Reviews from

in the past

For those who know, THAT music scene will stay in my head forever. One of the best gaming moments.

this game is so fun to play. also really interesting world/lore, such a cool concept. one gripe is that the gameplay can become a little tedious, with constantly respawning enemies as well. also [SPOILER] the lead up from hedron to the end is kind of boring but I think I may have been overleveled from the AW dlc at that point. overall solid game

After playing Alan Wake 2, I remembered playing Control for free with PS+. I remember it was kinda neat, but this was like upwards of 3 years ago so i dont remember any of that. Eventually I just sorta dropped it and it skipped my mind. Until now i guess, and honestly? What a game.

Control is a start of the Remedy Cinematic Universe (positive) and tells a story about something going on at the SCP fou- i mean the Federal Bureau of Control. Right of the bat to get it out of the way, yeah it's more or less an unofficial SCP game. Difference is the FBC is less morally dubious (it still is but they dont feed prisoners into objects just to see what would happen). The story itself is pretty ok. Nothing amazing up until the end when a couple of big bombshells get revealed. What sells this game is the presentation, it's really damn cool to put it bluntly. It's a bit avant garde but not enough that you can't understand anything happening in it. The weird mist effect the Hiss soldiers have, the way the environment ends up falling apart as you fight in the big arenas the game has, it's small stuff that adds up to make the game feel way bigger then, in reality, it actually is.

The gameplay is where i was worried going in though. Remedy always has good stories and characters and such, but the gameplay has always been a mixed bag. In this game, it's honestly not bad but it's nothing mind blowing. It's a standard action shooty game, but you have some cool powers. Throwing objects, which does an OBSCENE amount of damage and breaks shields, is your main one, but you can also dash, make a sheild, just do a ton of fun stuff and it spices up what would normally be a very middling game. Especially late in the game. HOWEVER: at least on normal difficulty, its veeeery easy to cheese the game. Enemy AI isnt the best, and you can easily break the game with throwing objects. It's still fairly fun, but yeah it's...fine.

Honestly the biggest thing i have an issue with is the mods system. You get a billion different crafting elements and it's to craft weapons, which most of them I never ended up using more than once, and mods. Mods are just that, they modify your character and your weapons, but most of the mods are just kinda boring stat boosts. In fact, all of them are for personal mods. Weapon mods have some good ones though, like tightening the choke on Shatter (the shotgun) or other various effects like that, but generally the mods are uninteresting busy work and clutter. This is a pet peeve but i also just ended up using the starting pistol and the shotgun the entire game. Never really needed to switch them.

The side missions range from busy work to neat. The best ones are dealing with altered items, usually cause you get some sort of ability afterwards, and just cause it's fun to see what they come up with. The altered items/objects of power are always fun. It's my favorite type of SPCs too, just random things that do silly (or dangerous) stuff. You also get board countermeasures and protocols, which are just "kill enemies in [blank] area" missions. They're busy work, didn't intentionally do any of them.

Really, what sells this game for me is passion. This is clearly something that Remedy wanted to make, a story that Sam Lake wanted to tell, and something that the entire dev team put their heart into. The presentation, the story, the pretty dang neat gameplay, it all comes together to make a pretty good package. I haven't gotten to the dlc yet, but control is fantastic. Highly would recommend it if you haven't played it.

oyunu oynaması çok zevkli tüm yan görevleri zartı zurtu bitirdim 1 2 tane skill kaldı ağaçta açılmadık oyunun gameplayi telekenis ile fırlatma ucma cart curt beklemediğim kadar eğlendirdi ondan dolayı tüm görevleri yaptım oyundaki ama oyunun bence en büyük eksiği hikaye anlatımı neden böyle bir yol seçmişler anlamadım oyunu oynayıp bitirdim hikayeden bir bok anlamadım dedim proble mbende mi herkes böyleymis hikayeyi gizemle sunuyor anlayabilmek icin oyundaki notları falan okumak gerekıyor bunun yerıne daha anlasılır sekılde sunsalarmıs hıkayeyı mıs gıbı oyun olurmus

This game has one of the worst maps in any game ever made but once you get over that it's actually pretty good with some pretty rad combat and some wild story moments even though I don't remember anything about what happens and I'm not sure I understood it even at the time.

has its fun moments and overall a good game, just marred with the unnecessarily excessive, constant waves of enemies at almost every turn that simply feel like they're getting in the way of the storytelling. wouldn't have complained if at least the combat was more varied, but instead, seemingly, only the enemy quantities are turned up as the game progresses. wore me down enough for me to finish the last two-ish missions with the no-damage assist setting turned on.
also, the map UI is some unintuitive garbage for some reason. and some of the puzzles felt kinda lame.
the Ashtray Maze was really cool, though.

E mais uma vez, a Remedy acerta em cheio na utilização de ferramentas que constroem um bom storytelling. EU AMO SAM LAKE COMO ROTEIRISTA.

PS: Infelizmente perdi a Review 😭 caso eu tenha coragem novamente voltarei aqui

Passagens multimídia encobertas por uma maravilhosa nevóa difusa entre tosco e noir; brutalismo usado como fonte de horror e adoração; tour de force de direção artística alimentado por sombras afiadas e iluminação impecável; um pacotinho de controles e poderes que flui de forma magnífica entre um e outro.

Por quê, então: mais um shooter de terceira pessoa amaldiçoado com crafting, elementos roguelite de conteúdo infinito, sistemas de “RPG” vestigiais que só servem pra alimentar os cabras mais famintos por dopamina que tem por aí. Nada diz “explorar um inferno brutalista não-euclidiano que é fisicamente e emocionalmente labírintico” como equipar seu personal mod lvl 4 +13% fart rate. O próprio ato cansado de apontar e atirar é ressignificado em sarcástica lógica circular: o supremo Objeto de Poder é uma pistola que… atira nas coisas. Quando a maioria das suas opções de interagir com horrores além de sua compreensão são sentar chumbo neles ou dar um dash até eles, tem alguma coisa errada.

Uma pancada estética muitíssimo memorável, carregando por aí um corpo do gênero mais cansado dos últimos 15 anos. Pô, eu jogo feliz qualquer bobagem que for bonita desse jeito - o choro é pelo que podia ser.

It feels like it should have been a survival horror

Short Review of Control: Completed in 27 hours, All Side Quests, DLC AWE and The Foundation

The beginning was frustrating, but the game gradually became addictive, especially from a combat perspective. Some set-pieces and segments are truly artistic (like the Ashtray Maze and Altered Item quest). The world lore is fascinating, and I appreciate the David Lynch-style dialogue and characterizations. However, the ending of the main story felt a bit underwhelming, leaving me with a sense of 'Is that it?' Instead, it was the second DLC that provided a proper ending segment.

Overall, I'd give it a 7.5/10.

great shooter, fun mechanics and super interesting level design and visuals.


Assinar a plus me deu a oportunidade de zerar essa maravilha, me lembro de ver vários vídeos de PC com raytracing e os caraio, tava tudo lindo demais, quando joguei fiquei fascinado com a gameplay e a física maluca, não lembro de quase nada mas amo mesmo assim.

A expansão do universo que esse jogo propõe é perfeita, e mesmo que pareça confuso de inicio, tudo passa a fazer muito sentido ao desenrolar da narrativa.
A gameplay é gostosíssima e casa perfeitamente com a vibe do jogo.
Sam Lake, eu te amo.

Second time playing will be much more enjoyable than your first.

6 horas perdidas de gameplay, meu amigo, bagulho ruim

I didn't understand anything, but I liked the gameplay.

Overall I enjoyed this game a bit, Combat was very fun, story was all over the place, but thats the point. Really enjoyed the playability post-game. Very solid, also shoutout to my boy Ahti.

There's a really solid foundation here, but this game is held back by so many fundamental issues that keep it from being anything more than okay. It can be really fun to throw shit around with telekinesis for a while, but the combat eventually becomes really stale. Enemies are damage sponges and eventually you won't even be using your gun, just hurling shit at endless waves of the same repeated mobs, only shooting when your energy is on cooldown. The art design here is phenomenal, and implements live action in genius ways, but nearly every area you explore looks identical, and the in game models look incredibly uncanny, it's honestly hilarious every time it cuts from a live action scene to their in game model that looks like them made out of clay. The story has some really interesting concepts, but I was mostly just interested in the facility, Dr. Darling and the stuff with Alan Wake. The main plot involving Jesse, her brother and the hiss feels incredibly half baked, and ends as soon as it feels like it's really picking up.
The game really wasn't that bad, but it really started wearing me down by the end with it's repetitive gameplay. I only played this because I was interested in continuing Alan Wake and heard there was stuff relating to the story in this game, and I can't really say it was worth it in that regard, but if you're interested I think you should check it out. Despite it's flaws, there's still a lot of fun to be had here, for a while at least.

a really good game with some absolutely transcendentally great moments (and some poor design choices, stiff writing/character performances and occasionally goes total cornball).

Overall the atmosphere is terrific. Such a great setting, very fun world building, a cool progression of powers and some fun excuses to get off the beaten path and explore. I wish there was more of that, the crates are fun to find because they're fun to find but the crafting system and upgrade tree is pretty poorly designed so finding stuff rarely makes you feel like you found anything actually helpful.

I think my biggest issue is that the Oldest House could feel more fun to traverse. It's big, and sort of interconnected, but never really gives the satisfaction you get in great Metroidvanias when you turn a corner or go down a hallway and realize you know where you are, where you gradually gain a deeper understanding of the geography of the space. There are too many fast travel points so you never have to learn how anything connects. This could've been fixed with more thoughtful design. More shortcuts, elevators, staircase, hallways zig zagging across the areas. Limit fast travel to maybe one control point per zone. Make me understand the space, make me figure out how to get back to an old area. More interesting traversal and better rewards would make the side quests a little more interesting, too.

Combat is usually pretty fun, has a decent difficulty curve. You are forced to evaluate a situation and figure out the best approach. Unfortunately in the end the best approach is usually "throw a ton of stuff at the bad guys with your psychic powers" and that gets a little repetitive.

played around 10 hrs, got bored, dropped (for now)

Es un juegazo y que el doblaje en castellano sea tan tan malo le da un encanto extra. La ambientacion rollo SCP siempre me flipara y este juego lo hace genial.

Playing this game made me want to smash my head into all that brutalist architecture

The vibe of this game is perfect. An incredible balance of insane story telling with radical action. I will always come back to this game for years to come. The Old House is never the same.

I will fondly remember the trip

Control was nothing short of incredible. With a story reminiscent of Twin Peaks meets X-Files, I found myself engrossed in every aspect of the story. While the main storyline wasn't anything incredible, I took the time to read and/or listen to every single document, audio log, training video, and office memo regarding toes gossiping amongst themselves. While the mechanics were fairly standard once they got up to speed, the setting, puzzles, and encounters that were set up around them were nothing short of amazing.

Fun and fast-paced combat system comes packaged with a decent supernatural story.

As of writing this, I have not played Alan Wake so any easter eggs or references to it were lost on me. That being said, at no point did I feel like I was missing a large part of the story because of it. Control gets a lot of praise, and after putting around 60 hours into the game, I can see why but I can also see where it stumbles.

Firstly, Jesse Faden is a great protagonist. She's come to the FBC in search of answers as well as her brother and gets wrapped up in the increasingly bizarre and paranormal events taking place within the walls of Bureau. Courtney Hope does a great job voicing Jesse and it was nice to not be bombarded with quips from her nonstop. Supporting character such as the mysterious janitor, Ahti, or the eccentric scientist, Casper Darling, are also great. The biggest issue the story has in my opinion is that it never really reaches a strong climax and ends quite abruptly. A lot of mystery and intrigue culminates in a finale that feels a bit unfulfilling. Despite that, the world building and lore along the way is very strong.

Combat is stylish, fun, and sometimes quite chaotic. Between your service weapon many forms and your supernatural abilities granted over the course of the game, you are given many options to how your approach fights and with a large enemy roster using the correct tool for the job is important. Additionally, Control features semi destructible environments that create a spectacle as you dash through windows and desks while hurling furniture at your enemies. There are some boss fights as well though only a handful are truly interesting rather than being essentially a named variant of a normal enemy type. Some of these fights can be kind of tough especially due to the camera not giving you a good view of whether you are levitating over a surface or the void (and your death).

The environments of Control are kind of a mixed bag, though mostly great. While this is not a normal government office building, it does still contain much of what you would expect. A plethora of offices, boardrooms, bathrooms, and SO much of the color grey is too be found here. A lot of samey environments can also make it somewhat confusing to navigate the FBC, even with the map you are given. With that said, Control is still very visually appealing, making good use of ray-tracing, and featuring some beautiful set pieces. The ashtray maze was a specifically memorable segment.

The Ultimate edition comes bundles with two major story DLCs, The Foundation, and AWE:

The Foundation is the weaker of the two DLC, taking places under the FBC and featuring a large cave system filled with red sand. After the novelty of the red sand wears off, this rocky network becomes unfortunately dull. The DLC also centers around a side character from the main game who was rather forgettable, only appearing momentarily before disappearing. I found it hard to get hooked on the story here outside of the broader lore tidbits sprinkled throughout. The side missions here are pretty good though such as one where you are cleansing a supernatural film camera by starring in your own action flick. If this DLC was on its own, I would only recommend it on a deep sale.

AWE, on the other hand, was very enjoyable, possibly more so than the main game. This DLC ties heavily in with Alan Wake, and I would imagine hits even harder for those who have played the game prior, but I found it gripping nonetheless. AWE takes you to the investigations sector of the FBC brings the player much closer to the horror genre than anywhere else in the game. Encounters with the main "entity" are intense and can be genuinely frightening. The environments are more memorable here even including a recreation of a moon landing with the real Apollo 14. Side missions are pretty much non-existent here though there is a arcade game mode you can play. AWE was my personal peak of enjoyment while playing Control and would recommend it highly if it were standalone.

Control offers a breadth of content without overstaying its welcome and makes up for its weaknesses with great combat, excellent atmosphere, and a relatable protagonist. You can regularly find the ultimate edition on sale for dirt cheap making for a real steal based on what you get.

Achei ótimo. Gameplay, ambientação. Só o final que foi meio repentino.

O combate é uma delícia de se jogar, ficar flutuando e tacando coisa nos inimigos é muito satisfatório. A Jesse é uma protagonista bem legal, seria perfeita se tivesse escolhas nesse jogo e mostrar mais um pouco da sua personalidade. Tem muita coisa confusa nesse jogo, principalmente toda a lore em volta, e também todo o conceito do Ruído, então, é fácil ver a agência como se fosse a SCP de casos, anomalias, entidades e objetos paranormais, e o Ruído sendo uma espécie de vírus paranormal. Eu zerei a história e gostei bastante, e pretendo fazer o pós-game depois disso, mas certamente irá demorar para fazer tudo.