Reviews from

in the past

had some decent moments but i found the story really uninspiring and the level design became repetitive. however the graphics were amazing and the beauty of pandora was perfectly represented which made the boring exploration for 100% a little less gruelling.

Não tem muito o que dizer, um Far Cry 6 com mais personalidade e carisma.

Lindo visualmente, e a integração da gameplay que todo mundo já conhece nesse universo criado pelo James Cameron funcionou, lembra bastante o Primal. Mas como todo Far Cry moderno, fica muito repetitivo depois de um tempo, parece que é proibido dentro da Ubisoft variar o design das missões. É um daqueles jogos onde a parte divertida é explorar o mapa.

Se você não for fã de Far Cry ou de Avatar...espere uma boa promoção ou entrar num serviço.

I really don't know what all to say about this game. This game is just super super boring. I honestly can't remember anything from the story other than the dude at the start enslaving the navi for years. The gameplay is also just really boring as the gunplay kinda sucks and its almost impossible to miss your shots in this game. The Food system is also just really pointless. I will say the voice acting is good, I didn't encounter any performance issues, I didn't have to many bugs through my playthrough. Only bugs I had was a dude sitting mid air, getting launched at mach-12 speeds about 3 times, and some textures sometimes failing to load. I just thing this games mid not worth your time or money.

i have been a diehard avatar fan since the first movie came out back in 2009 and this is ALMOST the game i've been dreaming of for over a decade. i love the developers dedication to the lore and their willingness to collaborate with lightstorm and create a game that stays true to the ethos of the franchise. my biggest fear was that this was just going to be "far cry: pandora", but, in my opinion, it's a very pleasant spin on the typical format of a far cry title

that spin is mostly present in the way the game adheres to the core principles of the na'vi. crafting and gathering is present, but you're encouraged NOT to hoard tons of resources. only take what you need. if you want to hunt animals, you can't use guns, as this ruins the quality of the materials. i think they did an amazing job of fulfilling the fantasy of being a na'vi by making changes to these types of systems that are present across all kinds of games and encouraging you to think differently about your actions

one place where this doesn't quite work (as much as i wish it did) is in the navigation. you have the option to play without using quest guidance and rely only on questgiver descriptions and your na'vi senses. this is a great idea, but it was executed poorly. while the environments are stunning, it was incredibly hard to find what you're supposed to be looking for, and i found myself toggling on the guidance quite often

the writing is also nothing to shake a stick at, but i don't come to this franchise for stellar storytelling. i found it to be pretty par for the course for avatar (right down to the main character having a sibling die 🙃 which was almost comical if you're familiar with the films). despite this, i was actually somewhat impressed with the story they were trying to tell (keyword: trying), as a lot of reviewers i had watched/read before hand said that the plot was confusing and the ending didn't make a lot of sense. i don't know if i was just more engaged with the game than them, but i thought everything that happened made sense. the story also presents a lot of really interesting and new ideas for the world of avatar. even if they weren't exactly well-written, i enjoyed exploring these concepts, and i'm excited to see where the dlc goes with them

my last comment is simply that this game should have been in 3rd person. i understand what they were going for by making it 1st person, but i and every avatar fan i know would have much rather been able to SEE their characters moving through the world rather than looking at it through their eyes. this especially doesn't make sense with the amount of microtransaction cosmetics that ubisoft is pushing. sure, the gear looks cool, but i only get to see it when i'm mounted or if i just go sit in the inventory screen for a bit. the game includes a wild amount of customization for a 3rd person experience where you don't get to see your character that often

on the whole, i had very low expectations for this game and i was wildly impressed with it! i can understand why people who aren't fans of the franchise wouldn't be into this, but from a fan perspective, it is truly an amazing game

Zerei Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora, e afirmo que o jogo é uma ótima adaptação do que vemos nos filmes, na vdd ele é meio o que eu esperava de um jogo do Avatar, tecnicamente ele é impecável, os gráficos são maravilhosos, um dos melhores que já vi e Pandora é simplesmente perfeita, a fauna, ambientação, espaço, tudo é foda! Porém em relação ao conteúdo ele já cai um pouco de qualidade, a história não é ruim, mas também não é boa, é apenas ok, o vilão tbm é ok, e os personagens são poucos marcantes talvez com excessão do So'Lek e do Teylan, tem alguns pontos da jogabilidade que amei como voar com seu Ikran, desvendar alguns casos, e até mini games de hack, parkour, colher frutas, caçar e etc, porém a parte do combate achei bem fraca, pra mim não faz sentido ter stealth se você é a porra de um Naavi, e na trocação franca é praticamente impossível, muito da dinâmica do jogo foi tirada de FarCry o que é bom e ruim ao mesmo tempo, o lance de ir até umas base inimiga e destruir tudo é uma merda, mas o resto como conehcer um novo clã é MUITO FODA. Em suma, o jogo do Avatar pra mim é próximo do filme: em termos técnicos é impecável, sua ambientação é maravilhosa, as tribos são ótimas e tudo que engloba Pandora é mt bonito, porém sua história e sua gameplay de combate são rasos e medianos, no geral, é um bom jogo principalmente pra quem gosta dos filmes como eu ou ao menos gosta de FarCry. Nota 8.5