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Me gustaría poder recomendarlo pero tras 5h de juego la historia apenas había avanzado y ya me había cansado de dar vueltas por un mapa con muchos campamentos y pocas cosas realmente interesantes que hacer. Opinión más extensa

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better than the first movie tbh

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting something to change, and my version of this is playing Ubisoft RPGs over and over again and believing in my heart of hearts that the next one will be the one to break the cycle. And man, Avatar: The Frontiers of Pandora had me hook, line and sinker at first. I'm hardly an Avatar fan, but the movies are some sexy ol' eye candy, and this really manages to capture that same visual sauce.

But when the intro is over and you're released into Pandora, the visage drops and the horror begins. Oh, it's just a little magical Navi detective vision. What harm could it do? Wait a minute, these mystical sky plants that make me parkour to reach them act a lot like radio towers. I guess it's just one element. Huh, my weapons feel about as impactful as nerf guns and enemies are exactly the same except with an arbitrary level number above their head which means they tank more damage? Strange. And before you know it, boom, you're back in that cycle of trudging around bored out of your mind completing menial tasks to check off pointless icons from your map. I gave it 6 hours, but it's hard to keep going when the whole thing is just Far Cry except now you're fighting evil spacemen and purple rhinos, and bases are just massive oil wells.

Respect to Ubisoft for trying some new things; I do like how the game encourages exploring more frequently and figuring out the lay of the land. But on the other hand, the game is so linear and goal-driven that most of the time you're just asked to wander somewhere and talk to someone, but the game gives you such crap directions that it's actively not fun to play with navigation hints turned off. If you're looking for a pretty game to test out on your OLED, it looks fantastic, but outside of that its just more Far Cry but without Giancarlo Esposito keeping you a wee bit engaged with the promise of randomly turning up and monologuing at you for three minutes straight.

Such a beautiful game to explore but with just such an average generic storyline and full of lackluster activities. The dual sense features were really good in this though and hopefully, the DLC has a bit more spice.

Massive pone un lacito a este alucinante 2023 y nos lleva en persona al universo de Avatar; una Pandora espectacular que rivaliza con los filmes. Funciona como juego de por sí, pero especialmente bien para fans de Avatar 👌🏻

Avatar's amazing visuals, sense of place, and terrible writing and characters make a lot more sense as a video game

Awesome graphics and a lush world, but the activities and characters got stale after a while. I didn't feel the need to progress further.

Still, I was happy to try it and would recommend, as it's included in Ubisoft + subscription

Although I would not recommend to buy it full price.

One of the best looking games I have ever played. Also one of the most boring

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Silver
---> My Game Time: 30 hours 17 min

Stunning, yes, but mostly a complete slog. Did not beat the "Far Cry: Pandora" allegations. Gave up after about 3 or so hours of monotonous walk and talk sequences and running back and forth between areas just to complete quests that the game automatically gives you just for passing someone offering one.

Visuellement, l'un des jeux les plus beaux que j'ai joué de ma vie, Pandora est juste magnifique mais ça s'arrête la.
L'exploration est bien, on a l'impression de voyager a travers Pandora mais le jeu a rien de plus a offrir.
Le scénario est moyen, les quêtes secondaires sont vraiment décevante, l'ia pas du tout intelligente, bref du ubisoft classique rien de nouveau.
Le gameplay est sympa, le jeu est difficile (et c'est bien).
Si vous le trouvez a moins de 30€, il vaut me coup, je me suis pas ennuyé.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora é o mais recente jogo de mundo aberto da Ubisoft, e eu sinceramente amei cada segundo nesse game. Ele conta uma história em Pandora e, assim como nos dois primeiros filmes de James Cameron, é incrivelmente belo e único. No entanto, assim como os filmes na época foram uma experiência única de cinema, o game do Avatar também é uma experiência única onde me vi conectando com a franquia de uma maneira que ia além do visual. Frontiers of Pandora é um game incrível, um dos melhores games que já experimentei, tanto em terra quanto no ar. Para os fãs da franquia, é um sonho realizado poder vagar, voar e lutar por essa paisagem incrível de Pandora.

O jogo começa com o seu personagem e alguns outros filhos dos Na'vi sendo treinados pela RDA (vilões do game) para serem uma ponte para eles em sua conquista de Pandora. Você escolherá sua aparência e eventualmente embarcará em uma sequência de fuga. O jogo é envolvente, e correr, pular e deslizar como um ser enorme é incrível. Ao escapar de sua escola/prisão e entrar no mundo aberto pela primeira vez, é um verdadeiro choque de realidade a ótima jogabilidade, música e ação, tudo isso fica em segundo plano em comparação com o esplendor que é Pandora neste jogo.

Eu joguei o game em duas plataformas, a principal foi onde eu testei que foi o Xbox Series, e depois comecei a jogar no PC, onde o game, na minha visão, parecia bem ok no sentido de otimização. Tanto no meu Xbox quanto no PC, o jogo parece rodar incrivelmente bem em ambos.

Avatar é um jogo de mapa aberto, mas não é cheio de ícones. A exploração está no centro do título, embora aqueles que procuram uma experiência mais direta possam optar por serem guiados por waypoints, se desejarem. Olhando de longe, o game parece ser um tipo de jogo semelhante ao Far Cry, mas na prática e na execução desse game ele parece bemmmm diferente. Você é rápido, o mundo é alienígena e, eventualmente, você pode voar para quase qualquer lugar nas costas de sua montaria.

As missões principais do game são excelentes. Elas alternam habilmente entre missões menores focadas nos personagens e frenéticas batalhas sem restrições quando o momento é adequado. Completei o jogo em aproximadamente 50 horas e ainda tenho conteúdo secundário suficiente para mais de 20 horas, se quiser. Embora a campanha principal seja consistentemente de alta qualidade, o conteúdo secundário é variado. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora tem um foco em viver da terra. Você estará constantemente criando, cozinhando e realizando missões para seus companheiros Na'vi e humanos na resistência.

Este jogo parece ter um orçamento elevado, na maior parte. Quando não parece assim é principalmente durante missões secundárias ou atividades de mundo aberto. Você passará de um conjunto incrível de animações e diálogos em uma missão, para respostas copiadas e coladas. As missões secundarias lhe darão presentes como materiais de cozinha, armaduras, armas, etc. Eu encontrei vários NPCs que simplesmente tinham a mesma situação ou diálogo pelo menos umas 40 vezes.Tudo bem que isso não é um Red Dead Redemption 2, famoso por sua incrível e custosa dedicação à variedade, porém dá uma tristeza ver coisas desse tipo.

Por falar em atividades, há muitas atividades secundárias que você pode fazer para fortalecer seu personagem. Você tem alguns sistemas para evoluir. Primeiro, há o sistema básico de experiência para pontos de habilidade. Você pode melhorar sua capacidade de sobrevivência, eficácia em combate, habilidades de caça e mais. Existem pontos de habilidade espalhados pelo mundo aberto, certas plantas, quando interagidas, concedem pontos, e todos os pontos de habilidade gastos contribuem para sua eficácia em combate. Este é um sistema que indica o quão preparado você está para enfrentar os diversos inimigos de alto nível no jogo. Cada vez que você equipa uma peça de armadura ou arma, os números aumentam ou diminuem, e isso funciona muito bem.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora encerra com chave de ouro um incrível ano de 2023 para mim jogador de video game. Para mim, é um dos melhores jogos de mundo aberto da Ubisoft, com foco em uma jogabilidade divertida, narrativa excelente e claro um visual incrivelmente lindo. É certamente um dos jogos mais bonitos que vi em 2023. Uma delícia para os fãs de Avatar, e esse jogo é tão incrível que literalmente qualquer um pode pegar, jogar e simplesmente se apaixonar por ele.

Pontos positivos:

- Gráficos impressionantes
- Trilha sonora incrível
- Ótima jogabilidade
- Roteiro legal

Pontos negativos:

- Conteúdo secundário chato

Versão utilizada para análise: Xbox Series.

Played this one coop with TH3 Bouchey. Completed the main quest in 24 hours 46 minutes with a mix of general exploration and side quests. This is one of the best looking games I've seen in a while. Story is a bit simple and at times lacks depth but I really appreciate the world design and fun gameplay with a massive plus that it's coop and we don't get that often in gaming anymore. If you love Avatar do not sleep on this one, grab a friend and get stuck in.

Might even continue to 100% it and if there is ever story DLC I would definitely consider.

The combo of cringy and stilted dialogue and mechanics that didn't interest me is having me hang this one up in spite of the beauty and majesty of the setting of Pandora. Movies good, this is eh.

Ubisoft: Let’s make a game about Avatar (a movie franchise about colonialism and exploitation of the environment) where you have to strip Pandora of it’s natural resources and slaughter every animal you come across so that you can craft a muzzle attachment for your assault rifle that gives you a 2.3% chance on every fifth bullet you fire to poison an enemy.

I got a few hours in this game and to be honest I have to shelve it and maybe come back to it later on. Because man it's just average, the dialogue is cringe, the gameplay gets repetitive, the writing and interactions are meh. This game is basically Far Cry but with blue people and mixed with Horizon Zero Dawn with the creating arrow's and picking up materials to do so. I was excited for this game and I was just disappointed. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone if you are a massive fan of the films go for it but even then it's still meh.

Avatar films ranked -

As someone who isn't particularly interested in the Avatar films I did quite enjoy this game. They took the smart option of putting very few references the movies in the game so newcomers aren't confused. The game itself is quite beautiful and the world is quite fun to explore.

The cooking mechanic is a nice addition, one I hope a future far cry game uses and the Ikron is fun to fly and fight with.

My main issue with this game is that it's not a shooter so when the game puts combat sections into its missions it becomes quite difficult.

This can be negated somewhat by increasing your combat rating. The problem there is that you need to get better gear by doing quests, finding gear in the world or crafting it. With the first two options there's no guarantee that the gear you get will be better than what you have. Crafting is the best option but the game requires you to collect most of your crafting parts from hunting which can be a pain when you have to find crafting parts of a higher rarity.

Some special ammo uses currency in the game to craft which can hamper your progress as well because you won't have enough to buy new gear from the vendors.

Full review here (Dutch):

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora straddles the line between visual splendor and a lack of depth. Ubisoft manages to accurately portray the world of James Cameron's Avatar films in a game, but unfortunately it also takes on the film's drawbacks, especially the story. Add to this the limited gameplay and all this makes Frontiers of Pandora a breathtaking, if very shallow, expansion of the Avatar universe.

I had a rough start with the game, with everything the game has to offer it was very overwhelming and tough to get a grasp on. But after the initial 5-6 hours I started to get it. I found the game's open world and crafting most enjoyable. It's not a bad game if you can push through the learning curves at the beginning.

You can check out my entire overview and review of the game here:

Good enough if you're stuck with literally zero other games.

I like a lot of what this game offered. The story wasn't anything super special, but it did start to ramp up towards the end. And I did enjoy a couple of the characters a solid amount!
Where this game really shines though is in Pandora itself. The world is downright stunning and filled with life. There were so many "wow" moments, and pretty much all of them had to do with an awesome visual reveal in Pandora, accompanied by some good music.
Unfortunately, this game is tanked pretty hard by the gameplay for me. It literally has no fuckin idea what the definition of "easy mode" is, and the combat is just too poor to justify being this hard. It sucked a lot of the actual fun out of the game for me, especially in the last couple of missions, where I died constantly. In fact, as I write this, I'm towards the end of the very last mission and I genuinely don't know if I'm actually going to be able to beat this game. Even if I do, the damage is done.
It's a shame because honestly this game had a really good shot at being in my top 10 this year. It really has a lot going for it. Unfortunately it's just too frustrating for me, and that just is not what I want in a game

The humans when an entire village is slaughtered: oopsie! Those RDA sure are bad guys 🙄🤣 Sorry for being human!

The Na'vi when one horse is killed: God has left us, we must take over the role of the grim reaper.

Fun though! Movie tie-in like Mad Max or Terminator: Resistance where it is just using a game formula seen before (in this case Far Cry) and puts it in the context of a film people like. Easy to complain about with stuff like the similarities to Far Cry, underwhelming progression systems and (completely ignorable) microtransactions, but contains an amazing version of Pandora to explore and weaves the film's themes into its systems nicely. It also feels like a real video game rather than just a time sink! I played some of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey recently and was bothered by both how long it is and that the game felt so desperate for you to glide through it without issue. This is a pretty reasonable length of like 20-40 hours though and felt like I had to engage with its mechanics and how it was designed, rather than it just molding itself into a Frankenstein of "stuff people like".

Not a must-play if you didn't see the Na'vi running on trees when you were 7 and think "ooh I wanna do that", but I liked it

Visualmente, o jogo é deslumbrante, apresentando alguns dos melhores gráficos da atualidade. No entanto, semelhante aos filmes, pode ser percebido apenas como um espetáculo visual superficial, deixando a desejar em outros aspectos mais substanciais.
Review completa em:

First off, this game is amazingly gorgeous, just astounding. I do hope the human cost to bring us this world wasn't too high but it's something I often think of with these massively beautiful and sprawling games. Movement both on foot and in the air felt so good. You really feel that you're a Na'vi, especially in comparison to the puny humans. And there was far more complexity in the story and the characters than I was expecting. Really good game, looking forward to the DLC.

As someone who became a huge Avatar fan after rewatching the first movie back in 2019 and realizing "Oh, this fucking owns actually." and then having this announced before The Way of Water even had footage for us to see had me so excited for another round at a game that actually could get what the film went for. Well for better or worse Ubisoft was the right publisher for this.

Gonna get it out of the way the movies are peak blockbuster cinema, end of. James Cameron has not lost his touch and continues to not miss (as long as he's not producing a movie or making a documentary). Both Avatars are everything a blockbuster should be perfectly blending spectacle, incredible VFX, and a gaggle of characters you root for. The game on the other hand and I'm not gonna sugercoat it kind of fumbles this. It's story isn't downright terrible and it's serviceable as "event we can't go too crazy with cause it's canon and happens between movie 1 and 2", but man does it really lack that punch Cameron's talents give his movies. It really feels kind of like the new Zelda games where they came up with this insane incredible world to traverse and then remembered they needed a reason for any of that to happen or connect. I don't know how to better explain it than it just feels super bland and safe compared to the movies. When we finally get something akin to the Destruction of the Hometree or the Tulkun Hunt it just sort of feels like "WELL WE NEED A BIT LIKE THAT!" and while it's visually impressive and oppressive it's so late in a story where I haven't been nearly as endeared to these characters that it just feels like filling out a checklist. Also a smaller, but just as problematic issue for me is the music. It's good, nothing really bad about it, but it's a damn shame they don't riff or just straight up use more of James Horner's (absolute real one RIP) or Simon Franglen's incredible work throughout. War and Bad Parents are insane bangers and god I just wish more of the combat music sounded that fucking good. There's good imitations of their works, but that's just it. It feels like imitation. Imagine if a Star Wars game didn't use some John Williams. People would freak the fuck out.

All that aside fuck the story, fuck the kinda not as good as the movie's music. Ignore all of that shit cause where this game owns is capturing the vibe of being on Pandora. Holy shit this phrase is overused for games, but you really feel like a Na'vi. You bump your head on the ceiling indoors and you're so fast and traverse the underbrush and trees like a spider monkey on pure 99.9% genuine meth. It's the closest a game has come to feeling like Titanfall 2 since Titanfall 2 and it's an Avatar game of all things. A game based on a movie that clearly had a heavy influence on Titanfall 2. It's a match made in heaven. I played this shit for 70 hours and never once got tired of slide kicking and Captain Falcon kneeing RDA goons across their skulls. Add in the fun as hell gunplay (with an insane Shotgun holy hell it's so sick) and like the best of games while the story may falter in the place that matters more for video games which is playing it? This shit passes with flying colors.

Being away from Ubisoft open world games since Blood Dragon has probably helped my enjoyment of this too. I don't know what's reused, old, or new and I don't care! I win! I am feasting.

I haven't even talked about being able to fly on an Ikran and how crazy that shit is to be chilling in the skies and then you dive bomb a Scorpion shooting out it's wings. It's good shit. Get it if you like the movies I cannot recommend this enough if that applies to you. Hope to god the DLC stories introduce Recoms I need that insane anime type beat contrast of natural Pandora Na'vi vs Na'vi decked out in future tactical military gear.


"Avatar é um novo Far Cry com a skin de Na'vi, mas isso é ruim? Claro que não! É um bom jogo, diverte, tem gráficos extremamente lindos, cenários e uma iluminação de cair o queixo, sendo um dos melhores da geração e da Ubi. Possui um bom gameplay, mas apresenta os mesmos problemas de todos os jogos da Ubisoft em que, em determinado momento, tudo se torna repetitivo, missões secundárias sem graça e sem recompensa, e excesso de colecionáveis, entre outros.

No entanto, o maior problema neste jogo para mim são os bugs! Estou fazendo esta análise com base na versão de PC. Presenciei vários bugs, como:

Bug na progressão da história (fiquei preso na missão de pegar o Ikran pela primeira vez, a animação do NPC não funcionava para dar continuidade, sendo necessário voltar ao mapa, forçando outro bug para ativar a animação que precisava acontecer antes de chegar ao local).
Bug no som que cortava a música do jogo a toda hora por alguns segundos, quebrando a imersão.
Delay na morte de inimigos (você "matava" o inimigo, e a vida dele não descia; do nada, ele morria 5 segundos depois).
Há problemas com a IA; quando algum inimigo identificava um corpo, entrava em modo de alerta, e todos os inimigos do cenário já sabiam sua posição (chatão -_-).

Apesar de todos os problemas, no final, é um bom jogo, mas é mais do mesmo da Ubisoft. Para os fãs dos filmes, será uma ótima experiência."

Quem quiser MUITO jogar recomendo pegar o Ubi+ e testar.

I've put a few hours into this, and I think the environments are really pretty, gameplay is alright, but for some reason this isn't grabbing me at all. I'll give it one more play session for it to hook me before I put it down.