Reviews from

in the past

Bout as good as the other two R&C games before it. The Qwark side-scroller levels were fun and an appreciated change of pace. There was a good amount of variety in the weapons on stock in this game, bout as varied as GC. Those zero gravity levels were some of my favorites. I do vividly remember hating Dr. Nefarious though, dude was MAD annoying.

Would be the best one if it weren't so singularly focused on combat.

What to say? It's a good game, but it's my least favourite in the og trilogy unfortunately.

Well that was certainly better than the 2nd one. Too much focus on the shooty shooty instead of the jumpy jumpy this time around.

Literally cannot imagine life without this game

The first truly classic Ratchet game. Up your butt very funny though.

wish i had a way to play it again

A mechanical step up from its predecessor, but the campaign is a bit noticeably unfinished in places and the writing is a lot less interesting than it was in the first two games (or Deadlocked)

this game had online and i spent all of high school saying gamer words in chat and being loud, i no longer do the first thing

Up Your Arsenal is, perhaps, the defining Ratchet & Clank game. It focuses far more on combat, weapons, and humor then any of the past games while still having enough platforming to spread it out and that’s what makes it better. With multiplayer to deal with and challenge mode being double the fun as the first run was, makes this great game greater.

Very underwhelming sequel. While gameplay and variety has been improved, this one just feels so soulless for an odd reason and is padded to hell in the early game. Better than RC1 but if you need one PS2 RC game just play Going Commando

The absolute best of the PS2 games.
Has my favourite villains introduced and boss fights.

Up Your Arsenal is home to the best weapon variety in the series and the snappiest dialogue, but the level design is weaker than in Going Commando and R&C1. Still, it's among the best games on the PS2, and the second best game in the series.

I really enjoyed it, but a whole star is taken off due to the fact that the enemies aren't as diverse and the levels often feel empty, like this title was rushed compared to the first two. Dr. Nefarious, however, is a great villain, and his goofy antics combined with his relationship with his butler make the cinematics a lot of fun to watch. However, even with similarly great gunplay as Going Commando, this is my least favorite original trilogy game.

Platformer-shooters need to make a comeback.

this ones probably fun to play too

Más de lo mismo pero lo mismo era bueno. Cada vez los juegos iban a más con el rollito space opera y aquí era ya una historia mucho más tocha con un universo establecido.

Not as good as 2 but still better than 1

imo this is the worst of the original trilogy very bleh but also cool and fun

they cucked the main campaign so they could build the game around multiplayer and it leads to a half-baked experience but the gunplay and writing's still as good as 2, thankfully

i will kill captain qwark with my bare hands

Up Your Arsenal has a high level of ambition that simply could not be met within its year long development cycle. What came out was a great playing action game with a poorly developed story and a lack of variety. The characters, cutscenes and combat system are great, but you aren't getting the same level of polish expected from Insomniac.

The ying in my favorite third person shooter ying yang. I like it because it's fun... Yeah. I love the art style, I love the cheesy humor, the shooting is really fun, and the weapon variety is elite. Call me when they make a more fun third person shooter and it'll overtake this, but for now, this is it.

Excellent gameplay, loses it's way a little in terms of story - especially compared to 1 and 2 - and lacks the variety of levels and minigames previously seen in the series, but introduces memorable characters and is still an absolute blast to play.

this one might be my favorite of the original trilogy. it feels like they went the craziest with the weapons and characters in this one. its just a really good time. and i didn't think the sewer pipe crystal hunt was that bad but i also spaced out completely for most of it. man this game is great

This was one of my first video games I can remember playing, it is also the best. This game is a masterpiece.