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It's a good game for a while but is let down by two key areas.
I would recommend it on sale but not for any more than €30+.

It's basically RE:7 but bigger, larger map, more antagonists, more weapons, etc. It has most of the same characters though a different setting. The first thing I noticed was how amazing it looks, especially for a game under 50gb when it appears most devs either don't know how to or don't care to try and compress their games.

The opening hours are fun, unnerving and very interesting, it does draw you in, it's the typical formula of "you are trapped in this area, find puzzle pieces, kill enemies, avoid the main antagonist until a scripted boss fight". It's fun though the horror feels toned down compared to RE:7.

There are two reasons I don't recommend this game, first is the story and second are the boss fights.
RE:7's story was silly, it was this very realistically-rendered world contrasted with laughably bad, Goosebump's level writing where bosses would taunt you endlessly throughout a five minute fight while your character never responds, or where your character would watch part of their body get sliced off, quietly mutter "ow" then pay it no attention again. Village is exactly the same but I feel like they must have hired the junior writers from the last game because the dialogue is painfully bad, it honestly is hard to listen to. Ethan isn't relatable or likeable, Mia is annoying at best, all of the antagonists come across like theater kids rather than grounded villains. I'm not one to let story ruin a game but Village is unfortunately a game where you cannot avoid the story, similarly you can't avoid the boss fights.

Boss fights in RE:7 were bad but usually short. Boss fights in RE:8 are bad but incredibly long at normal+ difficulty. I hated every single boss fight, they all either had super obvious gimmicks that may as well have been quick time event style button prompts to win or the bosses were bullet sponges design to run down your suppliers and leave you re-loading your save so you can go buy more and re-try. The final boss fight was by far the worst, without spoiling it some attacks felt like they were impossible to dodge, the room felt too small to maneuver in and the lack of feedback from the boss to show whether or not your damage was effective made it feel like a grind. I died three times because despite stocking up on supplies as much as I could and re-trying I kept running out. Landing every single shot made no difference, the fight just goes on and on all while the boss espouses dialogue that rivals a James Bond villain, telling me she is going to kill me while not actually doing it despite have ample opportunity. At some stage I got sick of it, dropped the difficulty I had stuck to all play through and was happy to finish up in less than 5 minutes on my next attempt.

Another issue it copies from RE:7 is that it turns into an action-horror game by the end - why did they decide on this? Animations are slow, your character controls like a boat, you're hindered by this to increase tension in one on one combat sections and all of a sudden you have an assault rifle, unlimited ammo, a horde of enemies and the same awful controls, it doesn't work.

The most stand-out section of the game is when you're in the basement with the mannequin, I won't spoil it but the body horror and tension are unrivaled in the rest of the game however it ended too soon.

If it's on sale grab it for an interesting 10+ hour run but I would recommend 7 over this any day, even with all of its flaws. It starts strong but leaves you wishing for its end.

A nice, if not somewhat lackluster, conclusion to RE7's story. I really enjoyed this cast of characters, even if some of them came and went too fast.

This is my first game I completed on hardest difficulty

Resident Evil Village is a game I don't have a lot to really say about. Much of its design is heavily influence by Resident Evil 4 and the game itself is a lot of fun in the same way RE4 is, though the game never manages to carve enough of a unique identity to escape 4's shadow and feels like a lesser version of it in a way.

This review contains spoilers

Overall a good game, however:
- The vibe is very action, there's a poor horror setting limited to few areas
- The final villain has poor characterization and they did a massive market on Dimitrescu for killing her after like 3 hours of game
- it's very short (like 12 hours)

a bit underwhelming compared to RE4 or RE2

Good optimization, the ambience was really nice.

Look, y'all might think I am crazy for saying this, but RE8 is the second best RE game.

It's such a strange combination of elements from the previous entries. It has the village survival segment from 4, it has big, sprawling areas to do puzzles in like the classic era. This is a all-in-one bundle of some of the best moments from RE. The downside is that some of the game is lacking a bit of creativity, taking from previous entries. That being said, the game is still plenty original on it's own. I won't spoil it, but some of the segments later on are the best this game has to offer. Personally, I love that the franchise is leaning into the more wacky side, and is blending all the elements of previous entries to craft a unique game. The game is scary too, don't be confused by the wackiness, it can get quite spooky when it feels like it.

I think the environments are stellar, but I have an issue with everything being so cluttered. Items can get hard to spot and see when there is so much shit everywhere, I think the game could have done with making pick-ups more vibrant and maybe even markers if neccessary. Especially, some of the craftables like gunpowder blend into 90% of the areas because of it's darker color.

The boss fights in this one are actually good this time (with one exception). This game supplies you with plenty of ammo to keep you in the fight. Mechanics is also a thing that these bosses have unlike older titles, the later ones are really fun. I do find it disappointing that most RE boss fights end up turning into big goop guys, every now and then, I just want to fight a real guy.

Some minor nitpicks include Ethan being a complete dumbass most of the game and some areas being a little shorter than I wanted, but this game is standout from the rest. It's weird, there's a big booba lady with claws, and magneto is here too. I love when art, not just games, tries to do things that are bizarre and aren't really marketable. This game has stuff that is standard and stuff that really isn't, but nevertheless, is still a great play that took me around 9 hours.

ethan winters is a professional girl dad

I don't know why they even bothered with the horror elements, should of just been a straight up action title

The best and worst of every RE in one game.

Oferece uma grande liberdade com o inesquecível Castelo Dimitrescu e o perturbador segmento de Donna Beneviento. O equilíbrio entre ação e terror é bem mantido, e Ethan se torna um personagem muito mais interessante. No entanto, a qualidade do jogo decai com o tempo. Heisenberg é o mais estiloso, mas tem a boss fight mais sem graça dentre todos, foi triste ver um personagem tão interessante virando um Transformers. E no final do jogo ele se perde bastante, mas ainda é um jogo que vale a pena dar uma conferida, é divertido.

Lady Dimitrescu became an innate part of my personality for at least a year during the lead-up to and release of this game. And bloody hell, it's a cool game!

Eszméletlen jól kikevert mixtúra, ami közben a maga lábán is betonbiztosan megáll. A Resident Evil Village tovább építi vissza a sorozat nimbuszát, amit 4 éve a RE7 ásott ki a sírból. Oda meg vissza voltam érte!

Két lényeges alappillér kell, hogy úgymond a nívós Resi élmény meglegyen. A hangulatteremtés, és a szórakoztatási faktor. Ha az előbbi jócskán redukálódik, akkor csak az utóbbival tud profitálni az aktuális epizód. Hangulat terén a modern érában voltak minőségbeli zuhanások, mert a horror jelentősen alá volt rendelve az akciónak. Utóbbi nem baj hogyha van, csak ne nyomja el az előbbit. A RE7 pedig pont azt hozta vissza, amit az ősfanok (köztük én is) totál elveszni láttak. A túlélő horrort. Az előzetesek és a demók alapján mégis úgy tűnt, a Village sokkal inkább a RE4 sémájára alapoz szervesen, a horror-akció határmezsgyéjén tökéletesen egyensúlyozva. Végeredményben pedig nemhogy nem érződik olcsó copypaste-nek, de csúcsra járatja saját kialakított közegét.

Atmoszféragenerálásban első osztályú munka. Egy olyan masszívan élő, lélegző, változatos, részletgazdag helyszínt varázsoltak, a büntető RE Engine-nel, ami valami elképesztő. Olyannyira, hogy még a kirekesztett, félelemben tartott helyi túlélőket is bemutatják egy rövid időre. Amire viszont abszolút nem voltam felkészülve, hogy mekkora is ez a terület. Túlzás nélkül, Resi játékban ennyire még soha nem merültem el a felfedezés élményében, óriási flow érzés volt átkutatni még a legutolsó pottyantós WC-t is. Egyszerűen képtelen voltam ezzel betelni. Annyi rejtett kincset, korábban be nem járt helyet lehet kitaposni, átnézni, amik mellett könnyedén el is haladhat az ember. Szerintem RE gameben ilyen sokszor még nem használtam a térképet. Azonban picit hátrány, hogy ha elhagytam valamit, utólag nem mindig engedett vissza. Hiába vannak megjelölve pirossal a belső terekben lévő, eldugott tárgyak, volt olyan alkalom (pl a kastély tetőterén), hogy 20 percig csak azt kerestem. A kinti területeknél még ez a jelzés sincs meg, így simán előfordult, hogy magam mögött hagytam egy-egy értékes item-et.

A hangvételéből adódóan a Village máshogy kezeli a horrort, mint a RE7. Nem annyira nyomasztó, nem mindig van arcba tolva, de végig folyamatosan ott lappang, amire a morajló zene (de még inkább mikor csak baljós zajok vannak) rápakol pár lapáttal. Sosem volt a széria osztályrésze a mélyenszántó, komoly érzelmeket kiváltó történet, de a maga keretein belül ki tudott alakítani egy sodró lendületű, magával ragadó hatást, minden hülyesége, következetlensége ellenére. Itt ez még megvan toldva pár bizarrnak ható csavarral is.

Logikát és realista megközelítést gyakran figyelmen kívül hagyva létezett mindig a cselekmény, elég csak a faramuci gépi mechanizmusokra gondolni, amik a továbbhaladáshoz kellettek. Ezek az elemek ebben is nagy teret kapnak. A RE7-től datálva a készítők rendre erős kezdést durrantottak, ez alól a Village sem kivétel. Ethan figuráját kellően mélyítették, ugyanakkor groteszkbe hajló szituációi, elmés egysorosai újra itt vannak. No, de az antagonisták felvonultatása, frakcióik ábrázolása vitte a show-t. Kiemelném azt a jelenetet, mikor főhősünk előtt ott vannak mindnyájan és élvezet volt figyelni, ahogy viszonyulnak egymáshoz, milyen ellentétek, nézet különbségek vannak még ezen az ördögi körön belül is. Ezek ugyan apróságok, de szerintem pont ezektől lesz több az élmény.

Az ötletes puzzle feladványokkal sincs híján a játék, ahogy a kereskedő, Duke funkcióját is kreatívan gondolták tovább a RE4-es eladóhoz képest. Vicces volt, ahogy egy félmondat erejéig még meg is említi Duke és konkrétan a barátjaként hivatkozik rá. És nemcsak a korábbi részekkel kapcsolatban vannak apró utalások, akár feljegyzésekből vagy tárgyakból, hanem filmes referenciák is olykor bevillantak (The VVitch, Sinister, The Ring, Underworld, Van Helsing, stb.)

Ami először fura volt, a már korábban említett váltás az utolsó kb 1,5 óránál. Önmagában nézve szórakoztató, csak a korábbi töltényspórolós, túlélésre fókuszáló metódus után nem igazán tudtam rákoncentrálni erre a stílusra. Aztán ahogy visszagondoltam erre a szegmensre, el tudtam fogadni, mert a sztori szempontjából van mögöttes motiváció, és ahogy alátolják az 1. trailer zenéjét, az adott egy jókora plusz adrenalinfröccsöt. Btw a The Mercenaries alatt is pokoli jól működik. Pláne ha beleveszem azt, hogy a játék félelemkeltésben erősen kompenzál a Beneviento kúriával, ami a sorozaton belül csont nélkül az egyik legparább szekvencia, akkor ez az akciódúsabb szakasz is igazából élvezhető.

Verdiktként, a Village nálam feliratkozott a széria egyik legjobbjává, a hangulatteremtés és a szórakoztatás együttes remekműve. A sorozat 25 éves távlatát végignézve, pedig ez több mint bravúros eredmény. Az biztos, hogy vevő leszek a folytatásra, amilyen cliffhangert hagyott a stáblista utáni jelenetben, és bár korábban szkeptikus voltam egy esetleges RE4 Remake-kel, ha ilyen mértékű alapossággal tesznek hozzá, akkor tárt karokkal várom.

essa mulher me fez sentir coisas que eu nao sabia q eu poderia sentir

Very enjoyable game. I think they really stepped it up with Ethan's character in this game which I was glad to see. Although he is a fairly basic character I do really like the determined father trope that they used with him in Village, and I also thought they improved on his dialogue not only from Biohazard to Village, but even as the game went on. I loved the game mechanics and found the combat very well done, not to hard to find bullets but difficult enough to be interesting (I think I died like three times this game which is really low for me). What made this game that much better for me, which seems to be a case in most of the RE games, is the lore drops you get from reading through the random papers. It was really interesting to get some background build up on the characters (mainly villains) and learn more about who they are. The lore behind the village was very well done, and the villains we got were very well crafted (my favourite being Heisenberg despite the annoyance of the factory). To be honest I was completely caught off guard by the fact that Mia was actually Miranda, did not see it coming at all, and thought it was a really good twist. I enjoyed this playthrough and am about to go and play the DLC's

Good optimization, the ambience was really nice.

Good optimization, the ambience was really nice.

This review contains spoilers

A Good Sequel but with aspects somewhat missing, a really good start and it remains good until the mid to the final part of the game... things may get a bit weird and too much action-based.

What really got me into RE (in RE7 to be precise) was the whole Puzzle and Scary/Interesting Atmosphere, that I won't lie, this game definitely has that! but I feel like a bit of it is lost after you leave the Dimitrescu Castle and slowly go down until you get to the final "chapter".

Although the Doll House part brought back some of if, but only momentarily.

Hopefully Resident Evil 9 can bring back more of the RE7 Feeling =)

i told you to leave it alone ethan 😡🍌

the disgusting fish boss was so f*cking awesome. glad that they also made a game that you can play before and after that.

really appreciated how episodic some of the areas felt. once i started getting over a space it was about ready to move me along. each character and space felt distinct and on its own. the game does a great job of balancing making you feel small, leveraging that to invoke some scaries, and then placing you in a position to wipe out some weird zombie wearwolves like a badass. this was my first game i've ever played on a playstation and is my fav resident evil to date (i've only played 7 and 8 tho).

Ótimo. Perde um pouco a mão no final, mas continua muito bom.