Reviews from

in the past

I want to snap Professor Oak in half for his poor taste in photography

"well done!": :)
"you were close!": :(

Pokémon Snap is a charmingly unique take on the Pokémon world. Instead of battling, you ride through set courses snapping pictures of Pokémon in their natural habitats. It's relaxing, surprisingly strategic for figuring out how to get the best shots, and the N64 visuals have a nostalgic charm. Unfortunately, it's very short and repetitive, and some of the objectives can be frustratingly vague. Still, a fun time for Pokémon fans.

Super chill game, just sit back and take some photos of pokemon. Pretty quick game to beat, so I wish it had a bit more depth, but the concept is very cool. I miss the days when companies let their big IPs be used for weird things like this

fun game. i played this on the wii u virtual console mostly blind as a kid and making a lot of the games discoveries for the first time was a really fun experience. with that in mind some of this games secrets were too cryptic for young me so i did use a walkthrough. still thoroughly enjoyed it however. the 6 main levels all have a lot to them and even though the game only has like 60 something pokemon there is a lot to do/find leading to mew at the end. a lovely little game and still a joy to replay to this day

This was a very fun and relaxing game, but I do not know if this will keep me engaged for long.

Cute, and with a lot of really fun interactions you can find by forcing certain events. I feel like if I paid full price for this as a kid I'd be horribly disappointed by the short playtime of the "main" story, but there are reasons to play more, be it getting higher scores of certain mon or doing some of the challenge modes. Nowadays that short playtime feels very nice.

I wasn't expecting Pokemon Snap to have as much depth as it does! I always imagined this just to be a generic on-rails shooter under the guise of a family friendly cash in.

On the surface, that's exactly what it is. But where Pokemon Snap differs is that there are extra objectives to achieve other than just taking as many pictures of Pokemon as you can in each level. Sometimes the game will require you to take a certain number of photos of different species before progressing. Other times you will need to trigger a certain event to open a different pathway.

Snap doesn't do a brilliant job of signposting exactly what it is you have to do to open these pathways. Bear in mind that this game comes from a pre-googling-the-answer era. This creates a bit of a fork in the road for my lasting impression.

On the one hand, the game is incredibly brief and despite enjoying myself, I don't think there's much replay value unless I really wanted to snap every 'Mon that I could. On the other hand, viewed through a 1999 lens, I wouldn't have been able to google how to progress to the next level and therefore the game's lifespan would've increased.

As I've played this via NSO, I land more on the side of it being too brief although any longer and it would run the risk of being too repetitive. Definitely worth checking out even if you've only got a slight curiosity in Pikachu and pals.

Era increíble ver a los pokemones en 3D interactuando en su habitad natural. Pero, más que eso, lo entretenido era tratar de resolver los acertijos ambientales para poder evolucionar a los pokemones o encontrar rutas a nuevos escenarios.

Además, cumplía el sueño de todo niño fotógrafo de encontrar los mejores ángulos estilo safari para las criaturas que tanto nos gustaba ver en el anime y en los juegos de Game Boy.

Un plus: el soundtrack es supernostálgico, icónico y relajante.

Cute as fuck but really short. A damn shame it doesn't even include the whole original 151, especially since stadium came out in the same year and had all of them

What’s the big deal? It’s just taking pic—OH MY GOD. Get the camera that is ADORABLE

What a cute game. Unfortunately it turns out to be absolute hell to emulate, but it's very charming and entertaining. There's a surprising amount of interactions with the various critters (a lot of them involve violence, which is objectively very funny) and while the scoring AI is a bit arbitrary, it's a very pleasant experience all the way through.

Such a delightful little game. The concept is about as perfect as it gets. Being a nature photographer tasked with capturing cool moments of Pokémon in their natural habitat is engaging, interesting & rewarding. The game only has a handful of levels but is bursting with replayability. Proudly sits alongside the Stadium games as a solid N64-era Pokémon spin-off.

love it to bits but also why is this game so weirdly imposing for what on paper sounds like a super chill concept

one the one hand you have oak with the passive hook that consists of "take some pics of pokemon as they frollick in their natural habitat, help me with my research" which quickly morphs into

"oh but it's on rails hop onto my rickety transportation module of questionable origin and go pelt the little shits with pester balls, they like apples oh ok here HAVE ALL THE APPLES x 100 drown them in the fucking apples I have for you today NOW CENTER THE SHOTS HNGGGGG UNACCEPTABLE DO IT AGAIN BITCH


and then somewhere along the way we ran out of places to visit so now we're revisiting all the old levels taking photos of optical illusions to then fight mew in a shadow realm with a bubble that's impervious to cameras or some shit but shhhh is ok just bask in the magnificence of the moment

certainly didn't help that I had the german version which only excuberated the terrifying nature of Oak's rants and I later found this was a common mistake for a lot of PAL region residents who had parents that mistakenly bought it for them as kids because it was poorly labeled