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Probably one of the most creative games I've played. Both DLC's are great and the world is so fun to explore. I know the narrative isn't the greatest but it's still very engaging. Favorite game of all time.

Um dos jogos mais "diferentes" e criativos que eu joguei nos últimos tempos. Sempre dá pra confiar na Remedy pra criar algo fora da caixinha e inovador, e Control é provavelmente meu jogo favorito deles (digo "provavelmente" porque é um empate acirrado entre ele e Alan Wake xD).

Foi um dos jogos que mais me deixou interessado em saber mais sobre a lore e o mundo em volta da história, todos os documentos e gravações adicionais realmente te dão a sensação de que tudo aquilo está acontecendo de verdade em algum prédio sobrenatural dos Estados Unidos, especialmente pela maneira genial como a Remedy integra casos inexplicáveis da vida real na mitologia de Control.

A estética aqui também é impecável, foi uma escolha super interessante fazer com que a Casa Antiga (local onde o jogo se passa) não se desse bem com aparelhos de tecnologia moderna, dessa forma, mesmo que o jogo se passe em 2019 (ano que foi lançado), toda a ambientação tem uma estética de anos 70/80 que cai bem demais com os tons fortes de vermelho.

Só não dou 5 estrelas pra Control porque ele tem dois probleminhas que eu achei difícil de ignorar: O ritmo e a trilha sonora (ou a falta dela).

Todo jogo da Remedy infelizmente sofre do primeiro problema: Apesar das ideias interessantes tanto na história quanto nas mecânicas, o loop de gameplay fica cansativo depois de um tempo e você fica com a sensação de que o jogo poderia ter algumas horas de duração a menos se cortassem o excesso de combate. Ainda assim, vou parabenizar Control por ter o sistema de combate mais completo e "recheado" que a Remedy já fez até agora. Nunca deixa de ser divertido usar telecinese pra jogar uma mesa enorme num inimigo.

E sobre a trilha sonora, foi uma coisa que eu demorei pra perceber, mas quando a ficha caiu, não deu mais pra ignorar. Control meio que "não tem" trilha sonora. O mais próximo disso são as "batidas enérgicas" que tocam durante o combate (porque não dá nem pra chamar de música), mas fora isso, o jogo quase todo não tem trilha sonora além dos sons ambientes da Casa Antiga. Achei uma decisão bem estranha da Remedy, considerando o quão forte Control é na identidade visual.

Enfim, apesar desses problemas, todo o resto do jogo ainda é fascinante e extremamente bem feito (o suficiente pra quase valer 5 estrelas). Com certeza é a culminação de todo o talento da Remedy ao longo dos anos. Foi uma puta experiência legal e eu mal posso esperar por Alan Wake 2!

Clunky and the map could've been better implemented, showing floors and whatnot.

This game gets weirder and weirder as it goes and I love it. Just a shame it has a god awful map and while I get what they were going for and appreciated it at times I'm not sure 90% grey environments were the right choice since it makes many places feel indistinct. That Ashtray Maze section though, oh boy that's an exception, wonderful section, all time most memorable gaming moments worthy. Game made me look forward to giving more of Remedy's catalog a try.

O tal do jogo que serve só pra Benchmark

Mas falando sério, o jogo tem uma atmosfera bem interessante, uma vibe meio SCP e algumas escolhas de direção realmente muito boas.

Porém, ele é aquilo de tem de errado com a maioria das grandes produções modernas. Uma gameplay repetitiva ao extremo, com um loop de combate com um gunplay extremamente monótono, seguido pelos mesmos 2 puzzles ridículos de fáceis sendo repetidos infinitamente.

Remedy got tired of waiting for Half-Life 3 and decided to make their own.

… and it’s pretty magnificent. Tension ratchets up as you wander through each cursed office space, and then gets invariably released in a huge, messy shoot-out where you use your mind powers to hurl the scenery at the monsters.

That’s it. That’s the whole game. There are some obvious things I could knock about it— like the copy-pastey encounters in the final hours or the way all the characters feel more like audio log dispensers than people— but that core experience of suspenseful setups and cathartic knockdowns never lost its grip on me over dozens of hours.

I was playing the Ultimate Edition, which adds a bunch of sidequests of the kill-six-wolves variety that felt very skippable. It also adds the multi-launch ability, though, which is simply some of the funnest shit you can do in a video game. Plus, the upgrade to ray tracing on a PS5 looks frankly astonishing. Recommended.

One of the best looking games of all time. Physics are CRAZY good. The protagonists powers are cool asf to use. The atmosphere can be unnerving at times. Need a Phd to understand whats going on. Surreal nature of the game appeals to me a lot. Gunplay isnt bad. Very underrated imo

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This game is amazing. I'll admit that it starts off pretty slow. it picks up really well and the Alan Wake expansion really does a good job of expanding on this universe. I really wish they went somewhere else with Quantum Break lol.

The following is from a post I wrote on ResetEra back in 2020, because I'm too lazy to write something new...

"I stopped reading the documents about quarter of the way through, because not only were they not particularly interesting content wise, but the game just bombards you with them to an almost comical extent. It's like there was something new to read every time I entered a new room. Last thing I want to do is start and stop a game constantly just to read stuff; that shit is worse than listening to audio logs a la Bioshock.

And the story just did nothing for me. There way no hook tangible enough to snag me, it was just weirdness piled upon weirdness right from the get go, and I wasn't intrigued enough to unravel it all. I like surreal and eerie content in media in general, like David Lynch's movies for instance, but at least Lynch has the good sense to balance out his own brand of 'strange shit' with a degree of normalcy. Blue Velvet has the white picket fence suburbs and a boy scout protagonist to juxtapose the insanity of Dennis Hopper and his own little world. Control doesn't have that.

Loads of other problems with the game as well. On a base PS4, the game shits the bed every time you unpause it. Awful technical performance + borked checkpoint system + enemies that can take away most of your health in one hit = pure frustration. A confusing map in a game where many of the environments look the same is cause for further exasperation. And it's hard to believe that the same man who wrote the first two Max Payne games managed to create a main character so beige and uninteresting."

eu não acho tão bom quanto alan wake mas a pegada SCP adiciona um fator muito interessante. mas só jogue se estiver preparado pra ler mucho texto!

Game starting very confusing and very slowly. But when play more and more its gettin better. Good story, good gameplay (a little bit fight scenes repeatin itself but its ok)

They become better and better with every game they make

Control was not on my radar when it releases in 2019 but when I finally got around to playing it two years later, I was blown away. It quickly shot up to my top three games of all time and it has held its place there. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I highly recommend you do.

The ending stretch of the game's visual inventiveness speaks to some missed potential I think. There's some extraneous rpg-adjacent elements that could have been largely cut for a better experience. Overall a pretty decent play in the end.

Du tager lidt x-men, du tager lidt SCP, du tager lidt x-files. Du tilsætter hulens godt narrative design og udfolder en verden. Resultatet er et godt spil, en enorm verden, og en iver efter at fordybe sig i breve og ledetråde spredt ud i dets mangeartede og yderst smukke 70'er kontormiljøer. + du får lov til at ødelægge de kontorer. Meget cool og jeg føler virkelig kontrasten mellem det der kan rationaliseres (og altså kontrolleres) og det der ikke kan er gennemført!

SCP/Backroom fan's Black Panther

It's a great game, I've dropped because it is hard sometimes. Maybe I pick it up again

This game is absolutely stunning visually, and I adore the worldbuilding, but I have absolutely no clue what's going on in it.

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Can't say it's surprising that I really enjoyed this game as Remedy is one of my favourite game developers.

I was really happy with the Alan Wake expansion and the hint towards Alan Wake 2 they put at the end. Also this game hints at Alan Wake: American Nightmare being Canon as it takes place in Ordinary, the town the protagonist is from.

Amazing game! The combat was really fun with all the different abilities and the graphic is just insane. The enemies can be crazy difficult for no reason, got me sweating the entire game.

Awesome aesthetic, however the combat becomes repetitive and the story while kinda interesting, is not really engaging to me.

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Control is a really interesting game. It has a lot of things going for it but the main story is a bit flat. The main protagonist wants to save her brother who is being held in a top secret government building which is dedicated to investigating the paranormal, and that's about it. The main points of intrigue in this game is everything else. As you explore the building you find all kinds of documents and videos which give lots of hints on the other things going on in this world. The feeling this game gives you is very similar to that of an X-Files or Twilight Zone episode (both of which I'm a fan of). This is something that Remedy has put a lot of work into and it shows. There's this feeling of uneasiness and tension as you explore. Some parts of the map feel like some surreal experiment done by an architecture student who was a big fan of MC Escher or Bosch and I love it. The characters are all likable and interesting in their own unique way. The combat is fun and has a lot of variety to it (as do the enemies) . As a piece of art, Remedy have created something very special here and I hope we get more from this series. The DLC is interesting and even ties Control in to another one of Remedy's franchises (Alan Wake) which really caught me off guard and is a pretty exciting idea. If you're curious about Control, try to buy the Ultimate Edition rather than the vanilla game as it does have its fair share of performance issues, especially when it comes to having lots of enemies around during combat.

bad in the best way possible, itching to replay this soon

Really liked the story and the gameplay, and the scp-like lore was something i've been waiting to see in a game like this for a while

This game is great. A pretty basic story, all told, but solid enough to guide you through an interesting world and some really good gameplay.

Think the X-Files meets a great third-person shooter (can't think of an example right now), but it's got an atmosphere of creepiness mixed with some enjoyable combat. Not a very difficult game--it's a shooter that I finished on console, and I stink at shooters on console--but it's really fun and rather mysterious and I enjoyed it a lot.

Also, the physics engine means I can wreck every single deskroom and bathroom I come across. What a good day.