Reviews from

in the past

Bello un Animal Crossing con un po' di horror; ma appunto, è solo questo. Un horror con lo stile di animal crossing sarebbe stato più apprezzato.
Abbastanza in fretta si capisce come tranne per qualche debole saltellino, nulla costituirà una minaccia per il giocatore, tranne perdersi in un labirinto.
A una certa diventa un walking simulator praticamente.
Il secondo finale è superfluo, non c'era bisogno di raddoppiare le ore di gioco per una tale cazzatina.

I punti buoni vanno allo stile e all'umorismo. Un bambino potrebbe giocarlo e avere i suoi piccoli brividi.

If they decide to expand on this game it could be something great! really in love with the style, the character design and just the atmosphere in general. it's kind of a nothing game with how short it is, it feels like a teaser to the actual game in a way.

TLDR; VERY short, hope this game gets more content. LOVE UMI!!!!!!

Piso en Xirivella, Valencia

1.350 €/mes

153 m², 5 habitaciones, Planta 3º

Se alquila este precioso piso, luminoso, amplio y totalmente reformado, de 5 habitaciones. Muy bien ubicado, rodeado de supermercados, colegios, zonas verdes y al lado del metro.
Viene con espectro incluído.

Another game I wish I liked more. The characters are cute and the premise is interesting enough, but I also kind of feel like it's not really doing anything interesting with it. Feels a bit like the sort of game where they just throw random bullshit in it because they don't actually know what they want to do. A maze? Really? Have mazes in games ever actually been fun?

I think there very much could be something really cool here if this was expanded on.

Visually pretty, short little game jam project. Like most of it's kind, Rental is a little rough around the edges but the idea and presentation is strong, I kind of wish it was a full game- or at least extended somewhat with more structure- but that's how these event games usually tend to go. But otherwise, its pretty cute (and free), a perfectly harmless way to kill a few minutes.

A short horror looping game

One of those really strong ideas for a game and the aesthetic is definitely there, but the experience is too short and insubstantial to make a huge impression. Spent more time being annoyed that I got lost in the mirror maze than actually soaking up the creepy atmosphere. I’d love to see the developer turn this into a meatier experience.

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It has a lot of potential, I liked That there Weren't any Lame Jumpscares and The maze Part stopped My entire PC.

É um joguinho com um potencial gigantesco para ser algo verdadeiramente de terror, achei a premissa interessante, mesmo sendo bastante curtinho. Adoraria ver uma profundidade maior na história e nas mecânicas de gameplay.

A nothing game. It wasn't bad, but the wasted potential here is insane. I liked when the rental man popped out of existence though, that was funny.

Despite its short runtime it's surprisingly charming and there are a few things that genuinely gave me the creeps

alguna idea chula, me sobra la segunda sección

It's ok. Rental is a small and cute indie horror game with a cool idea of a dimension-bending house. The game is really short but free and the PS2 style and animal characters are pretty neat. It's nothing really special, although I enjoyed my little time with it.

lo que veian mis polypocket del mcdonalds

Jogo fofinho e de "terror" muito bonito e até meio engraçado.
É de graça e bom, faz seu papel bem

Bad controls and not scary at all

Super short, but the vibes are powerful. Atmosphere is great, creepy, the low poly style is nice.

wish it was even just a little longer, the devs nailed the visuals and atmosphere

i like how look . i want to see what make next . thank you .

pirika pirilala poporina peperuto

O jogo em si é bom. Ele se parece com um teaser de algo maior, espero que a desenvolvedora lance um game ou continuação com muito a aproveitar.

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there was an achievement that said "completed your first playthrough" so i played it 2 more times but nothing different happened except the ending changed the 2nd time.. not the third.. so..

also wheres the cute gif of umi walking with a candle part?? i couldn't get that to happen? :(

- 🐰 -
Me gusto mucho la combinacion de animal crossing X silent hill que da el juego.
Pero siento que pudo ser algo más y se siente como mucho desperdicio de potencial :/


I simply can't trust any rental man

i see the vision it was short but cute

experiencia promedio de los baños del mcdonalds

la jodida realidad de pedir un airbnb