Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo é perfeito do inicio ao fim, essa porra me deu paz interior, me fez esquecer de tudo que acontecia a minha volta, o tempo todo eu via/descobria coisas novas do mundo desse jogo e era extremamente divertido, isso aqui deu um novo significado para mim do que é um jogo de mundo aberto

да хуй знает вроде норм игрушка но играть не хочется

Uau. Minha nossa senhora. Esse é o terceiro título da franquia Zelda que eu completo, os primeiros sendo The Minish Cap e Ocarina of Time, respectivamente.

Isso aqui tá em outro patamar, ok? Foram 86 horas de exploração, de raiva, de entrelaçamento com a história e, pra ser bem sincero, de amor pela soundtrack e por todas as paisagens que esse jogo pôde me proporcionar. Eu simplesmente adorei o combate desse jogo, gosto como a simplicidade das mecânicas não tira a complexidade geral do jogo e é muito interessante ver a forma como isso é feito. Cara, sei lá sabe. Esse jogo é tipo abraço de mãe.

im late to the zelda game, and to be fair this was my first zelda game, but the amount of options and freedom you get in this game is practically rivaled by mgsv only

Objectively, this is a good game. My only complaint is that it is called a Zelda game, but it is remarkably different from the Zelda games before it in that it doesn't have dungeons that are designed around a powerup that you gain partway through the puzzle solving. To me, this is a significant problem because that was the core game loop of Zelda, which means that this game didn't match what I would normally hope for in a Zelda game.

Probably the best open world experience for me, someone who doesn't typically enjoy open world games.

a trilha sonora eh tudo pra mim nesse, infelizmente tive o desprazer de jogar genshin antes de jogar zelda e por me lembrar demais
foi tudo de xereca
ainda mais dps de gongarem o switch pro

This game is about as perfect as they can get!

BOTW Link ranks very high on the top 10 twinks list

Foi o primeiro zelda que eu joguei e de cara já me apaixonei pelos visuais e gameplay. Toda a ambientação e mecânicas do jogo são ótimas e merecem todo o elogio que tem. No mais, jogasso, já é um dos meus jogos favoritos.

I dont think I would change literally any aspect of this game other than maybe making it rain less


One of the best video game experiences ever. Played it with a roommate in college. For about a month me and him would play the game every day and I look back on the time very fondly.

It's just so much fun to explore. The combat is fun and the shrines are neat, but I just like how easy it is to walk in a direction and end up finding something.

Saw credits. Was pretty fun in the end. Some frustrating parts, and a bit aimless for my tastes

Está muy chulo pero es imposible pasarselo todo momento mundo abierto

Good but leaves a lot to be desired as far as difficulty/end game

De los pocos mundos abiertos que ofrecen una gran libertad y herramientas para que el jugador se exprese en este espectacular camino del héroe.

I have tried so damn hard to find the enjoyment millions of people tell me this game brings them, it upsets me that after a replay I still cannot find it. Don't get me wrong I don't think this game is bad, but it is strangely held so high for a reason I cannot understand.
Quickly I will say that this game is a good game, but a bad use of the Zelda IP. The game takes the Zelda Formula and changes it so much that it doesn't feel like a Zelda game at all and while that's not a bad thing on its own as innovation is fantastic, the change here doesn't feel like a solid transition between the old and new formula.

This game has a gorgeous art style, amazing music, and while it's all over the place a decent story.
The artstyle takes a bit of Wind Waker and Skyward Sword and mixes them together beautifully, the Music is masterfully blended into the combat and exploration of the world, and the story of Calamity Ganon is intriguing.

The problem for me is the gameplay loop, world design, and combat system.
The gameplay issues is basic open world problems, Having to climb a tower for the 5th time to get where I need to go is very repetitive and is something I'm not a fan of along with the Shrines being a replacement for puzzles that could be naturally found in the world with repetitive puzzles and the divine beasts being very simple replacements for dungeons that makes me sad they barely take me 30 minutes to finish unlike previous titles. The world design for me is very bland and empty for the most part with most areas looking the same as the others outside of the desert, lava, and snow areas of course and doesn't motivate me to explore any of the game. Finally the combat system with breakable weapons and horrible damage balance, which I know is a hot topic, that forces me to be extremely careful using any good weapons because who knows if I'll run into an overpowered normal enemy on the road which will one shot me if I don't have a strong enough weapon, it makes me extremely anxious and not want to play the game at times.

I'm extremely happy that this game got more people into the franchise and I'm really happy that people are able to say this game provides them so much enjoyment and comfort but it is absolutely not for me.

When daft punk made revolution 909 back in '97, they were referencing what this game would do to the open world genre

le jeu prefere de ma femme avant qu'elle me quitte

Like Persona 5 this game opened my eyes to what games could be. There's just so much to do and see like anything off in the distance could serve as a cool point of interest, but as you go towards it you branch off to other points of interest without even realizing hours had just passed and you still haven't gotten to your original objective. That in essence is the magic that this game has, it's really something special and a masterpiece overall.