Reviews from

in the past

Hell is here and it's alright ig

Pony Island is one of those games that tries hard at being different and fourth wall breaking, but it falls a bit flat. Traversing the world of Pony Island is interesting in a way that its themes and ideas haven't really been seen before. The new ideas that this game brings to the table and all different and subvert your expectations, but when it gets to the point where the wow factor starts to wear off you start to see the flaws. The general gameplay of Pony Island varies depending on the stage of the game, but for the most part, it's bland and honestly boring. It feels like you're just waiting for the good parts to happen just to say "wow" and then move on to the next dopamine rush.

Now the different encounters and the best part of the game let you into some more worldbuilding and better gameplay moments, even if those moments are still nothing special. This is also where most of the 4th wall breaks happen which are fun for the most part. Pony Island is a game you play once because someone tells you that you need to play it, but watching a video of it will probably give you the same amount of enjoyment. It's also only like 2 hours long and in this case, that's a good thing.

Love me some psychological horror