Reviews from

in the past

Frontiers of Pandora is a graphical showcase with mind-blowing detail and fidelity, bringing Pandora to life like never before. As a fan of the movie, experiencing this vibrant world firsthand was truly awesome. The game follows the familiar Far Cry formula, for better and for worse, offering both engaging and repetitive elements. While the story is quite simple and often serves as a mere excuse to progress, it does feature some nice moments. However, the side content is really repetitive and the quality of side quests varies greatly, so in my playthrough, I focused on the main quest line.

Another solid open world game from Ubisoft which doesn't do anything groundbreaking in terms of gameplay and open world design. Visually Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is a sight to behold with stunning landscapes and great art direction. The music is also very good with helps elevate the game during open world exploration and story moments . The weakest aspects of the game is the story and characters. By the time i finish playing the game i found the story to be uninteresting and lost interest for the characters that you meet in the game.
Total playtime 47 hours