for an absolutely incredible franchise.

The jank also makes it a hell of a fun speedrun, if you're into that

It's just an "ok" game, it's not awful but it's not the best game in existence. Most of the series aged poorly if im being honest, if you want to play the games it's ok and you can have some fun, but just play Megaman 6 if you want the best Megaman for the NES

Desnecessariamente difícil, além do seu level design ser extremamente simplório, a sua dificuldade excessiva mais os controles totalmente travados resultam em uma gameplay chata e estressante

Yellow Devil, eu te odeio.

Played this on the legacy collection, honestly pretty fun! I love the classic Mega Man formula so much, it's simple yet challenging. Probably the one i remember the most about.

I love that it has a score system that it doesn't even save. Did people really take photos of their score to brag about or something???

Jogo bom mas cai na mesmice de todos os jogos de Nintendinho, difícil só pra te prender mais tempo no jogo.

Elec Man's music is pretty good. Fuck the Wily Stages.

El inicio de la saga y no el mejor de la saga, bastante dificil y sin muchas de las mecánicas que fueron parte de los siguientes juegos, pero sigue siendo un buen juego pero toma mucho tiempo dominarlo.

pode ate ser difícil e ate um pouco injusto em certos momentos, porém quando vc acostuma ele é bem gostosinho de jogar

Start to a legendary franchise, admittedly I am bias when it comes to this one as I played it very young but I can see it has some very rough edges especially with difficulty but if you solider through it I think you will have a great time

Although there are only 6 Robot masters as opposed to the 8 that becomes the series standard, the 6 provided are iconic and fun to fight against and for a new player I think it is also pretty easy to figure out boss weaknesses, controls are probably as stiff as you can get with this series as Mega Man isnt able to do much other then run jump and shoot

This game (along with the rest of the franchise) is one I come back to almost yearly, do a quick run-through and end it off with a big smile on my face. For the time especially, Mega Man came out of the gate strong as can be, even with the first entry you've got that great OST the series is known for. Also with modern platforms you are able to use features such as save states and the rewind feature making it easier then ever to get into the franchise, that being said it is a very difficult game but not Ghosts N Goblins levels of unfair and this difficulty will be fine tuned as you make your way through the franchise

Solid 8/10

It's a rough, but overall fairly solid first entry in the series. Unfortunately, there's nothing here that really draws you into it over any other mega man game, it's just known for being the original.

Despite the frustration of Guts Man's stage and that pesky yellow blob, it's still a solid retro experience. The game has some vibrant levels and catchy tunes.

Mega Man did a lot of things well right out of the gate. The colorful and unique presentation of each level, coupled with themed enemies and bosses made for a great looking game. The excellent soundtrack just added a layer of polish to the overall package.

The gameplay laid a heavy focus on carefully timed platforming which could get frustrating fairly often, but rarely felt completely unfair. The bosses, with their unique abilities, elevated this above many of the action platformers of the day and allowed for a customizable level of challenge once you knew the correct order to tackle the stages in.

Overall Mega Man was a tough platformer with a great presentation that would go on to influence other games in the genre almost immediately after its release.