Reviews from

in the past

Awesome solid all around game it’s been years so the story is lost of me but I know I played it 2 times so it must have been engaging enough. Powers are fun and levels are interesting to explore so good game….helps that PS had it for free at the time though or I likely wouldn’t have tried it.

Uma das piores coisas que eu ja joguei, sem graça, confuso, entediante.

Remedy's games never cease to bring me enjoyment and amaze me. Their games have unbelievingly captivating stories, characters and so much love and charm that I find it almost impossible not to fall into the worlds they create. Control was not only no different but also reached a new high with its story, world and combat. However, some systems in the game bog it down and interrupt and dampen my enjoyment.

In Control, you play Jesse Fayden, a young woman who arrives at a building owned by "The Federal Bureau of Control", a government agency that studies transdimensional and paranormal entities and is under the control of a director who is chosen by an entity called The Board. This is what Control's world is built on and exploring "The Oldest House" and finding out what the Bureau does and contains is what makes it so interesting. The closest comparison to the Bureau is the SCP foundation although Control separates itself in its presentation and its entities. Talking about the presentation Contol's Oldest House is a beautiful brutalist masterpiece with each floor switching styles like research having a mix of nature with trees and plans and maintenance having a more industrial look. These locations are jaw-dropping and the inclusion of the photo mode allows you to truly capture the concrete beauty of the building.

Controls combat is great as well with you unlocking different abilities throughout the game to the point by the end you're pretty much a superhero in a suit gliding around arenas and chucking various items at enemies using telekinesis, the game allows you to have quite a varied arsenal which is cool except it once it comes to fighting the best strategy is always throwing items at enemies and sticking with the two weapons you like. This allows for little experimentation and although the combat is fun doing the same thing over and over with little retaliation leaves the game feeling easy at times. What doesn't help is the enemy AI which is unbelievably simple with most enemies charging at you head-on or shooting you with little strategy. As well as this the upgrade system is a boring mess of minor stat bonuses in a cluttered inventory, with these upgrades being handed out as regularly as they are it means you'll end up taking time reading through boring and insignificant upgrades, an activity which really interrupts from the flow of the game and makes what should be interesting, daunting and frustrating. However, to say I didn't enjoy the combat would be wrong. Control allows for a complete power fantasy as you lift up forklifts and crush enemies. As well as this the varied roster of enemies makes the combat engaging and interesting with you having to keep in mind of enemy's ability and who to take out first to make the job easier. One feature in the game is alerts which act as small events where you need to travel to a sector and complete one of three challenges to protecting rangers to defeating higher health enemies while waves of enemies defend them. This isn't a feature that I'm opposed to in fact I believe that if implemented correctly they can add to the game, the problem is it isn't done correctly with them coming up during story missions and interrupting what you are currently doing. As well as this the mediocre rewards and repetitiveness of the missions make it so there's no incentive to do them and after a while you ignore them.

Overall I loved Control and although I did heavily criticise its systems, Its characters, world and gameplay altogether make for a great experience with Remedy's unbelievable world-building and charm added in like TV shows, quirky and breathtaking level design and some great writing and characters, I can confidently say I'd do anything to experience this game again for the first time.

a where the frick do i go kinda game im not much of a metroidvania fan tho. i wanna like it because i like sam lake's writing and remedy's games but i dont have patience to wander around in circles

Beautiful visual, satisfying gameplay that turn you into a force of nature but has very flawed story telling.

Bought this after loving Alan Wake. I am personally kinda cautious about media in which the main character can be seen as psychotic, but is actually in the right about how the world operates. Control takes the concept of the ordinary being extraordinary in such a wacky, charming way that I felt comfortable with its story.

It adds to Alan Wake's concepts and expands upon them, it feels like a 5th of the game was spent reading files, which was a lot of fun for most of the game. Unfortunately I found the side missions to not add much, (at least the ones I played, some bugged out), and to just bloat the game. Control focused so much into detailing how the world works that I found myself waiting for more character interactions or development, it was lacking in this at the end.

The combat was a mixed bag, I could not find a consistent way to not be killed in seconds playing on normal difficulty. I mean, it wasn't a hard game, it just felt like jank maybe, sometimes running around would work, other times I would just immediately die by doing that, dunno, it was also kinda repetitive, in general I felt the game would have been better if it were linear and shorter.

The environments were cool at first, but they all felt kinda samey at the end. The game also commits the sin of having a substantial amount of audio logs and you not being able to continue playing while listening to them, so you just have to stand in place or pause the game to listen it on the menu.

The writing was so weird, it felt like Alan Wake, but I think Alan Wake was trashy on purpose, so I was on the joke with the writer, but now I don't think that was the case? This game tries to kinda use the same writing but in a kinda more serious tone, and it rarely worked for me. Jesse dialogue was good when she was joking I guess, it felt bland in other cases, I guess the game was trying to do too much and fell into being a little bit derivative with a lot of bloat.

she alter my world till an event

Разрушаемость такая же, как и жопа Джесси, просто ахуенно

Ta bien y la historia es super interesante, pero porque chingados es un shooter?... Para ser lo que toma la mayor parte del tiempo jugándolo, es lo mas aburrido que tiene.

Es como Bioshock Infinite pero con buen guion.

Designer incrivel. Gameplay tranquila. Porém muito seletivo. Enxergo grandez, mas não me apaixonei.

sleeper hit, im sorry for ever doubting its potential

It sticks to its style to its credit, but that style is rather flavorless sometimes. Otherwise, the combat and exploration are highly enjoyable

HOLY PEAK (still gets 4 stars tho)

Sam Lake en gros t'es trop perché mon gars personne te suit donc arrêtes tes conneries merci

This what I imagine a good scp game looks like by but wouldn't know Anyway yeah I'll finish it one day my aim is just ass

remedy try to miss challenge (impossible)

Fantastic game, can be difficult at points but has a pretty good story to go along with it. Amazing combat but oh my god those facial expressions are awful

A very solid game. I had some difficulty with the gameplay, it can be a bit too hard at times, and I did use the accessibility features at some point because i was tired of being one shot by some bosses. But the story and the vibe and the art direction all make up for it. Cool protag, cool location, cool music, cool npcs, cool flying around and yeeting stuff kinda game.

If you are interested in Brutalism or modern architecture, this is porn.

I really like the atmosphere and narrative, but I do have to ask, why is this a shooter? What does showering the supernatural with bullets have to do with everything else?

Control is usually slept on in comparison to other Remedy titles but personally, I'd say this is one their best.

Despite being a story heavy game, the gameplay loop is very fun and addictive. It's almost like a spectacle fighter in respect to the level of destruction you can cause with your powers. It can get repetitive but when that happens it's already over, so I didn't have an issue with that.

The story could be described as a lynchian X-Files with some amazing writing and mythology that reminisce of articles from the SCP Foundation. The bulk of the storytelling, though, is mostly done through documents and audio/video files that you collect. If you aren't willing to seek those out for yourself, it will probably feel very underwhelming and hard to follow.

That said, If you are willing to read and puzzle out the cryptic lore the game kinda hides from you, you'll get one of the best sci-fi stories in gaming. Exploring themes of extra dimensions, consciousness, universal entropy and tackling the theories and philosophies of Carl Jung about archetypes, synchronicity, collective unconsciousness and how subject reality can affect the material world. It's all great stuff that tickles my brain and it's all presented through a very entertaining mystery plot.

(This review was first written on Steam -- 16 February, 2022.)

imagina fazer um jogo com uma história e um mundo tão legal que te faz revirar todos os cantos no mapa pra ler todos os arquivos e escutar todos os áudios, eu nunca me senti tão entretida com ler textos em um jogo como nesse. uma pena que a gameplay eh tão irritante ponto forte pra alguns pra mim foi de longe a pior parte mas mesmo assim esse jogo continua sendo incrível nunca me senti perdida os espaços no mapa fluem de uma maneira impecável considerando que o jogo se passa em um "lugar só", dá pra vc realmente sentir o carinho dos desenvolvedores nele coisa mais linda.

This game nails the atmosphere with its lore, however the story falls short, and navigating through the building feel like a maze, it’s almost impossible without watching guides on YouTube

This review contains spoilers

Vou ser muito sincero, eu precisei jogar de novo para gostar muito, talvez não fosse para o meu eu antigo...
Control é um puta jogão maneiro, onde a história é bizarra, cheio de coisas paranormais, o que eu pessoalmente gosto muito.
A jogabilidade é muito boa, os personagens são interessantes, principalmente a Jesse e de certa forma a Polaris. A ambientação é muito intrigante e sensacional, porém, o que dá aquela pegada negativa é o mapa, como é confuso de mais, eu demorei muito para acostumar, mas assim que você se ambienta, fica mais fácil.
Enfim, ótimo jogo, amei a referência do Alan Wake, outro jogão.

A fun FPS within an M.C. Escher drawing about the SCP foundation

this game is cool and all but I gotta say I really don't enjoy when 90% of a game has the same kinda background designs. When I think of this game I think of a shiny piece of gray metal

não sabia que sentia tanta saudade desse jogo assim. que jogo surreal! desde o momento que comecei a jogá-lo simplesmente não consegui parar (a ponto de deixar de estudar para as provas) QUE JOGO DELICIOSO EM TODOS OS SEUS ASPECTOS, seja nos seus vídeos, na gameplay ou nos gráficos. QUE JOGO BOM AIAIAAIIAAIIA

Honestly, even though I just thought it was fair, I liked it more then I thought it was. Tie combat is pretty good, a lot of the game is very meh though.