Reviews from

in the past

Сцп от Сэма Лейка выглядит офигенно

On of the best action games of the last years with a fun gunplay.

Pretty cool game! Very X-files and Twin Peaks. The atmosphere and design is top-tier and the mind-bending items, power-ups and locations are awesome.

The combat is very cool at first but gets stale and easy as the game progresses. The story was super intriguing but lost me later on also. Ultimately the game doesn’t live up to the brilliant concepts it shows you at the beginning.

Ran quite badly on the base PS4.

love the world and world-building. one of the coolest concepts for a game in recent memory. story's a little bland and forgettable

Control is a game I really wanted to love, but unfortunately it left me feeling rather lukewarm towards it. what it does well, it does really well (world building, interesting environments), but all the other aspects it kind of stumbles upon. Combat is really fun at first and engaging in it in different ways feels exciting, but at some point it just started to wear me down, throwing wave after wave of enemies at me. The difficulty of the game is weird too, sometimes I had no issues, but sometimes I'd die immediately and in stupid ways (falling into a pit I could not see), the check point system screwing me up right afterwards (just put the checkpoint right before the boss battle, don't make me walk 50 miles just to get back).
I do have to give props for the graphics of the game, it looks amazing for being a 2019 title and honestly looks better than some of 2024/2023 titles. I also really enjoyed hunting down the collectibles and the AWE dlc, which I thought tied the game nicely into other Remedy games.

I'm really looking forward to Control 2, whenever it might come out, hoping that they'll iron out some issues. ~

Made by same people that made Max payne and Alan Wake. Thats kinda all you need to know. Story is great, had a few really unforgettable moments. Gameplay was fun too, nothing special, but I just got sucked into the story so much with the mistery and proper "wtf" moments that I just couldn't put the game down until I was done.

this game has really good combat, but that's it. the rest is a so bored

Sam Lake en gros t'es trop perché mon gars personne te suit donc arrêtes tes conneries merci

HOLY PEAK (still gets 4 stars tho)

It sticks to its style to its credit, but that style is rather flavorless sometimes. Otherwise, the combat and exploration are highly enjoyable

sleeper hit, im sorry for ever doubting its potential

Designer incrivel. Gameplay tranquila. Porém muito seletivo. Enxergo grandez, mas não me apaixonei.

Ta bien y la historia es super interesante, pero porque chingados es un shooter?... Para ser lo que toma la mayor parte del tiempo jugándolo, es lo mas aburrido que tiene.

Es como Bioshock Infinite pero con buen guion.

Sorry to be the hater with the unpopular opinion on this one. It's fine. It's good even. Plenty of people like it. You don't have to read this. It's probably just gonna make you angry.

Control just doesn't do anything for me personally.

I like the setting. The story is intriguing. The characters are all charming. This might be the first Remedy game where their FMV skits actually do manage to put a smile on my face.
The SCP inspired documents are cute but I don't think they really understand the strength of the format. Look I'm not like an SCP expert or anything but the few I've found memorable don't actually have that much redacted text and are just very well written. They use the language of a dry bureaucratic report to evoke something incredibly unsettling. Black redacted bars are used only in very strategic places to enhance the mystery. In Control the SCP documents are like 70% redacted text so you can barely make out what they're trying to say.

The environments are very cool, evocative, imposing, disorienting and they make me wish the gameplay was literally anything else. It would have been ripe for some cool puzzle mechanics in the style of Antichamber or Portal. But it's remedy so the gameplay has to be shoot mens. I don't even dislike shooters! Some of my favourite games are shooters. But I dunno, they're making a fantastique world about bureaucracy, mad science, impossible geometry, cosmic horror, and the best they can come up with for you to do in that world is "shoot guys"? It feels inappropriate. I think it's a waste of a great setting. I guess if you're feeling fancy you can levitate some furniture or bits of walls and throw them at the guys instead. I don't know why we're all pretending that's a new and unique gimmick that hasn't been done by every vaguely sci-fi shooter since half life 2. This is also one of those games that refuses to ever let you explore in peace. You can't just clear out an area and then soak in the environment. The game will regularly spawn new guys for you to shoot, probably because of some shit belief at the top that if they don't do that the player might get "bored". Guess what. I AM bored. Even the shootiest game of all time, the 2016 revival of fuckin DOOM, would let you explore its environment in peace after you're done clearing all the demons because it understands the value of having quieter moments to contrast the loud action setpieces.

Anyway, I reached a giant plant boss at the bottom of a moss covered area and died a bunch of times to it. I'm fully willing to admit that this is 100% a skill issue on my part but I really don't care to keep trying. This boss sucks and I'm not having a good time.

Imagine if you went to an escape the room installation with a really cool theme, but once inside the way to proceed is to solve a sliding puzzle. Not even an interesting one with bits that interact with other fixtures in the room, it's just a regular sliding tile puzzle. And then once you're done, it opens up another identical sliding puzzle and so on. This is what Control feels like to me. A game with a really cool setting and theme undermined by bland and inappropriate gameplay. I know I'm in the minority on that one and I don't care. Sorry I'm like this.

é... definitivamente é um dos jogos lançados.

pontos positivos:
- protagonista dahora.
- gameplay boa.

pontos negativos:
- um dos piores mapas que já vi na história dos games.
- o jogo crashou 2 vezes no final kkk.
- história confusa e desinteressante.

apesar de tudo, é um ótimo jogo, se você não tiver nada melhor para jogar.

É muito bom, tem um combate viciante, e as batalhas com chefes são bem legais e desafiadores, mas depois de matar os mesmos inimigos umas 30 vezes e ler mil documentos fica meio maçante e já não tava aguentando tanto vai e vem

Very cool atmosphere and design. Interesting story (sometimes a bit hard to follow though). The only bad/annoying thing in this game was the map, which is impossible to follow.

Fun game overall, kinda got lost with the story but it is still very cool

Jogo muito bom. Selo de qualidade Remedy. História envolvente, excelentes DLCs, gameplay e combate extremamente divertidos.

Honestly, even though I just thought it was fair, I liked it more then I thought it was. Tie combat is pretty good, a lot of the game is very meh though.

não sabia que sentia tanta saudade desse jogo assim. que jogo surreal! desde o momento que comecei a jogá-lo simplesmente não consegui parar (a ponto de deixar de estudar para as provas) QUE JOGO DELICIOSO EM TODOS OS SEUS ASPECTOS, seja nos seus vídeos, na gameplay ou nos gráficos. QUE JOGO BOM AIAIAAIIAAIIA

this game is cool and all but I gotta say I really don't enjoy when 90% of a game has the same kinda background designs. When I think of this game I think of a shiny piece of gray metal

A fun FPS within an M.C. Escher drawing about the SCP foundation

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Vou ser muito sincero, eu precisei jogar de novo para gostar muito, talvez não fosse para o meu eu antigo...
Control é um puta jogão maneiro, onde a história é bizarra, cheio de coisas paranormais, o que eu pessoalmente gosto muito.
A jogabilidade é muito boa, os personagens são interessantes, principalmente a Jesse e de certa forma a Polaris. A ambientação é muito intrigante e sensacional, porém, o que dá aquela pegada negativa é o mapa, como é confuso de mais, eu demorei muito para acostumar, mas assim que você se ambienta, fica mais fácil.
Enfim, ótimo jogo, amei a referência do Alan Wake, outro jogão.

This game nails the atmosphere with its lore, however the story falls short, and navigating through the building feel like a maze, it’s almost impossible without watching guides on YouTube