Reviews from

in the past

Muita gente jogou Pokémon na infância, e quando eu digo que nunca nem encostei em um, é fácil de se surpreender. Bom, eu finalmente corrigi isso com Black. Valeu a pena?

Assim, o loop de gameplay é bem simples e você pega logo de cara: viaja-se de cidade em cidade passando por áreas naturais, nas quais captura-se diferentes Pokémon que serão usados contra os líderes de cada cidade. No processo, um plot sobre uma organização antagonista cria cada vez mais força.

A ideia dessa premissa é muito boa, mas eu sinto que a execução foi levemente aquém pro meu gosto. Esse ciclo de capturar bichos e lutar com eles cansa mais rápido do que deveria, e os vilões não fazem nada de relevante até o final, querendo mais é te ameaçar do que qualquer coisa.

A exceção do grupinho "do mal" é o N. Eu reconheço o valor dele nessa obra e gostei do desenvolvimento dele.

Apesar da leve repetitividade que o jogo tem, que me incomoda, ele consegue divertir mais que entediar exatamente porque o sistema de tipagens dos Pokémon cria uma estratégia que é sempre presente e diferente pra cada líder de ginásio. Essa dinâmica de criar o time ideal pra cada situação é bem massa, por mais que às vezes isso demande grind, que eu também desprezo.

Também confesso que, se eu fosse dev do jogo, eu diminuiria o poder dos ataques super-efetivos e aumentaria o dos pouco efetivos. De leve, pra não quebrar a proposta, mas o suficiente pra deixar as coisas mais justas.

Minha maior crítica seria, sem dúvidas, quanto à quase que obrigação de upar 1 Pokémon por vez. Tem situações em que vai ser preciso aumentar 20 níveis pra tornar alguém usável, e esse processo demora. Agora imagina quando tem que fazer isso com mais de 1 Pokémon? Vish... (Tem um item que ajuda, mas nem tanto assim).

Eu sinto que, se eu tivesse jogado isso na infância, como a maioria, nada dessas coisas que hoje eu considero defeitos me incomodariam. Claro, a jornada valeu a pena. Eu me apeguei aos meus bichinhos e o final foi empolgante.

No geral, Pokémon Black é daorinha, recomendado e tal, eu só sinto que joguei na época errada. Não pela história, mas pela estrutura do game que não achei tão interessante.

Normalmente nunca joguei nenhum jogo da franquia pokémon meu primeiro contato com essa franquia foi pokémon Black e sinceramente gostei do jogo ele é bem bonito e o nosso rival no jogo o "N" ele é um rival bem interessante a história dele é ótima o objetivo que ele tem no jogo também é interessante, a história do jogo é bem construída agora o porém é que depois que se zera o jogo tem o "pós game" e nisso basicamente não tem quase nada pra se fazer só ir atrás nos sábios ficaram na cidade e explorar as cidades que faltaram e só isso, poderia ter mais coisas no pós game, mas o jogo é bem interessante

not much i can say that i didnt say about th sequels . th sequels just took this already great game n improved upon it massively .

valorant players would've hated black version because of unspecified reasons

I once traded this copy with NSMB, worst mistake of my life

Muy chulo pero, a pesar de contar con una región llena de sitios interesantes y detallitos, y en general zonas y rutas preciosas y diversas, su linearidad le juega MUY en contra. Teselia parece un parque temático de sí misma, y yo no me siento en una aventura. Además los personajes son unos chapas.

not a fan of how much of a straight line this one is, and i have very mixed feelings toward the metric tons of DS exclusive features it has that all became unusable after servers went down

This game does so many things so well, but i wanna praise the level design in particular. Progression feels natural and rewarding, but also; the map just feels alive? It feels natural? It makes sense and i really like that feeling. It's hard to make a world that feels cohesive and weirdly grounded with this type of perspective and visuals, but it conveys it so well.

It's just nice ain't it.

This is the last Pokémon game that felt like it had soul.

It improved on its predecessors mechanically wise, and genuinely tried to push the limits of the original DS hardware. This game was not better than Pearl/Diamond/Platinum when it came out-- but it aged better than Pearl/Diamond/Platinum.

Nothing on the DS took my breath away more than crossing the Skyarrow Bridge. Being a native New Yorker, it feels me with pride to see how much respect is given to Skyarrow Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge) and Castelia City (New York City)

The story actually tries to be interesting for a Pokémon game for once. This may not be the best Pokémon game in many people's eyes, but the love in making this game is there. It felt like this game was meant to be the last.

Gamefreak really tried.

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Porfavor Pokémon vuelve :(. N probablemente será el mejor personaje de toda la saga por mucho tiempo, si no es que siempre. Equipo plasma sin rival. Musica de locos, y que bonito se ve. Lastima que esté basado en estados unidos. Lo unico es que si hay que grindear un poco

gamefreak decided to become good writers in gen 5 and then it sold like shit and had poor reception so they gave up

GooeyScale: 80/100

not gonna lie this might be my favorite generation. I’ve played every generation except 2, 3, and 9 and honestly. Peak. I love the dynamic music on routes, the animated sprites are so lively and charming, and the fact that this is the first generation where TMs are reusable gives it a lot of points lol. Haven’t beaten it but I’m loving it. I also think it’s really refreshing to have the only available pokemon being Unova native pokemon until the postgame.

pokemon kinda sucks but i like it anyways. this is the best looking in the series, and as much is squeezed out of 2d pokemon as possible. the sprites are wonderfully detailed and fake 3d is used really well here. as for the battle system, its a pokemon battle system. it is the best version of that though, before the full power creep and benefitting from 4 games worth of old pokemon iteration. my favorite game to nuzlocke.

Beautiful story even outside of pokemon's standards, with a good message for children yet really enjoyable for adults by dealing with mature themes, well built characters and fair difficulty, not too hard nor too easy, and they really brought out NDS's full capabilities for maps and backgrounds. Also, very good encounter design, the game flows incredibly well if you explore all the routes and dungeons available before each city gym (gym leader's pokemon's type is always weak to the previous route's pokemon and useful MTs are strategically placed). Special mentions for the OST, some of the bests and most inspired of the franchise. Favourite pokemon game.

Honeslty this generation is peak pokemon. I think having to use brand new pokemon is very refreshing and challenges the player to learn a new dex and build a team. Which is what pokemon is all about anyways so idk why people complain but anyways this game is very good and if you choose to play only one pokemon game id say you should play this one.

THE perfect Pokemon game, right next to its sequel. Every game I've ever played wished I held it in my heart the way I do pokemon Black.

É muito bom, acaba sendo ofuscado pela sequência, porém mesmo com isso é uma das melhores experiências que se pode ter jogando Pokémon

At the time, I didn't play it because the design of most new Pokémon was too different for me. Around three years later I finally gave it a try and felt like a clown for my previous decision. I missed out on the release of the Pokémon game with the absolute best story and characters, an amazing soundtrack that ties to the gameplay, and something that Gamefreak made with effort, and a clear vision. Someone dreamt to realize this game. And it was the last time, sadly, for the franchise. And I feel that the ruin of Pokémon, starting with XY, is a byproduct of everyone who ignored Black and White like me.

I was very enthusiastic about the setting being based on the U.S., but I found the game to be unmemorable. The villain team hates Pokemon being used in battles, yet... uses them in battles. The Elite 4 (and the music especially) I found to be high points in the game. After all, it's still Pokemon and still a blast to play through.

Is the best entry on the pre-3D era, great story, the most worked gameplay and graphics that still fell great

Great addition to the franchise. The villains in this one are very understandable.

I'll never understand the people gassing this up, it is so forgettable it's embarrassing. I like the stupid little ass monkey tho, they're cute until they evolve!!

Peak Pokemon. GF will fuck up the remake.

j’ai pas peur de le DIRE JAI PAS PEUR

Black and Black 2 are the champions of the series for me. I thought the art style of 2.5D looked great in the game. The first time you cros the bridge and see a city with skyscrapers and actual people walking around was mind blowing. The story was super engaging and I loved the soft reboot of only having new Pokemon available. Including absolutely great designs like Ducklet-Swanna and Victini. They gave the games a damn difficulty slider and introduced the GTS. A fantastic gaming experience. Peak Pokemon