Reviews from

in the past

cuando soap mactavish no era twink

A solid FPS for sure, but this is really where the cracks start to show in Call of Duty. The campaign starts getting too big and messy for itself here and sadly stays a trend to this day.

saudade da epoca em que a activision se empenhava em produzir a franquia cod

My favorite CoD, Black Ops 1/2 are close tho

cod lobbies shaped me into the man I have become

GooeyScale: 70/100

Alright, let's dive into "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2." Personally, I think this game is the peak of the trilogy. The story? It's been seriously ramped up from the first installment. I'm talking moments that hit you right in the feels, maybe even making a grown man shed a tear or two. The gameplay sticks to its roots, and that's not a bad thing. It's the same high-octane action we know and love, keeping us on the edge of our seats from start to finish.

While "Modern Warfare 2" may not reinvent the wheel when it comes to gameplay, its improved storyline and emotional depth make it a standout title in the series. If you're a fan of intense shooters with a gripping narrative, this one's a must-play.

Disparado o melhor da saga MW!

I was a little late to the party on this one so didn’t get to play while it was the newest in the cycle

My first Call of Duty game, been in love with the franchise since I played this. I completed this game when I was 14 years old. Till now I could remember the way I felt playing this game back then. Great military fps shooter with good plot that I would recommend I playing.

No Russian still has not been matched in video games

back when COD used to take itself seriously

I revisit the campaigns for this trilogy at least once a year. A shame thee Spec Ops mode did not make it into the remaster.

I have played the campaign and I love me some war propaganda slop yummy

I'll never forget the memories I had playing this game with my friends, endless nights after school of Search & Destroy and private lobbies, I want to go back.

classic that has been taken as gospel by most modern gamers, sold tons of Xbox 360s and solidified Xbox live as a service.

Blinded by nostalgia glasses, but this game was fun. At the time, the No Russian mission is still a wild thing to have in a game for the time.

easily one of the best stories

Um grande clássico do FPS!

Essa é a minha primeira vez jogando o MW2 depois de meses após ter zerado o primeiro haha mas posso falar que é um jogo maravilhoso! Talvez o meu COD favorito até o momento. História muito bem escrita, gameplay maravilhosa e desafiante ao mesmo tempo, gráficos muito bonitos pra sua época e a trilha sonora na mãos do GOAT Hans Zimmer deixa o jogo com uma atmosfera de que realmente você tá vivenciando uma guerra.