Reviews from

in the past

Хороший среднячок, видно пытались сделать смесь между экшеном последних на тот момент частей и сурвайвл-хоррором старых. Ну смесь честно вышла не сказать чтобы удачной. Ни экшен, ни сурвайвл-хоррор составляющая тут сильно интересными и хорошими не получились. Все равно все больше скатывается в экшен, эксплоринга тут чутка побольше, но все равно не сказать, чтобы много. Можно просто при получении нового ключа пройтись забрать пару нычек. Патронов хватает, враги особо не кошмарят. Играть в принципе интересно, но ни такой кайф от экшена получаешь как в Resident Evil 4, ни кайф от эксплоринга и выживания как в Resident Evil 2 например. Сюжет в принципе на уровне, норм история, приятно было посмотреть снова на работу Криса и Джилл вместе, хоть и главный твист сразу же читается. Ещё пощупал я режим "Рейд" и зашло, мне показалось интереснее чем те же "Наемники". Проходишь уровни, прокачиваешься, получаешь ништяки, покупаешь новое оружие, у каждого персонажа свои особенности, которые правда влияют только на оружие чаще всего, но все же. Можно играть и в коопе, но пока получилось потрогать лишь в соло. В общем, хорошая часть резика, можно пройти.

the middest shit i've played in a long time

Revelations is what i'd call the "hidden gem" in the franchise. It has some issues, but it''s overall a very competently made Resident Evil game. Funny how this is actually a 3DS game, and yet it's still fully fledged installment to the franchise and not a cheap handheld game like i initially thought. Gameplay, design, story and presentation are surprisingly solid and hold up well for a handheld that couldn't even match the hardware power of a PS2. Capcom basically said "F*** it, we're gonna make a real Resident Evil game on this thing!" and this is just funny to me.

eu pensei que seria um jogo meia boca da franquia, porém, isso aqui é muito bom! eles conseguiram deixar o game com uma ambientação sensacional e bem fiel aos primeiros jogos, o fato de que quase todos os inimigos são basicamente versões de regenerator é beemmm angustiante, pra mim da franquia inteira (tirando o RE7 e RE8) eles são os inimigos que mais me dão medo. a história em si é muito boa e bem amarrada, o sistema de "upgrade" das armas funciona bem em minha opinião. as bossfights são boas, o que não é grande surpresa já que é assim na maioria dos RE. talvez esse jogo seja subestimando e ofuscado pelos jogos anteriores da franquia, mas esse de fato é um ótimo resident evil e uma forte recomendação minha para quem não jogou!

obs: aos que perguntam, sim, ele é canônico na história e se passa entre a história do RE4 e RE5.

Pretty neat little game. Tries to blend the more traditional survival horror aspects on the ship (which is where the game really shines) with the more modern action-focused gameplay in other segments, and I think it balances this pretty well. I will say the second half can drag a little bit and the final boss is probably the most annoying in the series, but a solid foundation and I'm excited to see how 2 builds on this. The plot was also pretty wacky but that made it a lil charming in a way.

Resident Evil: Revelations isn't your typical RE game. It feels like a return to the classic survival horror roots of the series, with a creepy ghost ship setting and a focus on exploration and puzzle-solving. You play as Jill Valentine and some other familiar faces, and the scares are genuinely unsettling. The graphics might feel a bit dated now, and some sections can drag on a bit, but overall, Revelations is a solid Resident Evil experience, especially if you love Jill and the chills of the earlier games.

It is a solid return to form for a more slower paced horror style of resident evil, but it feels pretty standard and like you're going through the motions.

I like the setting on the boat a lot. It's something unique for the series. I like that it has a large cast of characters for variety. The boss fights are decent. It has a good level of content as well. One thing I enjoy is going back to previous areas to unlock more stuff. It's very Metroid-esque but it works for this game quite well.

I don't really have anything huge issues, but it's a lot of small things that compile. The monsters are pretty boring goop monsters. The 2 side characters that they keep cutting back to, like the military dudes or whatever? Probably the worst RE characters ever. Minimum top 5. The villain is pretty whatever and not all that fun. And the whole game just feels simple: it's not really something you can assign blame to it for because it's a 3DS game. But it's lacking more substance for me.

It just dosent really click for me in any good or bad way as a Resident Evil game. It's very middle of the road. But decent overall. It has a formula that works and it runs with it.

I just happen to like the sequel better.

Стоит поиграть ради красотки Джилл Валентайн, если вам нравится вселенная Resident Evil. Если не знаете английский, то встретитесь с такой ужасной вещью, как перевод субтитров. В игре он выполнен местами так, словно текст просто вставили в переводчик и скопировали полученное. Графика, механика стрельбы и сюжет в игре не из лучших, что также может оттолкнуть новичков в серии. А потому скажу, что игра на любителя

Comecei o jogo com zero expectativas e adorei. Em meio a tanto jogos mundo aberto atualmente, jogar um jogo mais linear e mais curto é excelente. Gostei bastante da história, a gameplay ainda é muito boa. Também é um jogo que não dá medo, o que é excelente para os medrosos (eu incluso) rsrs.

o povo reclama da sheva é pq não viu o quão descartável é o parker na gameplay, mas isso não faz o jogo ser ruim, por motivos de: o chefão é o HEISENBERG DO BREAKING BAD

It still just feels like a DS game. I want to like it, I just don't. It's okay tho

nao sei o que pensar sobre esse game, n curti mt n, achei bem +-

Pretty neat little game, enjoyed. Funny additions to RE lore though.