Reviews from

in the past

MGSV featuring a protagonist that suffers from Phantom Pain because of a lost limb which is a reference to the fact that it’s fans suffer from the Phantom Pain of missing their entire brain

thinking about the game like
actually playing the unfinished open world stealth game with real world timed crafting and base mechanics like

Gameplay was fuckin phenomenal, complete dopamine farm at its best. The story was awkwardly paced and didn't end in a satisfying way. Despite that, still a 4 1/2 at its best

"Boss, you killed a child?! ... Amazing, mission complete! That right there is why you're the best, Boss! The one and only!"

- S Rank -

probably the best controls out of any mgs game i played. when it came out i spent like a month working on some forums where we were hacking the file formats and i replaced the main character with quiet but she had like a rocket launcher stuck in her chest because it wasnt sticking the gun in her hand properly or something it was weird.

I don't remember shit about this game cuz I beat it years ago but this is one of my most played games on steam at 127 hours so I must have liked it.

An amazing masterpiece and yet at the same time a big dissapointment. The game has such an amazing sandbox but what it severely lacks is the focused maps of the older mgs games. What i wouldn't do for an actual mission dlc for this game...

Man I wish I was a metal gear cus like I love this game so much but is suck at stealth so I can't get into the series as a whole and big boss is only in this game sadly but whatever yeah I remember buying this game for 10 bucks like when I was 12 for whatever reason like i only played the only other metal gear I played was the third game on the 3ds and I didn't like it at all like the guns felt like shit I hated that the suppressors exploded after 2 shots and I sucked at stealth and I didn't like the whole fulton extraction and base building shit and only made it too the point where I got quiet since shes top 3 hottest women in gaming and deleted it right after the only i liked was the music player dawg and I only picked this game up cus like i was randomly wanted to play and ofc with my weird like coincidental luck the game was trending cus of the invisible edits so i was like oh ok at least i wont seem like a complete loser playing this game but yeah i went on to love everything this game like i love the fulton extraction shit after i unlocked the black hole shit and being forced to play warzone had my aiming with snipers on some dif shit like i was popping dudes with tranqs like nothing and I learned to like the whole resource management when I unlocked the ability to attack other people like I was a fucking menace dawg genuinely prob killed or kidnapped over 600 of peoples soldiers like you out fuel on the line im not lying like i feel so bad now cus like they would attack me back and lose multiple times cus they kept tryna get they lick back like shits crazy and when i took a 3 week break from this game and got back into recently i was ion want to rob people anymore i feel bad but i wanna upgrade my base whatever right so i was like randomly scrolling through the menu while I was researching shit and I was seeing the weekly league shit seeing me either drawing or winning ever raid and when i checked out the daily league i stg I only just read the pop-up bro but that says you gained of points😭like and i was confused AF like what hell is pf points and ONLY JUST NOTICED I HAD OVER 200K OF PF POINTS LIKE 💀💀💀 yeah im retarded but anyway great game I love the fact you can play music and shit in game i wish the game suppressed all the sound while you listen like when you play audio logs but it's fine and love how you can and underbarrel pistol thats hella cool but yeah I fan keep going on and on about everyone i love about this gane but I'll stop here 10/10 perfect game with billions of ways to approach every fight

no other release in this sector will ever surpass the smooth flowing gameplay of the phantom pain. god bless FOX engine.

p.s. yeah it's unfinished. the gameplay makes that up for me.

Somehow the best and worst game in the series at the same time

Best, most open ended stealth sandbox you can get.

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Okay last entry in the Metal Gear Survive doesn't exist

when MGS:V does something right, it succeeds to the greatest extent it can; when it doesnt it makes me think kojima is a bit of a hack. what the previous entries did in narrative is what phantom pain does in gameplay. Easily my favorite fast-paced stealth game loop, but at what cost?

when the characters shine in this title, im not sure if its cause im latched onto the past entries like a pup sucking from a teat or if its genuinely good. The villains in this game are the worst the series has ever been, most of the interactions feel somewhat forced (whenever eli showed up i was just like.. ok.). you know its fucked up whenever i would rather listen to kaz and code talker chat it up about hamburgers rather than the actual important conversations.

credit where credit is due, i think sahelanthropus is one of my favorite metal gears in the franchise.. and i really love venom snakes design (drooling over the fatigues) alongside psycho mantis being really fucking awesome when hes not a literal macguffin.

chapter 2 is where the cracks that have been there all along came to the forefront, the cutscenes in this chapter are actually really fucking good but to access them you need to do a bunch of arbitrary bullshit i thought that kojima learned better since peace walker.

to make a metal gear game story that has no replay value is a serious feat that i didn't consider possible until this game. but hey atleast they sure got the modernized ridiculously addicting gameplay loop!! blegh [im not gonna touch upon the comphet doomed yuri because it hurts too much but thank you kojima]

getting S rank on every mission for 100% is somehow infinitely easier to stomach than getting every desert animal for 100%

We'll make diamonds from their ashes; carry them into battle with us

This game deserves a better reputation than what it has, I don't believe this is "The Metal Gear with the best gameplay but the worst story" at all. Going too far into why would become spoilerly and I'd prefer not to, but this deserves to stand alongside the other enteries as a great story with excellent characters and just really brilliant moments. The (phantom) pain of never seeing the complete vision of what was planned will always string, but what we still have, still got to hold on to, is a blessing to itself.

For a take that's far less bold, the gameplay in this is excellent, this game getting close to being a decade old is one of the most visually stunning, technically impressive marvels of game design I've ever seen and carries on the series tradition of being revolutionary for the age it was made. This is a fun game to play with a lot of replayability and content, extremely dense and fun to experiment with.

I'm extremely happy with the way this ends the franchise, the perfect loop it creates going back to MG1, a close circle that ends the final game as the perfect narrative set up for the first.

> ganhe um audio de um cara se cagando
> se esconda no banheiro
> toque o audio do cara se cagando
> todo mundo fica com medo de olhar o seu banheiro

é o goat ntj (a segunda parte do jogo ser praticamente só repetição da primeira prejudica bastante o jogo)

I am sure that I made a mistake by playing this without having played any other metal gear solid game except peace walker, but who cares, gunning down soviets is fun and Kojima is a fucking genius for using The Man Who Sold The World on the intro