Reviews from

in the past

Insomniac Games development of the game was crunched with them working close to 100 hours per week to get this game done. It worked well because this is a very impressive and really fun game.
The main villain Doctor Nefarious is one of the best villains because of screaming and shouting nature as well as his occasionally breaking down.

The guns are back with a major vengeance. Using them enough times will level them up making them stronger. Armours are also back needing tons and tons of bolts.

Bolts are the game's currency and you will need tons of them to buy weapons and guns. You'll need to break boxes, destroy enemies and explore EVERYWHERE to obtain all the bolts needed to buy everything.

Due to the development crunch, parts from Ratchet & Clank 1 and Going Commando. The space ships sections and racing were taken out to meet the deadline. The only reward you got from them were more bolts but because of how many ways you can retrieve bolts these are missed.

i NEED to finish this, i started my playthrough literally half my life ago at the time of writing this and still havent finished it

Game made me fall in love with Ratchet and Clank before i switched to Xbox 360 down the road.

Provavelmente o melhor Ratchet & Clank.

one of the best ratchet and clank games, awesome writing I like that it has a "hub world" type deal and the variety of weapons is amazing. super easy game to 100% as well, takes maybe 10 hours to get everything done.

games save data got corrupted one day and i could never play it again

Tra i Ratchet è quello con le armi migliori di sempre. In questo capitolo sono state aggiunte un sacco di feature interessanti. Innovativo per la sua modalità online, che tuttavia è anche il motivo per cui il gioco è stato tagliato e semplificato in più parti.
Alla fine però, con grande sorpresa degli sviluppatori stessi, si è rivelato un prodotto di ottima qualità, forse quello più amato della saga. Averceli giochi simili al giorno d'oggi...

ratchet 3 starts off more aggressive than the 2nd game with more emphasis on combat. in term of general gameplay, its not as good as the 2nd. while going commando fucks up by putting so much fluff in it, the 3rd puts less fluff but also drastically has less platforming. this means theres less variety in the main gameplay which is a problem. There is also the late game spike which is pretty crazy. in the last quarter of the game, most enemies were 2 shotting me with max armor and some the environments were incredibly annoying to fight in, like an ice area or very cramped areas where you're kinda forced to take damage. Most of my guns did absolutely no damage about half way through. the only guns i had that actually did damage were the decimator and the bouncer. everything else could take out 2 enemies max with full ammo. This made the end of the game dreadful because i only had 2 guns that did damage, and they didnt have much ammo, and the rest of my arsenal didnt do anything for me. so im left with the wrench, which this game possibly has the worst iteration of. while the 2nd game gives it an upgrade, this game just has the flame whip, which runs out of ammo after 25 hits and also does no damage just like the base wrench. some enemies are also just unreachable with the wrench too, which make the inferno power up pretty trash. Speaking of the inferno power up, its strange that this is the game that its in because if it was in the previous 2, it would actually be good. But because so many enemies are way above you, or off cliffs, you cant even really use it. Most of the time its just a thing that extends how long the fight goes on for. Theres more annoying stuff but if i keep going this will be longer than it already is. I miss the platforming from the first 2 that made the gameplay formula fun, and without it, its kinda boring as fights get repetitive and drag on. also fuck the hacker minigame, that shit pops up way too often.

The most refined of the original Ratchet trilogy.
Gameplay-wise, it mostly fixes everything that Going Commando tried, establishing the core formula of all later games, but still suffers from an incredibly harsh difficulty spike in its final stage.
This becomes paired with a solid story with the most fleshed out cast the series will see for a while. Particular praise for the character and performance of Doctor Nefarious.
That being said, it focuses heavily on warfare and the galactic hero aspect, and loses much of the variety of earlier games, which makes some prefer the less serious predecessors.

fun, but kinda weak on the story and level design

I think this is the peak of character and humour in the series. The Q-Force are great, full of some classic folk from the earlier games.

Another banger soundtrack and the gun systems finally feel fully fleshed out here for the first time.

Courtney Gears is an all time great.

still same old ratchet still a great experience overall.

Fun ratchet and clank game, as nearly all of them are.
Worth playing the game as the story is fun, but there are some grindy achievements that aren't that difficult to do.
Playthrough is worth it as well as completing.

Feels more rushed compared to the first two but the multiplayer made it worth it.

Always fun planing out a strategy and route for multiplayer even tough we all played in the same team and none of the planning really mattered

This game is a unfinished masterpeice. If sony had not pushed for multiplayer, I believe this game couldve been an easy 5. The weapons system is unique and fun, and theres nothing better than grinding annihilation station to get a level 5 Quack'O'Ray. Best game of my childhood.

Was about 19 years late to this one, but finally got around to finishing this up recently. The variety in weapons and locations was fantastic, the guns all served different purposes and had a unique feel to them. Some of the game hasn't aged super well, mainly the UI and some controls, but that's to be expected. The game holds up pretty well all things considered and had I played this during its launch era, probably would've been one I looked back on with a lot of fondness.

An overall fantastic game. The only downgrade were the gadgets in the game; they were neither fun nor unique. Moving on, the worlds felt alive, with a bunch to explore. The weapons catalog is endless, incentivizing players to level up each one by using it frequently, discovering its final, powerful form. Difficulty was moderate (unlike R&C2). Characters had good development and we saw the introduction of the main villain of the series, Dr. Nefarious, The story was a classic R&C story containing many funny comedic moments and plot twists, wrapping it all up with a funny ending. A big improvement from its predecessor.

In my first few hours with the game, I found Up Your Arsenal to be nothing more than a disappointing entry in an otherwise strong franchise, as it seemed to have removed more features rather than improved upon what had been set up by its predecessors. However, it didn't take long for the game to change my mind.

Up Your Arsenal features some of the best, well, features that the franchise has ever seen. From the action, platforming, weapons, and many many more!

Although platforming has been relegated to being an optional obstacle that the player has to go through as multiple routes have been removed, this game features some of the most challenging platforming in the trilogy.

And just when I thought Going Commando had finally managed to make the Clank segments finally fun, here comes Up Your Arsenal which makes those segments even more enjoyable to play through. It's a shame, though, that the puzzles remains as mind numbingly terrible.

Although, of course, Going Commando still had more features, I do think that Up Your Arsenal is slightly better than what came before it due to its sheer enjoyment.

Up yours! Sweeping innovations and new mechanics abound within the third game in the R&C series, introducing multiplayer player-vs-player combat, more cohesive vehicle controls and segments, a furthermore expanded arsenal, and the finalization of series staple characters. The primary antagonist of UYA is iconic and beloved (even if he would mark a death knell for future games' creativity) and is at his peak performance in this game. At this point the series largely begins to shift from comedically-toned criticisms of consumer culture to an exploration of events within its own universe, and performs it well, but a turning point it is all the same.

Its like ratchet and clank, the worst one but still awesome

I’m happy I gave this series another chance after thinking the 1st game was incredibly mediocre. This one has strafing unlocked immediately, more responsive controls, more interesting guns, much better writing that is actually funny, more interesting environments, fun little shooting arenas, enjoyable hub ship to explore, fun minigames, etc. It’s better in every single way.

There’s a constant sense of progression with your guns, so you feel that you are getting more powerful even if you die. You don’t feel like you wasted time by having to backtrack through the level. The gunplay and movement feel so seamless, doing airborne somersaults while simultaneously shooting at baddies. It really feels great to pull off!

I like how this time around the enemies don’t pull any punches at the beginning. It’s actually challenging if you aren’t paying attention, unlike the 1st game where I played the first two levels only taking a couple hits.

I did abandon this game because I was started to get tired of the constant shooting even though it works well. Maybe a little too one note for me, even though the game tries to keep things interesting with different vehicles, minigames, and boss fights. I’m more of a fan of the open feeling level design of Jak and Daxter over this, where I feel like I’m being led down corridors and its obvious how to move forward. It’s still a great game though, just a personal preference.

If you asked me a few years ago which Ratchet and Clank was my favorite, I most likely would have said it was this one. However, each time I play through it, it's flaws get a bit more apparent.

For one, this game mostly ditches the branching paths most levels had in 1 and 2, and goes for a more linear approach. This is something the series continued to do going forward which I wasn't really a fan of. I always liked picking a path, and seeing what might wait at the end whether it be a new gadget or humorous npc.

It has the worst hacking mini game in the series, sending the pacing of the combat to a screeching halt as you sit for 5 minutes doing the same puzzle over an over.

The ranger missions also get a bit annoying on repeat playthroughs when I mostly just want to get back to the normal levels.

Everything else? Damn near perfect. Gameplay is mostly still on point, cutscenes are very humorous like with previous titles, music still rocks, and the story actually makes sense and has good pacing unlike in Ratchet 2 which meandered a bit.

A top tier Ratchet game, even with some of its faults. Hell, it might just be your favorite when you play it! I know it is for alot of other fans.

I think Ratchet 3 and Jak 3 suffer similar fates, and really more and more and more and more I think sequels are just poisoned concepts. I liked secret hunting in this one, and it probably has one of the more fun Dev Rooms out there.

As an adult The humor doesn't hold up quite as well as from what I remembered, but everything is the best the franchise has ever been.


Even though I prefer the second game, this one was still very good and gave us the now beloved villain Dr. Nefarious so we can be thankful for that.