Reviews from

in the past

Edgy F**k Bois favorite Adventure!

This is the best Zelda game

A game that needs more than a few hundred words to describe how perfect it is and why it ages like fine wine the older it gets and you. Microcosm of cause and effect under the blanket of impending doom and the feelings that are garnered from hyperawareness of your mortality. Beautiful, haunting, and endlessly curious. My favorite game ever.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is a haunting masterpiece that stands apart in the Zelda series. Its central time-loop mechanic creates a sense of inescapable dread as you race against the falling moon to save the doomed world of Termina. The focus on masks, each granting unique transformations, adds a layer of puzzle-solving and experimentation. The sidequests are some of the franchise's most poignant tales, exploring personal stories of love, loss, and redemption against the backdrop of apocalypse. While the N64 original might feel a bit clunky by modern standards, Majora's Mask remains a must-play for its chilling atmosphere and bold narrative choices.

This is a polarizing game for me to play. On one hand, I do love the atmosphere of the game, even if its ugly, lol. I also love the music and the side quests that this game delivers, it's some of the best side content a Zelda game has ever had. And some of the dungeons are fun and why exactly do I rate it so low? The time!
I hate the time gimmick so much, even though there's ways that you can control the speed of time....the problem for me that wants to 100% complete all the Zelda games is it feels super stressful to try and get everything done within a certain time limit. There are times where it becomes super frustrating, especially if you're on the final day. Sometimes i can't get a dungeon done in time and I would have to do everything all over again in a dungeon, it's totally not cool.
The other main issue I have with it is the sense of starting over, and everything goes back to how it the movie Groundhog keep repeating days over and over that for whatever reason irritates me to no end!
It's a game I would go back to eventually, but it's one of my least favorite mainline Zelda games.... -_-

swinging between a 3.5 and a 4

Tried it and didn't like playing it on switch. I played ocarina on n64 back in 2013 and never beat it nor picked it up since. I don't think i'm a zelda dude.

this game intimidated me so much but after beating it I've learned its a masterpiece

This game does "unsettling" in a really neat way. It's not constantly smacking you in the head with creepy shit but it's definitely different to a more typical Zaleda world. I also love that Link as a character feels like a nobody in this world; he's not some chosen hero, people don't even know who he is, most of his accomplishments are attributed to other people but he still acts heroically. My favourite Zelda game by far.

I think i like this game so much because i read so much about it before i played it, watched endless videos on the metaphorical element of the game and it made me appreciate the game quite a bit. Its a 4 star game for the music and the feel but the gameplay is honestly nothing out of this world

This gets a point over oot just from all the qol improvements. I really enjoyed how so many events tie into each other I wish that there was more muti day quests but other then that i have no other complaints the temples where super good and stray fairies are such a cool side objective and im so glad they can all be gotten on your first visit. The side quest are some of the best in the series. An overall incredible game.

Si pudiera darle una calificación mas alta a mi juego favorito de todos los tiempos se lo daría. Si eres nuevo en la saga y quieres empezar con este juego podria ser complicado, tiene una curva de dificultad que sino jugaste al Ocarina antes puede ser complicado, la primera parte del juego puede ser laboriosa, pero de la saga tiene una de las mejores historia, un mundo increible pero oscuro, la magia radica en sus npcs y sus historias que profundizan en el mundo que rodea Termina.

The moon gave me nightmares when I was a kid, holy shit

So this is what happens to furries or what?

Majora's Mask has the best side quests I have ever played in a video game. It's a haunting experience that no one has ever really tried to replicate since.

My favorite game from my favorite series, I love the atmosphere, characters, gameplay loop, it's timeless (no pun intended). Not for everyone but it shines for the ones who do like it.

The, current, best Zelda game in my opinion. So dense with interesting stories and characters. I don't want to even risk spoiling the fun.

As far as the N64 Zeldas go, I give the edge to Majora's Mask. It's not afraid to be a darker, gloomier Zelda tale with some real emotion baked in. Plus the time loop mechanic adds just the right amount of dread to really drive the feeling home. Everything that was rock-solid about OOT transfers over nicely too ---- the gameplay, the items, the world, the dungeons ---- all still good here as well.

legendary world design. but honestly, it's just not for me. I hate feeling rushed.

i played the gc version and beat odolwa then the game froze as a child. never beat it till now lmfao and i missed out

It benefitted from being able to reuse many of its assets from Ocarina, so development time could be spent on building a world that feels weird and different from other Zelda games in an absolutely delightful way. Even though it only has 4 main dungeons, all the NPCs' interconnected stories make the game feel deep and immersive.

best game in the franchise

Perfection. By far the artistic peak of the series.

I didn't really get half of the stoty expect the part that the world was about to explode.