Reviews from

in the past

Incredible atmosphered and a great first half. After the twist felt like it went downhill, especially with the ending cutscene being like 30 seconds long and booting you straight to the menu. Felt less like a monumental event when it ended and more like oh it's over, last boss was cool though.

Combat didn't fully click with me and I think they could've delved deeper into the immersive sim elements instead I was disappointed that this was supposed to be the spiritual successor to system shock but felt relatively linear and like the only option was to fight in combat with a mix of whatever weapons had ammo and the better combat genes I had.

Well worth a delve into, still just feel as if I may appreciate it more on a replay or when my expectations were not so high, as everyone seems to praise this game to death.

all im saying is if i was in rapture i wouldve handled things.

jogo belo, universo extremamente interessante dito isso verdadeiro goat este game desta franquia bela.

a man is a man and all men love bioshock. the origin of my nickname 'big daddy'. we need more games with drills.

Esse jogo tem o universo mais bem construído que eu já vi em um game, a história é incrível e complexa, a gameplay é maravilhosa, eu não consigo ver nenhum ponto ruim nesse jogo.

This one hurts. When I first played this game around 9 or so years ago, my mind was completely blown. The setting immediately took me in, the gameplay was exciting and new, and the story kept me hooked. If you had asked for my favorite game those 9 years ago, I would've said this, no doubt. I had replayed it when the remaster came out and still enjoyed it, and watched my friend go through it a few years later and still felt fulfilled, but after replaying it myself...

Let's get my biggest complaint out of the way first: pardon my language, but this game completely shits the bed in the final act. Everything after the plot twist feels noticeably, almost obviously sloppy and thrown together; from the cobbled together plot continuation, to the shift in characters, to the needlessly drawn out fetch quests, to the "late-game" enemies that feel like total bullet sponges, to the (while creative) meddling with the gameplay mechanics, all of it just feels like they had been building to the twist the whole game, and after it happened, they just ran out of road. Combine that with a shockingly irritating escort mission and one of the most underwhelming final bosses in any game I've played, and it's hard to come out of this game without a sour taste in your mouth, however...

The good parts of this game still elevate it to one of the most impressive games ever made and one that I think everyone should, at the very least, try. Rapture is one of the best settings in gaming, full stop. Don't even try to debate me, don't say it's overrated, don't say it's repetitive, because you'd be talking to a wall. I love Rapture, I've loved Rapture since I first stepped foot in it, and even after this replay, I love Rapture just as much, even if I don't like some of the stuff surrounding it. The way it constantly unravels, getting more and more rundown and demented as you continue through, the unique locales in each chapter, the gorgeous art deco style, the fact that it's an underwater city, everything about it is just superb, and undoubtedly the selling point of the game. The "splicing" gameplay still feels very fresh and unique, even if it feels a bit clunky with age (and comparison to its successors); shocking an enemy and then bonking them with the wrench will never not give me an instant smile on my face. Oh, and as mentioned, the story is pretty great. A tad bit predictable, but I really give this game a lot of credit for the way it tackles ludonarrative, especially in a AAA game from the seventh-gen, a generation known for being particularly dumbed down and asking little of its players. Sure, it doesn't make you reflect on the art form in any groundbreaking way, but I still think the twists are clever and the way they use the game mechanics to support the story is pretty sharp. Oh yeah, and it tees up the worst ideology known to man and absolutely smashes it into the ground with a mallet, constantly mocking the idiotic leader of said belief and all the greedy, opportunist, morally bankrupt fools that follow her. I have especially warm feelings towards the game for that alone.

I feel like all of my positive feelings towards this game are just towards Rapture and I've talked about nothing else, but... I mean, yeah, it really is what makes this game work. In the end, it's still a good game, still one I recommend, still one that I have a soft spot for, and still one that I think deserves the praise it gets. It's not perfect, and I think a lot of its flaws do come from the fact that it came out when it did (and never got a proper cleanup of a remaster), but the good parts shine through all of the bad, even through to the end.

Great game and start of a series!

Environment design and level design PEAK!!!!!

best ambiance best story best characters this is the best bioshock no questions

the most overrated game ever, cant play a more boring game with a worse combat and I didnt even care about the story so

te amo, juego hermoso, jugarlo me cambio la vida

Fantastic atmosphere and amazing story.

World building is told through visual cues and audio diaries which is really cool.

The world is fascinating and you want to find out what happened. There are some generally creepy parts.

Combat is a lot of fun and offers a variety of ways to take out enemies.

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Unmatched atmosphere. Rapture is a great concept with incredible execution. The game can also be really creepy at times, which filled me with terror and made it all the more fun. The story is phenomenal and the twist is brilliantly woven into the gameplay and a wonderful commentary on player choice in games as a whole. The powers are varied and fun and the guns are mostly all dope, especially the crossbow (I loved freezing and enemy and then shattering them with on crossbow bolt).

Overall, the combat is just enjoyable enough for a satisfying gameplay loop, but that's not what makes this game so great. My biggest issue is the audio for voices. No matter how I changed the settings, the audio for voices was always too quiet compared to the other sources of audio for everything else, which made me miss out on some story bits. This is especially true for audio logs, which were done to build the story really well, but if I wanted to really absorb everything that was said I would just have to stop playing and wait till it was finished cause if I did anything else, like get into a fight or hack something, I couldn't hear a damn thing, which is super important in a story and world driven game like this.

Há uma interseção em immersive sims: o ponto onde o poder cruza das mãos dos inimigos para as mãos do jogador, onde o jogo passa a temer você. Bioshock tira o melhor proveito possível de seus componentes de terror, fazendo essa a transição mais nítida que tive desde Prey. Excelente escrita e sound design, um jogo perfeito dos pés ao pescoço. Na barriga não, porque o meio da campanha é uma merda, e acho melhor não comentar sobre o final do jogo. Mesmo assim, obrigado, Ken Levine. Ansioso para Judas.

From what I could remember, this was such an incredible game. I plan on playing the remastered version soon.

Ok the world-building and storytelling really is phenomenal. But also, games should be fun to play.

прошел и на ПК и на Мак

this is the game everyone keeps telling me to play but i still haven't played it

"It insists upon itself, Lewis. It insists upon itself."

17 years later, BioShock is still the most overrated game of all time. I can not think of a game more elementary relative to its praise. Fitting, then, that it would take at its subject matter Ayn Rand and libertarianism, something equally as elementary. Naturally, nerds will swallow anything up that pretends to move the industry forward artistically and maturely, even if it's on the same level as the Marvel movies.

Nevermind that the gameplay, especially the combat, is terrible. Yes, gamers, you have to have good gameplay to backup a good story. It's like if StanleyKubrick directed The Shining with just static shots and Jack Nicholson was phoning it in the whole time, but still calling it a masterpiece. That's not how this works.

Great game with an ending that rewards the player for being a good person even with the incentive of more power every time they encounter a little sister.

Pioneer in environmental story telling. Gameplay is unique with the plasmid. Atmosphere is phenomenal. And of course "A man chooses. A slave obeys." 🏌️

Best combat and one of the best story I’ve ever seen. And my god that world building is phenomenal.

Exploring Rapture is a truly unforgettable experience. Uncovering the mystery of this place offers the best storytelling in games to this day. As an FPS, it performs well, and despite its age, it remains a prime example of how to tell a story in games. TRULY A MASTERPIECE

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why do people say this game was so influential its about as basic a first person shooter you can have. i do love conclusively proving the failure of libertarian ideology with a golf club tho

Маленькие девочки засейвили меня в конце, хорошо, что я обрёл себе семью в их лице)

It might not be System Shocked, but its influences are quite blatant. That's a good thing, as this game makes good use of its setting to tell its message through both gameplay and cutscenes.

One of the most overrated games of all time