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in the past

To be honest i have few words to say.

Loved the game, loved the story, loved the exploration, loved everything.

EXCELLENT GAME but played it on the highest difficulty and the bosses were not hard, they were just unfair. Like the devs clearly didn't made the game to play it on that difficulty cause the fights were frustrating and slow paced which kinda killed the vibe for me some times. But still a pretty good game. story's great, characters are AMAZING (like one of the most vivid characters in videogames to date) and gameplay is fun too. Really really looking forward to the third instalment

The sequel was much, much, much better than the first game. The story was more consistent, and the open world was worth exploring. I didn’t expect Respawn to achieve such a feat. The characters were more well-developed compared to the first game, especially Merrin—I loved her. Although the ending wasn’t very satisfying, I never got bored with the combat and animations. My knowledge of the Star Wars universe is limited, but the Jedi series is truly captivating.

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This game is a great follow up to the previous one. They took what worked and improved on it. That said, I don't think the game is perfect. I had to deal with a few glitches that forced me to restart the game and there were numerous graphical glitches. I also wish there were more smaller planets rather than a few large ones. Ubisoft has kind of killed my desire to fully explore large maps, so I don't see myself going back and 100%ing this game any time soon. As this one is very much the Empire of the Jedi games, I am looking forward to seeing where they take the story in the inevitable third part.

a good follow up! but it's still an EA game so it's buggy as shit and I've had so many glitches that they stopped pissing me off and it was just funny to watch em happen. At one point I spawned underneath the floor in a boss battle and when I reloaded the game, the boss was dead.

I liked it better than its predecessor, very fun

? Bah vous êtes partie sévèrement en couilles la

After replaying the Fallen Order, I was excited to play the next chapter in Cal Kastis saga. We start at Coruscant (hell yeah!), being in shackles and deprived of our weapons (oh no). Some head hunters have caught us, and deliver us to an imperial leader, but we manage to escape. Turns out, Cal is all alone, his merry band of rebels disbanded and dispersed over the galaxy. Cal is forced to crash-land on Koboh, and seeks the help of Greez. However, on Koboh we encounter a new evil but also a new hope - and Cal is forced to find all his old team members to seize the chance and fight the evil.

It is not necessary to play the first part, as the story is recapped in the prologue. However, we are thrown right into the game, and - to my delight - do not have to re-learn all the actions one by one. On our escape we stumble upon different situations which each are in themselves a small tutorial, to re-learn the things we already where able to use at the end of Fallen Order. Pew - will there be anything new then? Well, yes there will:

- On our way we get to learn new force tricks, that are an incredible addition to the things we where left off with, and make this game feel so much more like a Jedi game: Mind tricks, stronger pull and push effects as well as lift and slam, focus (to anticipate enemies movements), etc.

- We'll get different skills for different "stances" of weapons, i.e. we can use our single blade, but also a double blade, as well as separate the double blade to wield two single blades, and combine our single blade with a blaster. Each stance comes with its own set of skills that fit the weapon, giving you a quite a bit of choice in how you want to play the game.

- We also get additional ways to move around (zip line gun, force pushing ourselves thorugh the air, floating baloons, or even mounting animals).

All these are incredible progressions on the skill tree that open up the world more and more. Speaking of the world - the basic concept has stayed the same: You visit certain areas, stumble upon obstacles you cannot pass, and therefore have to revisit them again and again until you are able to fully surpass all of those obstacles. Something I critizied for the first game. This time however it has matured into an actually enjoyable game experience:

The world is much vaster and there is a lot of ways to interact with it. There are still force echos to collect, but there are also people you meet, and with whom you can converse - and after returning there's something new they say. There is also a lot of things to discover in the world. There are treasures, yes. But also seeds, fish, and different items that certain NPCs would want to trade with. Then there is the Haxian brood and they are sending head hunters your way - you can get rumors on where they are - and they always are in locations you already visited once. And last but not least - there is so much detail and love in the world building, that exploring the world for just that is a fun experience on its own -- this was already true for Fallen Order, but it is so much more for this game. And all these factors made it much more fun to revisit the places that you've already been to. And: It's much easier as well! Not only is the map much easier to read and navigate - you can also set markers around the map. And those saving point throughout the map now also serve as fast travel points! This is one of the best features if you want to reach those 100%. And speaking of 100%: You don't even need a guide or anything for this - late game upgrades include map upgrades that will reveal the last missing chest and other items of interest. As this happens late-game it doesn't take away the fun of exploring things on your own (and in my case I also didn't know this would happen, so I was especially watchful throughout the game).

My last criticism of the previous title: The difficulty level. While with Fallen Order I was switching between Story Mode and Jedi Master back and forth to the point of getting really frustrated with some parts of the game, I had no problems with it this game. Where Fallen Order had only 4 difficulty levels, Survivor adds one more (Jedi Padawan; which comes in-between Story Mode and Jedi Knight). I played 95% of the Game in "Jedi knight" mode (so the third difficulty level - the same I wanted to play Fallen Order in), and there was just one final boss (the one in the library), where I had to go one level down. This is not only due to better difficulty level management, but probably also due to a redesign of the sword fight mechanics, which are still quite challenging, but work so much better now: There is a general blocking, but also parrying, which in turn will deplete the parrying meter of the enemies - once those are down, you can land your attacks. There is still a lot of timing needed, and certain situations are rather difficult and will have you restart that section a couple of times; but those feel much more manageable. You can learn the movements, you know which attacks are blockable and which aren't (for those there is evasion which is also quite nice), and there are certain moments where you can land a finishing move, which will always have incredible animations that are a lot of fun to trigger as well - so all in all much more fun and much less frustrating - but non-the-less challenging. And: To train the movements there is this time also a training area accessible where you have a tutorial and where you are tasked to do certain things (like landing a parry, evade attacks, etc.), giving you the chance to exercise before heading into the fights.

So gameplay-wise nearly everything was much better than the last game. There was one thing though: Force Rifts. Those are incredibly cumbersome to do, and until the end I did not understand what they where and why they existed. The reminded me of the Animus glitches of Assassins Creed - with the difference that at the end of the Animus glitches you got an additional story element, background story, etc. Force Rifts somehow fell unnecessary - and I think they didn't even count into anything (percentage or achievement-wise).

I also enjoyed the story a lot. There are multiple NPCs that you can talk to and each of them has a rich background story; some are funny, some are sad, some tragic. Some just stand around and insult you when you pass by. And some of them will send you into side missions, which are also fun to do. They all give the world so much more live - something I missed in the first game. And then there is the main story line - the continuation of Cal's, Greez's, Cere's and Merrin's story; and that was also quite good. I liked the over all story, but I also liked how the characters evolved, and how the relationships got deeper and more interesting. Only the start felt a bit weird and off, as there are characters that died, that supposedly make Cal very sad, but as we did not know them at all and had far to little time with them, didn't feel that important to you as a player. But that's just a minor issue in an otherwise great story.

I finished this game in round about 100 hours, with just one achievement missing - that was a bad one (you had to have done it right from the beginning of the game, otherwise you don't get the chance anymore), as it forced me to star the game over, once I was done. But because there is a Game+ mode this was also interesting to do - for that achievement I rushed the story, but after achieving it, I was actually considering to keep playing -- it's that good!

I won't though; the pile of games I still want to play is growing.

compared to the first one, it has improved a lot. Unfortunately, it is very poorly optimized on any platform.

Only game series that gives EA any credibility. Definitely improved upon the first with the new stance system and planets having more exploration.

Solid game. If only they chill out with the climbing and fix Jedha planet since thats the only planet that keeps crashing the game for me.

Muito melhor que o primeiro. Mais ação, história envolvente, gameplay melhorada. Cal Kestis evoluiu muito desde Fallen Order. Um Baita protagonista

Único ponto negativo é que deixou o primeiro jogo parecendo bubsy 3D

It's a really good game but the story while good was weaker than the first one. Story Is weaker simply because the game Is too fixated with being a part 2 In a trilogy, they Introduce story elements but just scratch the surface on with the Intention of continuing next game. So I can only go on what we got and while I love what could come from It It's still underbaked. The villains were a weak point as well.

Gameplay Is fun with the new lightsaber stances and some good new characters, one side character being an obvious Adam Sandler reference which I loved.

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First game I have played in 3 months thats not Stardew Valley

Really picks up in the later half, all around good experience, hope we get a trilogy, Darth Vader is cool as fuck

i Can't give a 5 star because of the performance problems that plague the game

Un bon jeu malgré d'énorme problème d'optimisation et les pouvoirs lié à la force un peu timide pour un second opus

jedha is kinda my glup shitto. love her

Improves on every single issue I had with the last one. Great sequel. Too bad the PC port is one of the worst ports I have ever played.

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Feels great to play and has some legitimately impressive set pieces. The souls like combat doesn't get in the way too much, and the addition of the claymore makes it really satisfying.

The story didn't really land for me. Trying to suggest Cal being obsessed with destroying facism is the same as being obssessed with ruling a plamet is weird. And then the inevitable betrayal by Bode stops making sense when you think about what life alone on that planet would be like. I was expecting the girlfriend to die and Cal to go dark side, but they chickenned out. I don't even know what darkside Cal would mean, Sith v Sith?

It's the metroidvania aspect they are still rubbing up against. They wanted to do one big space here, but chickenned out. I can see the vision, but also this is a star wars game, people are literally here to see different planets. As it is there are a couple of small planets but then not enough attention paid to making the main one work cohesively.

Vader returns, but he doesn't make the same impression as in the first. Which is fair, given that first game has maybe the best vader appearance of all time.

These games are some of the best Star Wars stories out there and Cal is one of the coolest Star Wars characters! All the improvements from the first game help make it even so much more fun. I only wish it was better optimized on release because it prevented me from playing through it sooner but I'm so glad I finally did

é uma boa continuação do primeiro, o fato que nesse você continua com os poderes aprendidos no primeiro e você apenas melhora a experiência do jogo. só achei que tem poucos mapas comparado ao primeiro, embora os mapas sejam grandes. o primeiro ainda é mais divertido.

Amazing game that got overshadowed by its launch day performance problems

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I really enjoyed it. The exploration could have been a bit better with waypoints that actually work. Also found that the menu was a jumbled mess. No red lightsaber for Cal as a cosmetic was a bit of a downer. The inclusion of side missions and more varied collectibles was fun. The stances were great but I just wish there were more Force powers to use.

This is hater s**t but i have to say it: Having vader show up AGAIN felt so undeserved. It makes these characters (no offense for what I’m about to say) more important than they should be. If these games weren’t supposed to be canon, I wouldn’t even bat an eye. But if I see vader fail to kill a main character jedi one more time imma lose it lmao. They’ve been watering that man down for YEARS NOW. Like how did he not kill Ezra and Kanan, how did he get beat by an old Obi-Wan? Shit drives me crazy. Also the bode twist didn’t work for me. The high republic stuff was pretty cool though and I like Cal so 3 stars

2 steps forward, 1.5 steps back

Jogo muito bom. A história é bem legal, com os personagens já conhecidos e também alguns novos, e ela termina bem deixando uma boa semente para um próximo jogo. A jogabilidade é basicamente a mesma do anterior, temos novas posturas de batalha e a estrutura continua bebendo um pouco dos soulslike. Sem dúvida uma ótima opção pros fãs da franquia e até recomendado também pra quem gosta de jogos de ação/aventura.

Fun gameplay and cool levels to explore, but several awkward glitches during my playthrough deflated the serious tone of some scenes. Asking myself, "How did this make it through??" a number of times.

Much like the first one, the stuff I liked about the story was all back-loaded into the last few hours. Over-all it's a fun game, and felt worth playing and purchasing (I got my copy for less than retail).

Pet peeve: Boxes, doors, and other items you find all over the place that you can't interact with until you unlock something way later. The game should either discourage exploration until later in the game or give me what I need when I need it.

Como um fã de Star Wars, amei como este jogo conseguiu me encantar. Já havia jogado o título anterior alguns anos atrás e fiquei satisfeito na época, pois sempre desejei um jogo da saga como este. No entanto, mesmo sendo ótimo, o Jedi Fallen Order, o Survivor consegue superar tudo o que o primeiro jogo propõe, com uma narrativa sensacional e uma jogabilidade impressionante.

Quanto à narrativa, adorei como apresentaram uma história completamente diferente do título anterior. Utilizaram os inquisidores apenas no início do jogo de uma maneira que dá a sensação de "aqui foi o fim". Em seguida, o jogo nos leva em uma jornada pela famosa trama da "terra prometida", que funciona muito bem e não se torna repetitiva. Os novos personagens do título são excelentes, especialmente Bode e Dagan. Além disso, os personagens do jogo anterior estão presentes novamente, o que me fez sentir uma conexão ainda maior com o elenco.

Quanto à jogabilidade, é simplesmente maravilhosa. O primeiro jogo já tinha um combate muito bom, e aqui ele se supera, agora com novas habilidades de força e novas posturas de sabre de luz. Além disso, a movimentação foi aprimorada tanto em combate quanto na exploração, tornando Cal muito mais ágil do que no primeiro jogo. Tudo isso com uma fluidez excelente, o que torna o jogo extremamente divertido de jogar.

Enfim, gostei muito de Jedi Survivor, principalmente por ser um grande fã dessa franquia. Acredito que mesmo que não fosse fã, teria me divertido bastante com o jogo. Infelizmente, não posso dar 5 estrelas porque, mesmo após as atualizações, o jogo ainda apresenta uma resolução bastante ruim, algumas quedas de FPS, texturas que demoram para carregar e alguns bugs visuais. Felizmente, nada disso impediu que eu me maravilhasse com o jogo.

Com toda certeza, é uma das melhores coisas dessa franquia desde a aquisição pela Disney, recomendo muito para quem é fã ou só tem curiosidade pelo jogo.