Reviews from

in the past



I just like Parappa in earnest. I find it cool that the definitive earliest rhythm game also has a loose sense of rhythm, like there's something interesting about a rhythm game that can be tackled in a non-rigid path. But putting aside it's relation to other games (since most rhythm games take after the also great and straightforward Beatmania), I just really like Parappa in earnest. And I like it's earnesty, the characters, the music (it's all good!), the cartoon-like setting and atmosphere... it's great.

I have played PaRappa the Rapper approximately 7000 times and I'll play it again and there's not a damn thing a single one of you people can do about it.

Holy fuck, this really is unplayable

don't play imput is trash. Game is good tho

PaRappa the Rapper probably has one of the most unique aesthetics I've seen in a PS1 game, having 2D characters in a 3D World, drawn with flat colors, and having a world where creatures such as dogs, cats, plants and other types of living beings inhabit.
It's very quirky in that way, and I found it very charming!

The voice acting is also not bad for the time. It's not great, but just like the graphics themselves, it also has its charm. It feels like the actors had fun doing their characters.

The songs that you'll hear throughout the game are really good, even if one of them is about taking a shit. I think I would listen to some of them on my own, because they were quite a few bangers here.

The big thing about this game though, is its gameplay. The game has 6 levels and they're all done in the style of a sort of "rap battle", if you will.
You hear what the characters are rapping and then you follow their buttons in time with the rhythm.
And I'll pause right there. "In Time with the Rhythm" is, I think, what the devs wanted you to do, but the timings are kinda wack.
Sometimes I do decently, but other times, I do pretty bad, and later on in the game, it gets pretty rough. It becomes very strict on the timings, and even then, I'm unsure exactly what the timing is.
Is it the button press on screen? Is it timing PaRappa's rap just right so that it follows the other character's rap?
It's hard to decipher, and for a rhythm game like this, it shouldn't be.

But in spite of the weird button timings, I did enjoy my time with PaRappa the Rapper. It's short, but mostly sweet game, and I hope the sequels are better.

Sendo bem sincero, esse jogo tem uma gameplay que pode ser frustrante e ridiculamente difícil, mas apesar de tudo isso, eu continuo tendo um carinho por esse jogo por conta de sua OST tão boa e seu visual criativo e divertido, e por ser um dos jogos que me introduziu aos jogos de ritmo

este es mi juego favorito de toda la vida

parappa is one cool dude and the presentation and music are sweet but god this is up there for some of the worst fucking gameplay i've ever played

This is nice, but just very forgettable

The most intense rhythm game that you have to play incorrectly for the sake of the lulz.

Максимально упоротая ритм игра, в которую надо играть неправильно ради лулзов.

Como dizia o filósofo Piton "tudo na vida depende do quanto você quer comer alguém. Você treina em um dojo pra comer alguém, você aprende a dirigir pra comer alguém, você negocia com um maconheiro pra comer alguém, você faz bolo, canta rap, faz a desgraça toda pra comer alguém. Você vai num show com a intenção de sair de lá pra comer alguém, tudo na vida tem a intenção de comer alguém."

Sem brincadeira agora, o visual de parrapa é incrível, usando de um mundo estranho, onde flores são pessoas e tudo é colorido, dando aquele charme enorme para o jogo. Igualmente com as músicas, sendo bastante cativantes.

A história é muito engraçada e identificável, às vezes fazemos de tudo pra impressionar uma pessoa amada, e nisso acontece algumas situações constrangedoras...

O lado ruim dele fica na jogabilidade, sendo atrasada nos botões que são pedidos para apertar, com seu único amigo para te ajudar aqui, o ritmo. Se ele fosse menos atrasado nos comandos, poderia ser uma experiência bem melhor do que já é, dando mais oportunidade para as pessoas se divertirem, mas mesmo assim gostei do que vi.

São apenas 6 fases curtas e ele inteiro dura menos de uma hora, vale a pena jogar em uma tarde chata.

yoo can tell that th1z 3az made by non-h1p hop headz k1nda lmao b8t eye f3 1t. the aezthet1cz are r1ght 8p my alley n that