Reviews from

in the past

I remembered loving this game and it being my favourite from the ratchet and clank series but after finishing it last month I've sat on writing the review on it just because I don't know exactly what to say about it, fun game but its definitely not as good as I remembered, the game takes a much heavier focus on its combat and a reduced focus on platforming and the game is much worse for it

nefarious is a great villain though and I couldnt help but enjoy every cutscene with him and its no wonder he continued (and continues) to come back in these games frequently

still fun and worth a play through and I'm unsure if me playing this trilogy back to back caused me to be much more cynical towards this game on revisiting it but regardless its heavy focus on combat makes it a bit more of a pain to get through and a lot less of a chill out fun game like the first 2

This game improved a ton from the last entry. Much more concise, flows great, feels like the morning cartoons it's trying to emulate. It fixed most of its issues in terms of traversal and power creep with shorter, more dense levels, and the exp mechanic for guns. Although, the series' fascination for bullet sponges still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Especially for common enemies in the late game. I also finally got a hang of the control scheme with this game (which still sucks). Overall though I'm glad I got to go on another adventure with Ratchet and Clank :)

This is one of the best Ratchet adventures with a fun story and an ace selection of weapons.

Up Your Arsenal is my pick for the best game in the original R&C trilogy. The writing is much snappier, Nefarious is a better villain than we've ever had before, the balance between combat and platforming is evened out better than ever, and the list just keeps going, buuut I'm going to stop it now.

Insane how much i played this game. I grew as a person and as a gamer. Cringe. It's alright.

This is where I think the series peaked, I really had a hard time finding something I disliked. Each game would slightly change the movement and gameplay, this entry is where they perfected it. Definitely the most fun I had on the PS2, although the newer ones are also good, they just aren't the same.

Easily the best in the Trilogy.
The combat is airtight, it's surprisingly light on annoying gimmicks, and the story is FAR tighter then that of Going Commando.
Really have very little to complain about here, it was really damn great

I know a lot of people don't get this game. Just because you don't get it, doesn't mean it's overrated. A lot of the criticisms I've seen of it, are not problems with the game but rather stuff that doesn't cater to their taste.

The non annihilation nation wave missions: oh go figure in a game that is literally combat focused, there will be some repetition, that's just any shooter ever made. Also you get the gimmick of spinning the crews before the enemies are shooting near one and it's not even as repetitive as everyone says it is, since you get new ways of dealing with enemies, just because you don't understand the design intent, does not mean it is a problem for the game to have.
Also it's NOT a platformer, fine if your going to say it's worse off for it, that's an understandable view to have, but the original two games had PLENTY of problems that are just as damaging.

there's the complaint about this game being linear, except that's not what people actually mean, they are upset that it feels like you walk one set path of a planet with a more limited scope. Now to a degree, I can understand this, I think it was able to pull off what WAS there quite well though, especially since it feels like it's just the main meat and nothing else, with nothing to drag down the pacing and the combat really makes these planets fulfilling and satisfying to play, it's also NEVER mindless thanks to being on the harder end at times.

I will admit that the aesthetic of SOME of these planets are bland though. The game LOVES orange lol (I still wouldn't say it's piss looking like mega Man X7) more just middling

Qwark minigames get criticism from some people, but I think they are a really neat and thoughtful (and even maybe memorable) platforming game, yes it's easy but it gave me a kind of unique perspective of what they could get out of the concept. And they don't outstay welcome to me.

Very little I disliked, The only planet i was somewhat underwhelmed by was Aquatos, because the sewer seemed to repeat itself a few times, even that almost redeemed itself later on.

I will not admit anything. I can assure certain people, I find very little of your complaints hold weight to me.

This is a game that was 10/10 when I was a kid but the more I played it it wasn't as cool. Still a great game, but 1 and 2 are better