Reviews from

in the past

Awesome game. Still some multiplayer servers which is insane. The EA Battlefronts are fun but something about this one just makes it the GOAT.

kinda makes me cry like once in a lifetime game honestly

This and COD Black Ops 2. PC and console. Two old FPS loves of mine.

Games like this contain the beautiful essence of "die-swich-off" multiplayer that I find myself missing sometimes. I don't want to be a kid again. I like being an adult. But sometimes I don't mind feeling like a kid and games like this one make that easy.

It's probably a lot more fun in multiplayer.

beautifully designed action. goat classic

Fun in a fundamental way that most shooters just cannot seem to comprehend, let alone replicate.

I adored this game. My siblings and i would play this together all the time. The best SW game for sure.

me and my boy massacred hundreds of droids... felt good. cool game!

The feeling of this game will never be recaptured. Hours on end spent playing this with my brothers with no care for any balancing considerations. This game has so much content and truly captures the Star Wars battle experience my mind imagined as a child. The campaign is also a great time, exploring the many battles of the Clone Wars and beyond (despite the logistical issues of the timeline but I do not care one bit). Pure joy.

not quite the same but i appreciate the effort

lo que habre viciado a esto con mi primo cuando era chico, fui feliz

ts was crazy fun as a kid

Somehow it doesn't get old. This formula still manages to attract for quite many hours, and there's a lot of content in this.

Hell yes!

Still holds up, despite terrible FPS animations.

They can't seem to make another like it.