Reviews from

in the past

I was the person who painted behind the spawn. You're fucking welcome.

RIP to the realest one out there

nintendo coming up with a fresh ip that isn't arms, kinda neat wish they'd do more new series

GooeyScale: 70/100

At this point, only the single player mode is reviewable, barring participating in the fan-run servers. Playing the campaign after all the others in the series, it's okay, but you can tell they didn't have a lot of confidence in the abilities of players to grasp it beyond the basics.

Reviewing this now is... weird. The online is currently dead entirely. There are efforts to get private servers going, but they're still a ways away, so this is really just "do I recommend Octo Valley and we guess Battle Dojo".

...and we mean, yeah, we do. It's still a fun time. Both of them! That's right! We're a pervert that loves the Battle Dojo and think it should've been added to The Shoal as an additional mode for 1v1s! While we're also staunch Octo Canyon apologists, we'll admit--Octo Valley is just kinda "better" overall. And while the online existed, it was certainly a fun time. We still miss the days of the OG Carbon Roller, before vertical flicks or autobombs were a thing and you simply had a Fast Fucking Paint Roller to bonk enemies with and a cheap and easy chip damage option. (We know they bring that kit vaguely back as the Deco in 2 and 3, but c'mon. There's no comparing to the original.)

Aside from that, though, yeah, you might wanna wait until the online starts to re-exist thanks to fan efforts. Consider this a de-facto 3.5/5 star rating if that hasn't happened yet--we don't intend to come back and update the ranking unless something fucking insane happens on those private servers, though, so let's just pretend we're already there and the 4/5 stars makes sense, capiche?

The deffinition of mid, it isn't anything special, the campaign mode is piss easy, makes sense tho.

looking back, it's really impressive how they got almost everything right from the gameplay to the art direction to the music, i miss u splatoon

havent played in forever but it was really fun on th wii u when i was younger .

I was there since day one, I still miss jumping on my teammates with the gamepad and the free online too.
Revolutionary for Nintendo as a whole, this and smash bros are the only multiplayer games worthy of buying NSO



played it when it came out and loved it i miss the wii u

this was a neat game, but i feel like i have to kind of dock it for basically beginning the trend of nintendo releasing games that aren't finished and then releasing the rest of it through updates!

Que malparido boss final tan hijueputamente difícil. De verdad que necesidad había? El resto de la historia está bien, pero eso. Aunque es divertido y entretenido igual, sobre todo el hecho en general de ser un fps pero diferente, si logra hacer los niveles integro con eso, y los otros bosses no finales estaban entretenidos. Igual se nota que el foco es el multijugador, entonces está bien y ya la campaña. Pero puntos perdidos, enserio que mondá, y dicen que los otros Splatoon el jefe es mas difícil, wtf.

4 nine year olds vs another 4 nine year olds and at the time I was the greatest nine year old and also tower made my want to never play ever again

Not a fan of game genres like this but it’s a lot of fun to play. The style and characters are unique!

Em um mundo em que o gênero shooter é dominado por franquias como call of duty ou battlefield, Splatoon dá um novo ar pra esse gênero aplicando uma gameplay dinâmica e muito charme visual.

this was the overwatch of the Wii U

happy 9th anniversary to peak

this game made me so angry that i remember literally twisting my gamepad until weird little colors showed up on my screen. luckily no permanent damage was caused.

It's not my kind of game, but wow do I respect it for innovating the shooter genre, which really hasn't seen much change for years.

Decided to sit down and replay the campaign after my friend mentioned I could borrow any of his Switch games; including Splatoon 2 and 3. Needless to say, it still holds up in my memory like it did before. The levels are pretty good in length and contain many gimmicks, and while not all are hits, a majority of them are pretty fun to work with or around and make great use of the ink and squid mechanics. The only things I didn't really like other than the gimmicks that missed were the controls and unlocking levels in the hub world. I went around for a while trying to find certain levels because of how obscure the locations were. Meanwhile, the controls aren't exactly the best here. I'm not really a fan of tilting the camera to move, mainly because of how the Wii U gamepad is (though I do like the Wii U and the gamepad), though the map on the bottom does help sometimes like with finding keys. I also have to mention the music again because it's just great, Nintendo rarely misses with their OST's. I can't speak on the online anymore because that's shut down, and either way the servers are dead, but from memory I can say I had many hours of fun, and while I didn't own many Wii U games since I got it late into its life, the games I had on there were all amazing and hold a special place in my heart (which were Mario Kart 8, Smash 4, Rayman Legends, and technically Super Mario Galaxy). Overall, Splatoon's campaign still holds up and is a lot of fun and I'm excited to try the sequel campaigns and their online.

I honestly don't have much to say about this game besides the fact that it was really addicting. Although I never really got that high up in terms of level (I think I was like Level 26), Turf War was my jam. I liked the abilities and the game conceptually, and the gameplay was so stupidly fun that I have been a fan since the very start of the series with this game. Although this game pales in comparison to Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3, the map variety and the hilariously broken abilities like the Kraken made me enjoy it a lot. I like the different types of main weapons, sub weapons, and special abilities, and its fun to choose a specific weapon type to main. I despise ranked modes in most games so I stay away from that, but from the few times I've played them, they're fun, especially Rainmaker. Storymode was alright, I don't really remember much from it except the DJ Octavio theme (that carried so hard let's be real). The ads for this game were fire as a kid at the time 'YOU'RE A KID, YOU'RE A SQUID!' Overall, a great game that propelled itself to one of my favourite Nintendo series.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, this game has so many memorable things like the victory theme, 'STAY FRESHHHH!', and WOOMY, kind of iconic for me. Also enjoyed the customisability with gear and accessories, but getting specific abilities on your gear was PAIN.

would kick everyones ass in this game

babe i miss you please come back