Reviews from

in the past

Debo admitir que la primera parte del juego me tenía bastante nervioso e impresionado por la atmósfera de terror y pese a que después se empieza a abusar un poco más de la acción aún mantiene muy bien el ritmo y no se siente alguna disonancia. Fácil, es uno de mis RE favoritos, quizá Top 3, igual me faltan por jugar algunos, pero no creo que lo bajen. Visualmente, es muy bonito, y Chris Redfield puede acabar conmigo cuando quiera.

PD. Medio locochón el DLC de Shadows of Rose, pero entretenido y muy conmovedor. Tkm, Ethan.

This is just Resident Evil 4 with Ethan and first person

Franchement j'ai préféré au 7 mais après le château y a moins d'attention sur la charactérisation des antagonistes imo

I bought a 1400$ graphic card just to play this

When I played Resident Evil Village for the first time a few years ago I was absolutely enthralled by the insanely fun experience it took me on. It was only on this fourth replay since then that I started to realize some of the flaws in the game. Make no mistake, I still enjoy the game immensely (the 9/10 ain’t for nothing) but this replay and review were by very nature in favor of being more critical of it, and the more I think about it the more critical I get.

To start off with let me just say, the presentation and setting of this game is still excellent and probably my favorite thing about it. One thing admirable thing that Resident Evil has done several times throughout it’s lifespan is reinvent it’s setting and tone, and while it hasn’t always been successful (glares at 5 and 6), 8 continues this theme naturally and spectacularly. The moment when you first enter the Village at sunrise in this game is nothing short of breathtaking, the scope of the incredible looking environment before you and the thought that you’re going to have to comb through all of it to beat the game blend together to make what I believe to be one of the most interesting settings in the series’ history. All of the environments on this game are incredibly atmospheric, from an ancient but well-kept castle, to a lonely and eerie house in the mountains with a waterfall backdrop, to a menacing underground factory, all of it works as really effective environmental storytelling that shows you exactly what has happened in this village and what kind of creatures live here. Speaking of creatures, another thing I really liked about Village was how it adapted the common horror tropes found in other Resident Evil games to fit the setting perfectly. Instead of hoards zombies there are herds of Lycans, instead of evil scientists or corporations as the villains there are gothic horror monsters, and instead of a virus that makes people lose their minds there is the power of ancient evil that the villagers fear. All of this adds up to making what would otherwise seem like a really disconnected game in the series feel like it fits in just perfectly in terms of vibe and atmosphere.

Resident Evil Village is no slouch in terms of gameplay either, adapting the series main formula while also trying some new things that pay off excellently. The gameplay of Village divides itself into two distinct halves, the pure horror half and the action half and while some have taken issue with this system I’ve found no real problem with it, The first half of the game is excellent and clearly more enjoyable in terms of what I play a Resident Evil game for, being the horror. Having the main character enter a completely foreign setting and being powerless to do anything against the lycans and horrific monsters is a perfect way to breed horror in the game and is done excellently in the first few sections of the game. As you progress through the game though you get more weapons in your arsenal and start feeling less powerless and that’s when the action half of the game kicks in. While I enjoyed this half less I still think it’s alright, being able to take on anything and taking on the areas where you were oppressed by monsters in the early game just feels really good and satisfying, and although it comes at the cost of the horror, I still think it adds a lot in and of itself. There’s also a treasure system in this game that’s really fun to utilize to it’s fullest capacity. Throughout the village you’ll find locked up areas that you can return to later with the right item to discover what they have inside, this can range from new weapons or weapon parts to valuable treasures that you can sell to the merchant for tons of money, it’s really satisfying to find how to get these treasures and gives the player great reason to scour and explore the whole village. All of this as well as just the basic RE formula of managing inventory, solving puzzles, and knowing when to conserve ammo and when to fight all adds up to one of the best RE games to date in terms of gameplay.

At last I come to part which I feel is the weakest in Resident Evil Village, the story. On the first few playthroughs of this game I thought the story was passable, nothing groundbreaking or anything, but alright, now I see that I couldn’t have been more wrong there. While I still don’t think the story brings down the amazing gameplay present here, it is absolutely not something I’d call good. While Ethan Winters was not an incredibly likeable character in RE7 he wasn’t unbearable either, he was just a normal guy who got dragged into a messy situation, this is not the case in Village. In Village Ethan Winters is an unbearably annoying character who doesn’t seem relatable in the slightest, he makes increasingly stupid one liners that don’t sound natural from a character like him, asks increasingly stupid questions to other characters (usually along the lines of “What the hell is going on here”) despite things being completely cut and dry, and makes increasingly stupid decisions in every situation he finds himself in. Ethan isn’t the only one who’s dumb here, Chris’ decision to not tell Ethan what was going on when he shot his wife point blank and took his infant daughter at the beginning of the game will never not be confusing and a really stupid inciting incident, and Mother Miranda’s plan to split Rose up into parts and have Ethan go and collect them only to take Rose back instantly after he’d done that rather than just starting her evil ceremony with Rose instantly is a baffling oversight. It’s lazy writing like this that infuriates me that I ever thought this game’s story was decent, still if seen as just a means to end for the incredible gameplay it’s easy enough to ignore and doesn’t take anything away from that.

Resident Evil Village is a really fun game with some serious narrative issues. The incredible atmosphere and really fun gameplay still manage to save the game for me, but the bafflingly awful story annoys me greatly and is gonna make it hard for me to want to replay this game anytime soon.

Take your kid to work day goes brutally wrong

Resident Evil 7 ile birlikte Resident Evil serisi önceki oyunların yöntemini terk etmiş; sağı solu tarayarak, zombileri mermi manyağı yaparak ilerlediğimiz oyunlar yerini gerilim ve korku dozajı yüksek, serinin köklerine sadık bir yapıma bırakmıştı. Resident Evil Village da benzer -hatta çok benzer- bir yol izliyor, fakat önceki oyunda düşük tutulan aksiyon seviyesi Village'da yükseltilmiş; Resident Evil 7: Biohazard'da çok önemli olan kaynak kullanımı da bu oyunda çok daha pasif hale getirilmiş. Bunlar iyi mi yoksa kötü mü değerlendireceğiz. Onun dışında Village, önceki oyunun oyun motorunun biraz daha geliştirilmiş halini kullanıyor. 7'nci oyunda kullanılan motorun kaliteli olması bu oyunda da iyi bir motor kullanıldığı anlamına geliyor; vuruş hissi, karakter animasyonları ve tepkileri oldukça iyi düzeyde.

Village, hikaye olarak da 7'nci oyunun devamı. Hikaye, bir önceki oyunun hemen sonrasını konu alıyor. Ethan ve Mia bir köyde Chris'in tavisyesi üzerine inzivaya çekilmiş, sessiz sakin bir hayata adım atmışlar. Çiftin bir de Rose adında bir kızı olmuş. Hikaye bu konu üzerinden şekilleniyor. Genel olarak hikayeden büyük bir şikayetim olmasa da, hatta hikayeyi gayet yeterli bulsam da bu oyunu oynama sebebimin hikaye olmadığını rahatlıkla söyleyebilirim. Genel olarak beni bu oyuna çeken başarılı bölüm tasarımları, yeterli kalitedeki oynanış ve güzel yansıtılan atmosfer oldu.

Resident Evil Village çok derin ve detaylı bir hikayeye sahip olmasa da oynanış ve atmosferi ile beni memnun etti. Bunları fena olmayan bölüm sonu canavarları ve güzel tasarlanmış bölüm dizaynları ile taçlandıran Resident Evil Village kesinlikle önceki oyuna yaraşır bir devam oyunu.

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A solid title that offers a satisfying and emotional conclusion to the Ethan Winter Saga.

I can't understand why this game is not so praised, it's basically Resident Evil 4 with Ethan and first person.
It is more focused in action, but the horror is not forgotten and have the right amount of action and horror sections.
Ethan has a lot of personality and is well developed(In RE7, he wasn't a good character), good bosses and great enviroment.
Narrative really makes you expect for Resident Evil 9.

first off the environments in this game are so gorgeous and did so much for my immersion into the game. the game itself is also really fun and i never found myself bored at all. my only nitpick is that the story isn't absolutely groundbreaking or anything and i didn't feel much for it when i was done. still holds up though.
side note: the amount of people talking about lady dimitrescu made me think she would be around longer

Going into this, I seriously did not expect what was essentially Resident Evil 4 (2). Seriously though, this game takes atmosphere to the next level, with each area having a distinct feel and tone to it, while still feeling like all the same video game. My favorite segment by far was the doll house part, I really love when games like this put aside the combat for a bit and focus entirely on puzzle-solving and exploration. Definitely had the most unique progression out of any other area, and genuinely felt horrific (as a survival horror game should). I can't find myself comparing this game to RE7, as they are both very different and harken back to different eras of RE (7 being a more classic-style, 8 being 4-ish), but I do very much like the added layer of in-universe connection to the rest of the series which I felt 7 lacked and made feel too detached and almost like a spin-off. Its for that reason as well that I did not form a real emotional connection with Ethan until this game, especially when it came down to the ending. One small complaint, I feel like Dimitrescu's segment should have come later in the game considering the important looming locale and power/stature she exudes when compared to the other Lords. I also don't like how the game locks you out of returning to certain areas after you defeat the corresponding boss, it doesn't seem very fair if you're going for 100%

a little underwhelming on the horror aspect but nonetheless very good

I want lady dimitrescu to rip me in half

GooeyScale: 6/10

This game is like 65% of the way to being the best new Resident Evil game, but it drops the ball during the middle portion and then just limply kicks it to the end of the field.

Juegazo, no espera que Resident Evil pudiera volver a sorprenderme y sin duda este juego lo ha hecho.

um dos melhores jogos da franquia, história maravilhosa, gameplay extremamente divertida e a ambientação é fenomenal

Cuando eres el mejor Residente Malo