Reviews from

in the past

JOGASSO DA PORRA. tudo nele transborda um charme absurdo. é genuinamente a melhor entrada da franquia em muito do que se propõe a fazer. o combate um pouco falho e o grind basicamente obrigatório em algumas partes são os únicos pontos de que eu reclamaria mas continuei amando o jogo. Whether you like him or dont like him there's nothing you can do about it because hes number 1, Whether you like him... or dont like him there's nothing you can do about it because hes number 1

Toda la vida los videojuegos de la franquicia Yakuza me interesaron mucho, y muchas veces intenté comenzar a jugar a mas de uno y de ellos solamente pude terminar el Yakuza 0 (juegazo btw). Esto es porque el sistema de combate nunca me termino de atrapar, lo sentía repetitivo y con muy poco desafío. Lo que realmente me volvía LOCO eran las historias, los personajes, el mundo, realmente estos juegos son CINE puro.

Cuando en el 2020 me enteré de que el próximo Yakuza iba a ser en estilo de RPG por turnos y encima introduciendo un nuevo personaje a la franquicia, cosa de no sufrir tanto la falta de conocimiento por no jugar los casi 6 juegos anteriores. Parecía que lo habían hecho para mi.

Realmente no puedo explicar lo INCREÍBLE que me pareció este juego, la historia como de costumbre es espectacular, y los temas ultra serios que toca, la manera en la que los resuelve, como las interacciones entre los personajes son super creíbles y podes empatizar muchisimo con cada uno.

Suena super cringe, pero en serio que este juego se plantea resolver los problemas del día a día afrontandolos como si fuera un old-school rpg, y eso me parece fantástico. La historia de superación de un tipo que desperdició toda su vida encerrado en una carcel, viendo como el mundo cambió y lo dejó a él atrás es precioso. (....y super relatable...estamos entrando casi al club de los 30 acá....)

Pongo este juego en mi top RPGs de toda la historia, juntito a FF7, Chrono Trigger y todos los demás. Realmente es así de bueno.

la música es una locura encima, estas peleando y te dan ganas de bailar nana

Surprisingly good JRPG. Great cast and story. combat is fast and not too grindy. job system is fun to play with. just a solid game overall. would definitely recommend to someone who's never played yakuza or a JRPG.

Ichiban is the pinnacle of "my bonds give me strength"

i dropped dis cause da rpg elements are a bit much for me and i had to level grind, but it's a really good game with a really good story

also ichiban is <3 <3 <3

La nascita di un gran pg come Ichiban, ma troppo grinding per salire di livello in end game.

Finished in 2024

A turning point in the series in both gameplay and cast, but i’m pleasantly surprised by how easy it was for me to get on board with the changes. Ichiban Kasuga is an amazingly fun, kindhearted and spirited loser protagonist who instantly won me over. I’ve got 73 hours into this game and i’ve grown really really attached to Ichiban and his band of misfits.

I was worried I wouldn’t enjoy the turn based combat as much, but I did enjoy the strategy aspect and the cooky skills and jobs. It keeps things fresh and the game is not as “grind-y” as other Yakuza installments (looking at you Ishin….)

Great game for veteran and new players!!

I took a three year break half way through this game, but I finally returned to it this month and saw the game through!

A major turning point for the series for not only changing the cast, but changing the style of combat from action to turn based. While not every aspect of the new turn based system felt fully realized in how the characters respond to the environment and enemies around them as they move, I’d still take this over the floaty input delay mess that was Yakuza 6 and some of the other Dragon Engine games before Gaiden finally cleaned things up.

While I don’t think the main story landed with me, I really was won over by Ichiban Kasuga. The guy is just such a delusional loser, but I couldn’t help but root for him all the way through.

Though this game is a huge change for this franchise, Like A Dragon pulls it off very well. Ichiban is quite possibly the best video game protagonist ever written. Stepping into his world feels like being a kid playing in the backyard and imagining adventures set in classic RPGs. I would recommend this game to anyone looking to get a fresh start with the franchise, then to go back and play the previous entries if the world intrigues them.

Ichiban premier game* ja tosi hyvä korvaus kiryul en olis uskonut et ne vois korvaa sen näin hyvin mut nii

Pretty good transition to turn-based combat for the Yakuza series and I do like the new cast of characters but there's no getting away from the fact that the boss fights are not as good because of the slower battles and Ichiban ain't no Kiryu.