Reviews from

in the past

Thought it was gonna be scarier ngl, but it was pretty cute nonetheless

Rental is average at best, but you won't miss much if you play the game, as I finish the game with all achievements within half an hour. The game is like Silent Hill and Resident Evil with the aesthetics of Animal Crossing. I was more annoyed than scared, especially with the maze. I feel that the game tried too hard to be frightening and came off forced. There aren't any accessibility options or controller and mouse support, and you can't even exit the game without terminating the process. I hope for something more eventful with this, as it's candidly promising. If possible, please add native Mac and Linux support.

Man i don´t know, there is nothing going for this game, like, nothing.

At least is not analog horror.

a short experience. very cute visuals and funny dialogues.

the angry man is watching you!

Un jueguito de miedo que dura poquísimo y la mitad del tiempo he estado dando vueltas en un laberinto sin mucho sentido. Lo mejor es la estética, pero más allá de eso no sorprende mucho más. Está bien para un ratillo.

Bello un Animal Crossing con un po' di horror; ma appunto, è solo questo. Un horror con lo stile di animal crossing sarebbe stato più apprezzato.
Abbastanza in fretta si capisce come tranne per qualche debole saltellino, nulla costituirà una minaccia per il giocatore, tranne perdersi in un labirinto.
A una certa diventa un walking simulator praticamente.
Il secondo finale è superfluo, non c'era bisogno di raddoppiare le ore di gioco per una tale cazzatina.

I punti buoni vanno allo stile e all'umorismo. Un bambino potrebbe giocarlo e avere i suoi piccoli brividi.

this is a short and sweet horror game that throws cute animal crossing style characters into a strange, dingy house. it's pretty great and i'd love to see more horror games that mix cute characters with this melancholic, anxious setting!

Really nice little horror game that takes about 15 minutes to play through. It's a mashup of Silent Hill and Animal Crossing, and in its short playtime manages to be creepy and unsettling. It leverages the player's expectations to create the sense that danger is lurking. Highly recommend giving it a go!

A nostalgic little horror game about a little bunny girl trapped in an evil situation who approaches things with the straight forward and funny manner of a child who wasn't raised religious, apparently. I thought it was very cute and a fun, spooky experience. I loved the throwback PS1 style graphics, the devs are obviously inspired by old favorites like Silent Hill. It's free, what have you got to lose?

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Feels good to play a game vaguely Inspired by silent hill and that meaning snarky teen girl protag and not dead wives.
Really like the protag's design she's sooooo cute! Unfortunately just feel's really empty even for a 20 minute thing. Feels like the kinda thing that's short not because that's all the time they needed to execute everything they wanted to do but because it was a week long game jam project. I'm sure game jams are a fun activity but sometimes that shit needs more time in the oven!!!! the maze was cool. idk what I'm supposed to feel when green filter man comes on screen. Making me play it twice to see like 10 extra seconds of dialogue is laaame.

creepy, cute but soooo short, def going to keep an eye out to see if they make more games like this in the future ^_^

Jogo fofinho e de "terror" muito bonito e até meio engraçado.
É de graça e bom, faz seu papel bem