Reviews from

in the past

Amazing game back in the day, tons of content for the single player or with friends. Very playable today with the original PC port, probably should avoid the recent re-release...

This is a game I could play for hours and hours in the free play mode, even after all this time. Fun gameplay, lots of unique characters to choose from, and a really interesting story following the Clones through the war and transitioning into the Imperial army.

this game has a dumb amount of content. always a good time, even better with friends

This is how you make a Star Wars game. Big epic battles, cool Jedi's n Sith Lord's, and amazing ship fights. This is a gamerz meat and potatoes. Endlessly Replayable.

Insane depth and unlimited potential for replays. The best campaign of any star wars based shooter by a mile. I could play instant action all day for the rest of my life and not be bored there is so much depth and so many fun maps and heroes. You got to play this one.

A great game that complements the first one.

This is an upgrade from the first Game in every way except that 90% of the Maps are now boring indoor corridors. Gone are Huge Battlefields with both Ground and Air Combat.

Also you can play as the Jedi now but they don't appear as CPU enemies (in the PS2 version at least). Even if they would they are siginificantly weaker compared to their BF1 counterparts so fighting them wouldn't be as fun anyways.

Despite their efforts this ends up being a less fun game than the first one

Super cool, thrilling 3rd Person Shooter. The kinda game that makes me lean in the chair. The campaign takes you through most of the levels from the perspective of the clone/storm troopers, now I’m trying to play with a friend and hit up the mod community. Great game


but honeslty I love this game. I have the fondest memories playing this game with my brother at our aunts house on Chirstmas (who we basically only saw on Christmas cause my Aunt lives a few states away). I would look forward so much to going becuase their PS2 was the only way that we could play this game. Everytime we would boot it up my brother would beg to play the "hunt" mode on Hoth so that we could play as "yetis." So nostagic of my childhood.


Fun when I was younger, mediocre now

the blueprint for the perfect third person/first person hybrid shooter game, helldivers 2 developers pray for this game's existence every night before sleep

The best Star Wars Battlefront game, hands down. Between the combat and the campaign, there's tons here to keep you going. The conquest mode is interesting, but doesn't add too much relative to just doing random maps, but it at least exists. That said, I've never played this game multiplayer, so I'm sure there's quite a bit I'm missing on that (battle)front.

Me and my sibling would see who could blow up their ship first in the space battles and I like to think that's cannon in some way

A game very clearly ahead of its time, with its large scale battles and solid gameplay. Some amazing features that didn’t even make it onto it the modern battlefronts. The campaign is engaging and provides a great non canon narrative of the clones following order 66.
Galactic conquest a mode that the modern battlefronts are significantly lacking. Providing so much offline replay-ability and fun. Splitscreen is also a reminder of something missing in newer games. The space combat is a feature that is a game changer. The ability to board the enemy craft is so engaging.
I think some of the classes are unbalanced, and one thing I think that the modern battlefront 2 has over this it’s the battle point system. I don’t like how easy it is to get other units and hero’s. They should be more of a reward to get. Also I think some of the maps aren’t thought out the best but the majority are great

it could easily be the nostalgia talking but one of my fav games to this day

Steam Verification: Playable

Star Wars Battlefront II runs perfectly on the Steam Deck. You will have to configure your own controls or use a community made configuration. You may also have to change sensitivity in game as it begins very high for the Steam Deck. It has no gameplay issues, everything runs great. However I've been playing single player content I do not know how online will work on the Steam Deck.

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